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I think patch 1.1 is going to force me out :(


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I think he's more complaining about the fact that he is able to pvp now, and he won't be after the patch. So PvPing on a PvE server is working out for him now, and BW is going to break it, with some good intentions mind you, but they're still breaking pvp for him.


He said he waited in a 2.5 hour queue the other night.

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Huh? What happend to a BW dev saying it kills community and they didn't want to do it? Which is what I agreed with...

Queues are perfectly fine on my server..


Im actually starting to get to know people and players are building a name for themselves within the community. Just like oldskool WoW, rather than the anonymous pile of bantha poodoo cross-server queueing brings with it..


Apparently Stephen wishes to nip community building in the bud. Bad move Stephen.

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No, you don't. There is no opportunity for "community interaction" in PvP. Unless you are on a dead server, the chances of repeatedly running into the same players is astronomically low. Especially once the majority of the playerbase has reached level 50.


The main issue with cross-server queues in PvE is accountability. That issue doesn't exist for PvP. Absolutely wrong


Faster queue times for everyone (objective benefit) >>> astronomically low chance of finding friends/rivals in a Warzone.


PvP community is formed through world PvP... not Warzones. More absolute wrongness



You have poor math skills. You need to pay attention when they teach statistics.

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Congrats on the 50. :)


Your server isn't 'dead' by any means, but it's a lower population server than some others. The good news is, the population is growing daily as more people buy the game and get online (we can see the growth). However, you're right in that the number of level 50 players is going to be small and won't increase dramatically in a short period of time.


Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future. In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling a new character, either on your own server or another server (perhaps a PvP server?). On your own server, you'll be able to PvP all the way from L10 to L49 without any issue, and by the time you get close to the cap you can see how the L50 Warzone 'scene' is. On another server - especially a PvP server - you may find a more PvP-centric community.


Wow, talk about a fail answer to a real issue.

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it certainly would explain their decision on the server forums.




So the official reason is they are too cheap to pay for the mods? I guess no one in Biowares customer support executive structure has ever heard of a volunteer system.


Huffington Post moderates a zillion radical posts a day with all volunteers.


Whats the big deal?


Normally I complain that devs are incompetent, but here it is obviously incompetent scaredy cat management.

Edited by AngryBuddhist
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But all I really do is pvp. Sadly, I'm on a dead server (Nathema). Patch 1.1 is going to have all level 50's in their own pvp queue. There's only a couple level 50's on the server that actually pvp. That means without a cross-server pvp queue I and other level 50's will NOT be able to pvp anymore.




Seriously guys, I'm totally bummed out over this.



Most of the warzones I see, have consistant 5-8 lv 50s and you dont see the same lv50s until you cycle through about 4-5 warzones, this has been a constant since Jan 1st. Perhaps rerolling and allowing the rest of the server to ding 50, and in the meantime go into a warzone on a lower level alt. Since you are not upset that you cant face roll low levels anymore and you are just worried you will have long queues, this is the best solution.



But this just sounds to me as you are upset that you wont be able to face roll lv10s anymore.


If anything they have waited too long to "flip the switch" to give 50s their own bracket, considering the gear these lv 50s have already got from face rolling low levels.

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Most of the warzones I see, have consistant 5-8 lv 50s and you dont see the same lv50s until you cycle through about 4-5 warzones, this has been a constant since Jan 1st. Perhaps rerolling and allowing the rest of the server to ding 50, and in the meantime go into a warzone on a lower level alt. Since you are not upset that you cant face roll low levels anymore and you are just worried you will have long queues, this is the best solution.



But this just sounds to me as you are upset that you wont be able to face roll lv10s anymore.


If anything they have waited too long to "flip the switch" to give 50s their own bracket, considering the gear these lv 50s have already got from face rolling low levels.


Wow what a jerk, he clearly says legitimate reasons why no x-server queue hurts the game and his playing in particular along with others. He says nothing to suggest we wants to faceroll lower levels.


