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Rolling need for your companion


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Whatever allows you to sleep at night dude.. But i'll give you this, your one of the more successful trolls i've seen on these boards.
I'm not a troll though; I just don't agree with your notion of what my character is, and I think it's asinine for you to assume that it's universal and be angry with people who don't agree, and to think that it's not your responsibility to talk to people about that before the dungeon...


your is possessive

You're is a contraction of "you" and "are"

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Unfortunately a lot of the "Pro Gamers" are so entrenched in whatever game they were playing before SWTOR came along that they fail to grasp this simple concept.


They forget that it may help you play the wider game, whilst for them it's just an addition to their PvP arsenal. Flame me all you like, it's you that fails to understand the mechanics of this game, not me.


I will take what I NEED to enhance my gameplaying experience. If someone expresses an interest in a drop BEFORE we start then that's fine, but don't expect me to not take something I can use on my companion if you have not had the courtesy to tell me before we start that you are on the lookout for something.


Yup, it will take some time for the majority of players to adjust to this change in concept, some sadly will hold on to the old MMO way of thinking. The companions in SW add a lot of flavor and variety to the game. I keep my geared to the teeth, as I never know what I am going to need at any given time.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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lol guilded before 50. SO whats your guild do? or right just guild chat and NOTHING else. Sure some guild have cliques that will do some instances together and ignore the other 20 members. Seen this time and again.


I ONLY guild at Max level for raiding, to me a guild has no other purpose. I dont want to know you or how your day was or that your baby is taking its first steps. To me that is all pointless. All I want to know is can you raid heal and are you competant dps who does not stand in the fire, which is all irrelevent unless your max level.


You shouldn't even guild for raiding if you're casual enough to even remotely think companions are "part of your character". Just pug up, down a boss or two, cry over loot, and log out like usual.


I bet you think dps meters are just for "elitists", right?

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companions are not alts. Get this through your thick skull.


Did I quote you troll? No? Ok. L2R =( Fact is, you're just trying to start fights with the weakest arguements possible. Players and companions aren't the same....you can word it anyway you want but you're still the minority.

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I keep my geared to the teeth, as I never know what I am going to need at any given time.


Protip: If you need a companion at all to do anything but group content, you're doing it wrong. Nothing in this game is that challenging.

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But they aren't you.
Yes... they are. They are part of my character.


They aren't a member of that Flashpoint that is actually contributing to the defeat of that boss, and therefore being entitled to the loot.
I am a member of that Flashpoint that is actually contributing to the defeat of that boss, and therefore being entitled to the loot. I am entitled to any loot, regardless of which part of my character I'm going to equip it in.



It's an unwritten rule,
It really isn't. some servers in EQ didn't have NBG as the standard rule, it was roll/pass. Some gave all gems to the cleric and some didn't.


never assume that your loot rules are universal; and if you do, and aren't willing to take the 30 seconds required to explain them, don't be angry if people treat loot differently.

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Yup, it will take some time for the majority of players to adjust to this change in concept, some sadly will hold on to the old MMO way of thinking. The companions in SW add a lot of flavor and variety to the game. I keep my geared to the teeth, as I never know what I am going to need at any given time.



But would you need on a piece of gear a groupmate needed in a flashpoint just for your companion? I keep mine geared as well. And he does have a few instances pieces, but when I see the drop I say "If no one wants do you care if I take for my companion"...If you can't even type that simple line...you're selfish...

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You shouldn't even guild for raiding if you're casual enough to even remotely think companions are "part of your character". Just pug up, down a boss or two, cry over loot, and log out like usual.


I bet you think dps meters are just for "elitists", right?


The people I play with dont care about low end loot.


EG) last night 2 manning a lower level FP with 2 pets.


Me " Need for comanion loot"


Them "It all good man wont use this stuff more than a few hours"



Also may I please have the name of your uber guild and which server I would like to log in and speak to some of your members about how thier guild experience is going and how often then get guild groups going vs how often they pug?


Cmon I asked nicley.


PS you should try a different game if you think companions ARE NOT part of your character. Dont hate the player, hate the game (design)

Edited by WutsInAName
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Protip: If you need a companion at all to do anything but group content, you're doing it wrong. Nothing in this game is that challenging.


hehe, nah, not really. Lots of things in the game can provide challenges, and my companions help me all the time. We differ in how we view the game.

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But would you need on a piece of gear a groupmate needed in a flashpoint just for your companion? I keep mine geared as well. And he does have a few instances pieces, but when I see the drop I say "If no one wants do you care if I take for my companion"...If you can't even type that simple line...you're selfish...


But they won't do that, because they don't want the other players to need for companions. See, they want to need for them and their comps, but they only want you to need for your main -- that way, there is less competition for them. They want to be justified in what they are doing, without explaining it.

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But would you need on a piece of gear a groupmate needed in a flashpoint just for your companion? I keep mine geared as well. And he does have a few instances pieces, but when I see the drop I say "If no one wants do you care if I take for my companion"...If you can't even type that simple line...you're selfish...


If the gear is going to improve my character in a way that I have a need for it, I'll roll need on the item.

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hehe, nah, not really. Lots of things in the game can provide challenges, and my companions help me all the time. We differ in how we view the game.


We differ in that I know how to play it, whereas you Need for companions.

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No more so than the person who's unwillign to type "Don't need on stuff for your companion unless you ask and noone is going to use it, ok?"



So people should have to go out of their way to stop someone from being rude...instead of the guy who wants to need on stuff to ASK FIRST? Would you really listen if someone said that at the start of the group though? OR, first upgrade for your companion you see you say "screw this" and need it anyways?

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The leveling process and solo content post starting world was balanced around having a companion. What this means is that once you get your companion you are essentially required to gear two characters to continue being effective playing solo, which while leveling is 75% or more of the time.


I'm not really agreeing with people who roll need on an item their companion can use before letting a contributing member of the Flashpoint have it, but arguing that your companions aren't a part of you is stupid, they need gear almost as much as you do. I will concede though that some classes don't need their companion as much as others, but some (like the Madness Assassin) require a well geared companion to even survive eve leveled solo content.


My take? Take a look at who's rolling what and see if it's an upgrade for them. If they roll need, let them have it or ask if it's OK to roll need for your companion, if no one says anything or they say it's OK, go ahead and roll.


No one can fault you for communcating and asking first.

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85% of the game is outside of dungeons. To say that your companion isn't part of you is just 100% ignorant.


Then run the instance with your companion. Make a group of you and 1 other person. Then both of you can use companions.


Wait what you cannot do that? Most places require atleast 4 people. Hmmm. Then lets assume that all people work for there main character participating are working for there main character.


Then lets assume that you actually work on the planet for accommodation which can also be used to purchase items that can upgrade your companion characters.


Being that companions when you have all of them can wear the whole assortment of gear. I have so far with only 2 companions light armor, my character medium armor, and second companion heavy armor. In the long run I can basically with your rule set roll on all gear drops in every instance I run. Also including all weapons from light sabers to pistols and rifles.

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If you believe this so strongly post your character name, server, and guild name and state that you will roll need on any piece of gear for your companion in any raid or group activity where your companion did not contribute.


So far, none of the people who think it is ok are willing to stand by their convictions.

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