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Post your Spec ?Why?


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So many of these threads are about which spec to choose. In just about all of them, when someone mentions a spec, someone else eventually asks them to post the spec.




Weather you are Watchman, Combat, or Focus... your spec is Watchman, Combat, or Focus respectively. There is very little wiggle room in each spec. It's like 2 or 3 things you can choose not to get, and they are usually no-brainers. I just astounds me how simply saying "I'm specced Watchman" simply isn't enough for most people.

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i don't think its the exact spec most people is interested in, like you say there is not much wiggle room if you got full out in a tree.

imo its the comments people attach to the spec which people need/ask for, comments like why this is better than that.


as an example the focus tree discussion about taking increased off hand dmg or the get back focus on slash thingie was started due to a spec link. i find it very helpfull at least to me to get some well based arguments on why this ability might be better than the other.


it all gives me a better understanding of the class, even though it isn't me who figures the optimal things out.


and if/when people start to play with cross specs the how and why is also more interesting than the link itself

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Watchman PvP is very different from PvE and has several options. Do you want your leap to root longer, do you want to reduce the cd on Master Strike and Stasis, do you go for Steadfast for the 3% accuracy, do you pick up Focused Pursuit?


At the same time Focus PvP gives you similar options. Do you use Cauterize as Focus and pick up Inflammation so you can slow them while Exhaustion is on CD? Do you go for Defensive Roll because of the crazy AOE in Voidstar or Focused leap to help with focus issues.


For PvE, there are optimal builds with very little wiggle room, I'll grant you that but there are several optional points in each tree that afford a bit of diversity. Tree discussions also help work out some of the unknowns in the builds and simply talking about a particular build may shed some insight into an ability or talent.

Edited by Maefly
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So many of these threads are about which spec to choose. In just about all of them, when someone mentions a spec, someone else eventually asks them to post the spec.




Weather you are Watchman, Combat, or Focus... your spec is Watchman, Combat, or Focus respectively. There is very little wiggle room in each spec. It's like 2 or 3 things you can choose not to get, and they are usually no-brainers. I just astounds me how simply saying "I'm specced Watchman" simply isn't enough for most people.


To give a specific example, I'm considering going 7 into Focus for 2/2 Swift Slash (+15% crit on Slash IIRC). My current Combat Spec is only 3 into Focus, and Slash isn't on my bar.


The way I fight will change if I respec to get this one talent, adding back an ability I no longer use (Blade Rush replaces Slash at present). However, if damage output is significantly higher with Swift Slash, that might be a reasonable choice; I would sacrifice reduced Focus on the AOEs (Force Sweep, Cyclone Slash) from the Watchman tree which seem lackluster to me except in fights of 5 normals.


I'm thinking the boosted Ataru proc onto a crit-boosted Slash might boost my single-target DPS significantly. We're talking about a 2-point different in specs.


That's why.

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dont do it. The 30% crit damage on blade rush, ensures blade rush replaces slash entirely for combat.


...ah, from Saber Storm. I'd forgotten about Saber Storm, since I didn't have Blade Rush when I got it.


Ok, good to know.


Still looking for something more useful to do with the two points in Quick Recovery. The only common use I'm getting now is that Force Sweep is a nice "finish that guy off while I main target this one" and a way to set up Opportune Strike if Blade Storm is down.

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the 1 focus cyclone is actually quite good. it makes the skill viable.

Its still not a "high dps" aoe move. but with that its cheap. and spammable.

There are fights were that is very useful.


Also, as combat ataru procs on cyclone slash makes it way better for you,, then focus or watchman.

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Within the primary tree, only about 28 points are fixed. Defensive Forms is obvious (as well as 1/2 of Cloak of Carnage for PvP specs). Enraged Slash is guaranteed unless you're talking a Rage/Focus spec in PvP that doesn't plan on actually using Slash/VS, which is possible although slightly odd. The main reason to really drop that talent though is to pick up the 30% AOE damage reduction on top of a "filled out" 32-34 point Rage/Focus spec.


So, about 31 to 34 points are fixed.


Still some flexibility for 7-10 points depending on the tree.

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There ya go, to me focused pursuit wins. I mean 80% movement speed in combat for 10 seconds and you should if done correctly be able to pop that once every 30 sconds. I dunno about you but that makes survival for me a joke at times, not to mention it reduces damage and speeds up your healers also. Easy to sacrifice the PVE offhand / hit talents and honestly its not even that big a dps loss when you consider how much faster you can travel around the battlefields. Think rogue with sprint 40% of the battle, yea thats this spec. Jedi crusader, defensive forms and valor will keep centering practically maxed at all times, so you just keep spamming super sprint allday and circle strafe people to death.


I constantly do 400k damage and 50+ kills with at most 2 deaths in WZ's. And thats solo queued.

