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If you want my money give me world PvP


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Apparently I was ignorant to the fact that BW had no interest in PvP in an MMO, so I've already unsubbed. I bought this game because I wanted to see 100's of lightsabers/blasters going schlang pew schlang pew. I don't login to an MMO to play mass effect, er dragon age, er skyrim.... er a SINGLE PLAYER RPG.
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Apparently I was ignorant to the fact that BW had no interest in PvP in an MMO, so I've already unsubbed. I bought this game because I wanted to see 100's of lightsabers/blasters going schlang pew schlang pew. I don't login to an MMO to play mass effect, er dragon age, er skyrim.... er a SINGLE PLAYER RPG.


Having played an MMO that offered world PVP at an insane level I can tell you that while it would be nice the technology doesn't exist. Servers simply cannot handle the load of large scale world PVP.


You may want to see hundreds of lightsabers going pew pew pew but you never will at least not for about another decade if that. All you will see is a stuck screen followed by the log in screen because the server crashed. You need to get an education.

Edited by Iskur
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Apparently I was ignorant to the fact that BW had no interest in PvP in an MMO, so I've already unsubbed. I bought this game because I wanted to see 100's of lightsabers/blasters going schlang pew schlang pew. I don't login to an MMO to play mass effect, er dragon age, er skyrim.... er a SINGLE PLAYER RPG.


That will show em!


2 million players at 15/month = 30,000,000 in first month.


But wait! you unsubbed! golly jeez so, 1,999,999 players at 15/month = 29,999,985.


"Sorry Johnson, you dont get the usual free lunch this friday. . . we simply cannot afford it anymore. . ."

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Having played an MMO that offered world PVP at an insane level I can tell you that while it would be nice the technology doesn't exist. Servers simply cannot handle the load of large scale world PVP.


You may want to see hundreds of lightsabers going pew pew pew but you never will at least not for about another decade if that. All you will see is a stuck screen followed by the log in screen because the server crashed. You need to get an education.



I have my BA in CNS, not sure why that matters. 64 people in Battlefield 3 is easily comparable to 200 in this game with the graphical variances between the two. Planetside, an MMOFPS released 9 years ago has graphics marginally less than SWTOR and could handle 100's of tanks/jets/buggies/infantry/mechs rolling around in massive battles... it's not a lack of technology, it's a lack in design.

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Servers simply cannot handle the load of large scale world PVP.




What you are describing is called "bad game design". Planetside had hundreds of people in large scale PvP and ran great on far less powerful machines than we are using today.



The main problems:


1) Games develop too many too-high resolution textures. Displaying 100 players is not a problem. Displaying them with their thousands of possible combinations of unique high resolution textures is what kills it. Yeah it's great that you put on a necklace and it catches the light and creates its own shadow on your neck but it kills the graphics performance.


2) Game designs that intentionally cram a bunch of people into a small space. For example, Warhammer was an extremely stupidly designed game and I hope the people responsible feel ashamed and have gone back to cleaning toilets. Proper world PvP has multiple simultaneous objectives so that players tend to spread out naturally. In Planetside, for example, taking over a base could be accomplished by attacking the control point, attacking the generator or attacking the spawn room. Attackers and defenders would always be split between these three objectives (plus outdoor objectives like taking down the attacker spawn). So you'd have 100 people fighting in the same area but generally not in direct line of sight of each other.


Warhammer world PvP crammed both entire teams into one small room. Very very stupid game design, there.




So yes, it is possible to have massive open world PvP.


Just not when game designers are pants-on-head stupid.

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Have you tried makin a char on a PVP server? lol just sayin =[]


PvP servers have almost no world PvP because the two teams have so little overlap.


I play on a PvP server and I didn't see my first actual killable enemy until Alderaan, and that was only because I was taking a shortcut that ended up going through some enemy questing area that I otherwise would have never been assigned to go near.

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Have you tried makin a char on a PVP server? lol just sayin =[]


The worlds are designed such that if you do not actively hunt down world PVP, you aren't going to see much of it.


It's a legit design decision, but I am not a huge fan of it.

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The worlds are designed such that if you do not actively hunt down world PVP, you aren't going to see much of it.


It's a legit design decision, but I am not a huge fan of it.


Which seems silly to me, even from a PvE perspective.


Unless you level to 50 on both teams, you are missing out on a huge amount of content. Half of your $60 + $15/month is going into stuff you won't see if you only play one team.

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DAOC handled it just fine most of the time and that was -years- ago when it was in it's prime.


Yeah, but u want TOR + DAOC + WOW responsiveness = not going to happen.

Sure WAR also had alot of players including massive lag and other issues.


And when they finally implement descent world pvp you can all start complaining about how people run around like headless chicken. Coördination is a giant mess in most pug pvp groups i join.


Realm servers could solve part of the issue. You could make a thread containing information about the day, hour etc. to meet up in a certain zone and battle it out.

But world pvp on every planet with a progressive "thug of war" style gameplay; no, just no.


Anyone still remember the "world pvp" in hillsbrad (wow)? That is not the kind of gameplay i want eg. mindless zerging with huge amount of lag and fps issue's (even on low settings back then).




Planetside 2 will be world pvp all the way! really looking forward to it; the first one was amazing :)

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I have my BA in CNS, not sure why that matters. 64 people in Battlefield 3 is easily comparable to 200 in this game with the graphical variances between the two. Planetside, an MMOFPS released 9 years ago has graphics marginally less than SWTOR and could handle 100's of tanks/jets/buggies/infantry/mechs rolling around in massive battles... it's not a lack of technology, it's a lack in design.