It shouldn't even be a question to have x-server WZs and they should hive been in at launch, it's a step backward in good modern mmo design.

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If they put it in cross server queuing, i'm quitting. It takes a bare minimum of effort to let 50's play with sub 50's, as I posted here (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162505) explaining how. Cross server queuing is just a destructive, and really, lazy developers way of avoiding dealing with the real issues that unbalance PVP at 50.


That thing ruined WoW and was in fact one of the final nails in the coffin of people actually speaking with each other on my server. I play MMO's for the community. Not to faceroll with a bunch of faceless goons. Thanks to people actually learning to socialize in TOR again, i've met more people who I group with here, then I have in the last year of WoW's "semi AFK" queue spamming system.


If I wanted to play with a bunch of faceless avatars, i'd go play Battlefield 3 or Counterstrike. Why would I ever want to sit through the destruction of another community thanks to cross server queues again?





Edit: And just to head off the trolls who think they know better. There's no issue of conceited players on here thinking I don't want to go "up against pros" or something. In fact, I typically roll with a premade against other premades given how borked the current system is, and I win far more matches then I ever lose.


I just don't want the system to go back to being a pointless grind that only exists for the inevitable carrot on the stick, like it's become in WOW. You had might as well go play a single player game with well designed bots, with a cross server queuing system up. It encourages a lack of communication, lack of good play, and lack of community on your server. It's crap.

Edited by Radiatonia
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Apologies for the painfully large wall of text in front of you, but I started typing and then suddenly - this.


Not going to bother tl;dr-ing this, so read it if you want, or don't. Not really fussed either way. Just opinions, like all things in this thread.



I was determined to read all the posts, in case anyone shared my opinion. but 42 pages of "re-roll brodelhime" or "quit QQ-ing" is hard to take directly to the brain. (not saying there haven't been some good posts made, there have)


My personal opinion, is that PvP-ers on many servers are too static. I'm on swiftsure like other could-be-aussies, and personally have no hard time finding a queue.

Yes - it was strange seeing a 10 - 50 bracket

No - it wast life-shatteringly devastating. I personally could still do a good deal of damage with a 21 sith marauder, even killing L50's and many 40's - not being egotistical, just my observation.

Yes - the PvP side could have been handled differently

Yes - this game, like many others, has focused on PvE and the STORYLINE (which - though I am a hardcore PvP-er - have adored greatly) rather than PvP.


As I said above, my opinion is that people are too static on servers. People make their character, level it up to 50, start/continue PvP-ing and such. All good, life is lovely and the universe is sated.


Then you get the FoTM characters, the "OP" PvP Classes/<Insert other "why i cant pvp right" excuses> and the worst of worst - damn DAMN defectors. IE: Roll republic, find that pubs are outmatched 2 - 1 and re-roll empire. This is what people who have no actual ability to PvP/Patience do.


All the BEST PvP-ers I have ever had the pleasure of meeting/playing with/playing against, all wanted a challenge, not a boost to their ego.

When I played WoW, I was personally in a guild that dealt almost solely in PvP, and we would "shift" on almost a bi-yearly rotation moving to the other side of the server, simply because the other side wold re-roll on one side and the imbalance would become intolerable for anyone looking for a challenge. This was a short term solution, and It seemed to work.


Anyone who seeks out the strongest side available, just to steamroll the hell out of your opponents, really shouldn't be into PvP. Its not the.... honorable(not sure if this is the word I really want to use but it'll suffice) way. Its just the ez-mode for those who want to feel tough, but don't have the discipline(again, not a word I really want to use, but it fits) to master the actual skill of PvP.


