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Worst head start idea ever?


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Please, would you stop complaining, this is just a perk to get into the game early. The release date is still the 20th, if we all decided to buy the game on release, everyone could get in. This is just a bonus for us, and a way for BioWare to handle the server load a little bit more smoothly, everybody wins.


lol come back and tell me how happy you are if your early access date is the 19th. :D


I am only frustrated with the poor communication. No e-mail about guild location, no e-mail about access date, that sort of thing. I totally understand what they are trying to do with the staggered access and I think it is a fine idea. Not one I would like to see repeated mind you, but a fine idea anyway.

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Even though I'm at work, I think the waves is a good way to handle it. Yes, waiting is hard, but it really allows them time to monitor the statistics of how many people are getting in and allowing a slightly staggered entry into the starting areas. People will still be close together, but just a little bit of a headstart so we all aren't waiting for the same clickies to reappear.
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I'll take crashed server, long queues and over populated start zones if it meant equal chance to get my character names.


At least that way once i got my names I could just take the day off and wait instead of being forced to wait and getting all the names zipped by somebody who stops playing the game in 2 weeks.


Equal opportunity has more value to me personally.

Edited by ShottyTheShotgun
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Patience coming from someone that hasn't been waiting for three years. It's not really that hard coming up with that much patience.



How do you know he hasn't been waiting 3 years?



Also, if you have been waiting 3 years why didn't you pre-order the second they came out?

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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


You wouldn't be complaining if it was you in the game right now would you.


No, exactly. We all want to play.. The difference is most of us aren't tards and are mature enough to not post whining threads about FREE game time offered as a good will gesture/bonus to reward those who pre ordered the game.


Chill out mate.

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If these people cry THIS bad over a launch of a video game, I can only wonder how they'll react when I corpse camp them in game?


Oh the nerd squeal is such beautiful sound to my ears.



I'm thoroughly enjoying the entertainment being bestowed upon us by the self-entitlement and ADHD generations.



Edited by Darth_Alki
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While I would like to know exactly when I'm getting in and haven't seen a staggered release before there is nothing we can do about it. I technically SHOULD have been in the first wave since I preordered right away but didn't know I had to put in my code for 2 months to get earlier access. Oh well.


Sucks that I will refreshing my email all day...or for days but I will get in eventually.

Edited by Beaver
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Making thousands to sit at computers refreshing their mailbox.

I still can't understand why they couldn't just send out e-mails when they will allow you to start playing few days prior this :confused:


Exactly what difference would that make? So you'd start sitting at your computer the day before and wait for your email?


People, life is short, there's no hurry. The game isn't going anywhere and you'll have your turn.


Heck I got early access for today first wave but I am at work so I can't play for hours yet.


I think I will stand up in my cubical and start crying so everyone can see I am upset. :eek::D

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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


Did you consider that the results of the stress tests are the exact reason they want to stagger? Perhaps they were so moved by the results that is why they added an additional two days to the Early Access. Contrary to popular belief, Bioware is well aware of what they are doing.

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I'll take crashed server, long queues and over populated start zones if it meant equal chance to get my character names.


At least that way once i got my names I could just take the day off and wait instead of being forced to wait and getting all the names zipped by somebody who stops playing the game in 2 weeks.


Equal opportunity has more value to me personally.


I think a lot of people share this concern and it is a valid one. Especially since there are RP servers. Names are especially important to those people.

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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


Because letting everyone in at once and having servers crash left and right is obviously a better alternative? :rolleyes:


Seriously, some of you people in these forums need to use your heads and stop being so impatient/selfish.

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think of it this way , you buy a car and the dealer tells you you can come get it 7 days earlier , but the only things he tell you is during these 7 day he will call you 5 minute before your car is ready...Oh the irony if you actually bought that car because the dealer gave you a earlier pickup date !
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I happen to like the waved idea overall. Though I'm not certain about the swquencing of it. Perhaps it should've been simply been randomly selected groups in these waves. I'm not complaining by any means. I have six kids, and one thing I've learned is patience. Yet, the argument about loyalty doesn't exactly hold water. But for some people, a busy life meant checking the ToR site every few days/weeks as opposed to every day, and some people had to wait until their budget allowed for the purchase of the pre-order. Are there people any less loyal? In my opinion they are just as loyal as those who had more free time and lots of money. Personally...it's just a game. I can wait. Though it would have been less headache for BW to simply say "ok, look guys, there's too many of you altogether so we're going to take a clue from other companies and just do a completely random waved launch" and then stuck to their guns. But you know what? The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and look whose been the squeakiest, the so-called loyal fans.


For what it's worth, BioWare, you guys rock!

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The OP must be the kind of person who gets upset if he has to wait 15 or so minutes to get a table at the restaurant.


>Impling OP ever leaves the house.


I can understand the frustration about not knowing when you get to play, but the headstart was supposed to start in two days, so you're not being cheated on anything until then.

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