Its has nothing to do with graphics you dolt. That is handled client side. War Hammer treid this. The servers always crashed. When you have major world events in any MMO the servers crash. The technology isn't there to do what you want.


And in planet side the server is dedicated to that battle that is why it works. Its instanced so resources are correctly allocated. The server not still trying to support the rest of the words as this massive world event is stressing it to the breaking point.


You simply don't know what the hell you are talking about. A professor I had once said that any shmuck can make a website to sell flowers but it takes someone who knows what the hell they are doing to make a website that can sell flowers that will work on February 13th. Its all about resource management.

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The worlds are designed such that if you do not actively hunt down world PVP, you aren't going to see much of it.


It's a legit design decision, but I am not a huge fan of it.


Exactly, hopefully something changes for the better because I game only to PvP.

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What you are describing is called "bad game design". Planetside had hundreds of people in large scale PvP and ran great on far less powerful machines than we are using today.


Instanced PVP where resource can be allocated correctly without other stresses on the sever its apples and oranges.


And quit talking about the machines. That is all client side. Resolution? Textures? None of that effects the serves. Your own words show how damn ignorant you are. I bet when the serve is lagging you are the ******** that tells people to turn down their graphics.

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Instanced PVP where resource can be allocated correctly without other stresses on the sever its apples and oranges.


And quit talking about the machines. That is all client side. Resolution? Textures? None of that effects the serves. Your own words show how damn ignorant you are. I bet when the serve is lagging you are the ******** that tells people to turn down their graphics.


I played Warhammer for 6 months and recall maybe a handfull of times where the servers went down due to something other than scheduled maintenance. What I do recall in Warhammer was my machine's FPS being extremely low because I was running a min specs setup. Guess what? My roomate had a well above min specs setup and could run the game flawlessly even when taking a heavily fortified enemy tower while attacking with a large scale army.... guess that means client side means nothing right?



Spewing "allocate resources" and "my professor said this" doesn't make you appear anymore intelligent than you actually are to anyone above prepubescence. As has been stated previously in this thread, Planetside did it, DAOC did it, Warhammer did it... it can be done, and its about game design not technology.

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I played Warhammer for 6 months and recall maybe a handfull of times where the servers went down due to something other than scheduled maintenance. What I do recall in Warhammer was my machine's FPS being extremely low because I was running a min specs setup. Guess what? My roomate had a well above min specs setup and could run the game flawlessly even when taking a heavily fortified enemy tower while attacking with a large scale army.... guess that means client side means nothing right?


Should of played on my server where we actually pushed the cities weakly. DtD had the world first if you remember.


Or maybe you played after everyone quit and you didn't have enough people to cause those problems anymore.


Spewing "allocate resources" and "my professor said this" doesn't make you appear anymore intelligent than you actually are to anyone above prepubescence. As has been stated previously in this thread, Planetside did it, DAOC did it, Warhammer did it... it can be done, and its about game design not technology.


Not knowing what it is only means you are stupid. And Warhammer did not do it. Warhammer failed to do it. I played on one the most active PVP server in the PVP guild/alliance the server always crashed. We were the reason that they had to cap the fortress. Why the hell do you think they did that? To lesser the strain on the server.


And quit bringing up planet side. Its an FPS. The server has no other responsibilities. The game is created and resources allocated based on size. If the resource aren't there the game isn't created until one finishes and resources freed up. That is how it works. That system doesn't work in MMO open world PVP.

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A professor I had once said that any shmuck can make a website to sell flowers but it takes someone who knows what the hell they are doing to make a website that can sell flowers that will work on February 13th. Its all about resource management.


Wait, flowers that will work on Feb 13th, or a website that will work on Feb 13th which sells flowers?


I'm so confused.


I'm guessing your professor was not teaching English?

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I don't know the gameplay habits of the OP, but most people that complain about lack of world PVP expect it to be handed to them. If you want world PVP, go out and make it happen. Here's how it happened on my server:


A player decided that he wanted world PVP whilst questing on Tatooine. He advertises in General chat to find likeminded individuals. I and 5-6 others were all up for it. We formed a speeder gang and headed north, combing the sands for stray Reps and Rep quest hubs. We start unfairly picking off the single players we find, hoping to instigate something. Eventually they got fed up, and a large group of them began to assemble. We finally clashed in an interesting area of terrain and had a blast for quite a while.


It took some time, but world PVP was readily available, and generally will be if you go make it happen.

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Should of played on my server where we actually pushed the cities weakly. DtD had the world first if you remember.



Didnt realize I was dealing with a professional MMO player here. My mistake, proceed being the know it all that lives in mom's basement and survives off pizza dorritos and pepsi... you win at life and the internets.

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Didnt realize I was dealing with a professional MMO player here. My mistake, proceed being the know it all that lives in mom's basement and survives off pizza dorritos and pepsi... you win at life and the internets.


Actually I'm a professional with degrees in this very field little boy. The technology does not exist yet to do what you want to do. I wish it did but it does not.

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Why because of planetside? I already told you how planetside and all large scale FPS work. The games are only created if there are enough free resources. That system does not work in an MMO where such events occur at random and anyone can just run into the zone and join in.


The technology does not exist to do what you want to do.


I think you need to go back to DeVry and ask for a refund for you so called degree because they didn't teach you ****. The fist words about "graphical variances" had absolutely nothing to do with server load so its obvious that your buya degree doesn't count for much.

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