Kinda like Honorable Fist Fighting Heavies in TF2 - *fistfighting happily* (aka any evenly matched fight, worthy of Odin's grace) then suddenly snipers *********** everywhere (aka the change in balance ratio of the server because a group of people deigned that one side was stronger than the other and re-rolled like the plague was biting at their heels)




ALL of that being said, those of you who don't have the time to re-roll on both sides of the fence, or people who just don't want to change sides period, for whatever reason. I'm completely sympathetic of your plight if you are being given the short end of the stick... or smaller slice of the server. But remember that if you are on a decent PvP server, there will always be PvP-ers looking for a challenge, so stay strong and keep kicking ***, regardless of what side you are on.


To all those with the flame-cannons fully armed and ready to fire, put them away, these are all my personal opinions on the matter.


You don't like them? All good.

You agree? Excellent, and may I meet you one day on the field of battle in glory and honor!

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If they put it in cross server queuing, i'm quitting. It takes a bare minimum of effort to let 50's play with sub 50's, as I posted here (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162505) explaining how. Cross server queuing is just a destructive, and really, lazy developers way of avoiding dealing with the real issues that unbalance PVP at 50.


That thing ruined WoW and was in fact one of the final nails in the coffin of people actually speaking with each other on my server. I play MMO's for the community. Not to faceroll with a bunch of faceless goons. Thanks to people actually learning to socialize in TOR again, i've met more people who I group with here, then I have in the last year of WoW's "semi AFK" queue spamming system.


If I wanted to play with a bunch of faceless avatars, i'd go play Battlefield 3 or Counterstrike. Why would I ever want to sit through the destruction of another community thanks to cross server queues again?





Edit: And just to head off the trolls who think they know better. There's no issue of conceited players on here thinking I don't want to go "up against pros" or something. In fact, I typically roll with a premade against other premades given how borked the current system is, and I win far more matches then I ever lose.


I just don't want the system to go back to being a pointless grind that only exists for the inevitable carrot on the stick, like it's become in WOW. You had might as well go play a single player game with well designed bots, with a cross server queuing system up. It encourages a lack of communication, lack of good play, and lack of community on your server. It's crap.


Totally agree - faceless, ego-boosting (for the facerollers of course), no skill involved.


no me gusta.

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Wow what a jerk, he clearly says legitimate reasons why no x-server queue hurts the game and his playing in particular along with others. He says nothing to suggest we wants to faceroll lower levels.


It shouldn't even be a question to have x-server WZs and they should hive been in at launch, it's a step backward in good modern mmo design.


My assumption was made by this

But all I really do is pvp.



Yet rolled on a pve server, in a story driven MMO to pvp....


If he had wanted to do pvp why not be on a pvp server?

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1. You should have joined a PvP server.

2. You don't sound new to MMO's so would have been smart enough to realize that full servers with a queue at launch will not have queues within weeks as population caps are raised and as the holidays end and distribution of play time takes over.


I personally hope cross server PvP queues are a long ways away. I find it more fun recognizing people in PvP and building that server community. Its not as bad as Flashpoint cross server queues which destroy the chance of making friends in the game but id rather have low pop servers merged first.


I know people would complain about chances of losing their name but to that I can only blame them for choosing their server without considering the future of an mmo. I mean if Swtor tanked low pop servers would have merged within the first few weeks so it should have been a

Known risk.

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Oh god not cross-server pvp ><. One of the things i greatly enjoy here is the fact that pvp is server specific, it makes me actually care a little, instead of just zoning out for the duration because it is just a bunch of strangers.
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Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future.



Please, no. Just no. We already don't have a strong enough cross-faction community due to the way zones are organized. This will take away a server's identity.

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If you as a player wants to ensure a high number of people will be in queue for PvP, then do not roll your toon on a PvE server. The admin is right, he should reroll. Cross server PvP is an absolutely horrible idea that will kill what little sense of community this game has considering this game currently lacks realm forums.



People in PvP ops now are actually tolerable and even trainable to be better players. With cross faction PvP, you get people who can't be held accountable for their play and, with anonymity, become complete @uckwads. At least with same server PvP, horrible players can be crafted over time into better players through the constant shaming and guidance of the vets. This kind of reputation can only be built upon a community of players who play each other on a daily basis.


If BioWare was so concerned with cross-realm play, why not just make all servers share the instances of a planet. I could just shuttle to Republic Fleet (345) to meet up with my friends to run a flashpoint. Why? Because I play MMO's for the community and not the carrot on a stick grind that rakes in the cash for you, EA.


I, and many others, don't want our community ruined because YOU don't know how to roll a PvP toon on a PvP server.

Edited by maomoa
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Wow, talk about a fail answer to a real issue.


I love how people take 1/5 of a quote and turn it into something it isn't to call it a fail...


Rolling a new character on a PvP server 'in the interim' is a very realistic short term solution for a player who is one of the few 50's on a PvE server and is having issues finding PvP matches.


There is absolutely nothing 'fail' about that answer.

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Really dawg?


To be honest I don't see cross server pvp as an issue? Please enlighten me about the fact that this should be ruining the game?

i see this type of opinion a lot, as well as the opposite.


i think a lot of it boils down to your experience in game, and whether or not you had the chance to play wow when there was no cross-server interaction.


on the plus side, it greatly reduced queue, people could pvp (or run instance, in the case of LFG) when they wanted to.


on the down side though, it virtually eliminated the possibility of you ever developing any sort of relationship with the people on your forum.


back when WSG was new in WOW, people could establish themselves as great players in certain roles. whenever i saw x-player, i could count on him being the flag carrier. if i see a couple names together, i knew that I should try to take out/separate them before trying to take one out, etc.


so, both points are valid, but PERSONALLY, i prefer to wait, and actually getting to know the people from my server.


so, to take the quote one step further, I don't think it's ruining the GAME, but it IS going to ruin the community.


at this point though, i think BW either doesn't care about the community, or doesn't know how to promote the community, as exhibited by their unwillingness to provide server forums.

Edited by oredith
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I was going to feel bad for you, then I checked and confirmed you are on a PVE server and complaining that people don't want to PVP. Were there no PVP servers available when you made your character?


A nonsensical argument. All a PvP server does is enable no-consent PvP in certain zones. It doesn't mean its players don't want to PvP, nor does it hold exclusive the sort of structured PvP that actually contains something resembling depth.


The whole idea of a PvP server is actually pretty pointless, but that's a rant for somewhere else.

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i see this type of opinion a lot, as well as the opposite.


i think a lot of it boils down to your experience in game, and whether or not you had the chance to play wow when there was no cross-server interaction.


on the plus side, it greatly reduced queue, people could pvp (or run instance, in the case of LFG) when they wanted to.


on the down side though, it virtually eliminated the possibility of you ever developing any sort of relationship with the people on your forum.


back when WSG was new in WOW, people could establish themselves as great players in certain roles. whenever i saw x-player, i could count on him being the flag carrier. if i see a couple names together, i knew that I should try to take out/separate them before trying to take one out, etc.


so, both points are valid, but PERSONALLY, i prefer to wait, and actually getting to know the people from my server.


so, to take the quote one step further, I don't think it's ruining the GAME, but it IS going to ruin the community.


at this point though, i think BW either doesn't care about the community, or doesn't know how to promote the community, as exhibited by their unwillingness to provide server forums.


I agree, when I was on my server I was in a hardcore PVP and raid guild.

We had pre-mades but we also had a nemesis guild that we had a feud with.

It was awesome.

We flamed each other on the forums and had it out for each other.


I was a high-end mage and could develop relationships with players of both factions.

When I saw a certain someone in a warzone I would go after them and greif them hard, and they'd do the same to me. It went a long way to build community and was extremely fun.

I think a part of this is having a solid group of friends that pvp and always pvping with them. At least then you can build a community with them.


I haven't heard BW was adding cross-server pvp yet but maybe I'm wrong.

But I hope they don't for awhile, I want to build some feuds and build some community with the republic side players.

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