Edited by Vegathegreat
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My current build. I keep for both PVE and PVP. I had inflammation, mainly for PVP and in PVP it was nice but 6 seconds only - tho you should be able to get cauterize on nearly every 10 seconds anyways, I just use leg slash and find those 2 points better spent elsewhere and the extra focus spent for it


I did have Dual Wield Mastery maxed, but tried Jedi Crusader and it can be really nice (1on1 in PVP and against elites/gold/bosses in PVE if you're being hit of course)... and the actual bonus from a full 36% offhand dmg anyways is just atm not that much more where those points are missed at all...


I really underestimated accuracy, and scoffed at 3% more but with accuracy stat mods it can really be nice boost. And extra focus on leap is more for PVE, where 5-0m leap becomes more of a focus builder first (but it's a gap closer first in PVP!). Defensive forms + Valor I mean you crap out centering - seriously but you'll want to... the dmg reduction from it is nice too it seems small but makes a difference I think.


And having just gotten into Huttball, I really find Forced Pursuits awesome in it, why I have points there. ONLY REASON - Hutball! BUT - practically otherwise it's a waste and I removed Watchguard and that's a mistake, WG is a vital skill. 2 sec less kick and 45sec pacify is really nice.

Edited by ErisktheRed
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My spec (combat) 3/35/3



+ very high burst dmg

+ additional root/slow breaker

+ stronger force camouflage, which lets you escape and get you to heal objectives faster

+ additional target rooter with crippling throw

+ 15 % increased passive runspeed

+ increased range on pacify

+ extremely fun to play


The spec doesn't have a perfect rotation, more like a priority system which is still very situational. But if you master the spec, you definately gonna have a lot of fun with it and be able to do very well solo in warzones and also in a premade group.


Spec requires high-end gear tho to reach it's full potential, it should be a full epic mix of centurion and champion gear.

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My spec (combat) 3/35/3



+ very high burst dmg

+ additional root/slow breaker

+ stronger force camouflage, which lets you escape and get you to heal objectives faster

+ additional target rooter with crippling throw

+ 15 % increased passive runspeed

+ increased range on pacify

+ extremely fun to play


The spec doesn't have a perfect rotation, more like a priority system which is still very situational. But if you master the spec, you definately gonna have a lot of fun with it and be able to do very well solo in warzones and also in a premade group.


Spec requires high-end gear tho to reach it's full potential, it should be a full epic mix of centurion and champion gear.


The problem i see with that build is debilitation and master focus. Its know that debilitation is broken and pretty much useless. You cant use it in pvp and only works on normal mobs in pve. Reducing the CD on master strike seems good but again pretty much useless in pvp since when fighting someone they should never let you get off a master strike if they do there bad. If debilitation was fixed i think this would be a great build.

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A lot of bad in this thread. Skipping watchguard for some superfluous bs like focused pursuit? Bad. Skipping insight? Bad. Force shroud just isn't worth the points. Need invulnerability during force camo? Use guarded by the force. In conjunction with it. Talent points are precious things. They need to be used to overcome weaknesses in the best way possible.


For now I believe 31/7/3 is the best. Taking the extra focus on leap talent. It hurts me to take that talent as it is literrally five focus every minute which kinda gives you the enrage ability of guardians except one less focus and you have to keep your gap closer on cd for it. That hurts but it's better than striking. Everytime I have to spam strike I die inside and you're going to hit it 2-3 times per zstrike in some(read: most) occasions. Five focus reduces that by 2-3 perhaps more over the course of a minute.


In watchman you take watchguard, everything else is pretty obvious. In combat you take crusader and 1 in dual wield if you pvp at all or max dual wield and skip crusader if you pve exclusively. None of this is for certain but this is a reasonable guess at max pvp/pve dps. Steadfast may have a place but it's less noticeable and without a combat log I'm goin to say a more smooth rotation > accuracy.

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A lot of bad in this thread. Skipping watchguard for some superfluous bs like focused pursuit? Bad. Skipping insight? Bad. Force shroud just isn't worth the points. Need invulnerability during force camo? Use guarded by the force. In conjunction with it. Talent points are precious things. They need to be used to overcome weaknesses in the best way possible.


For now I believe 31/7/3 is the best. Taking the extra focus on leap talent. It hurts me to take that talent as it is literrally five focus every minute which kinda gives you the enrage ability of guardians except one less focus and you have to keep your gap closer on cd for it. That hurts but it's better than striking. Everytime I have to spam strike I die inside and you're going to hit it 2-3 times per zstrike in some(read: most) occasions. Five focus reduces that by 2-3 perhaps more over the course of a minute.


In watchman you take watchguard, everything else is pretty obvious. In combat you take crusader and 1 in dual wield if you pvp at all or max dual wield and skip crusader if you pve exclusively. None of this is for certain but this is a reasonable guess at max pvp/pve dps. Steadfast may have a place but it's less noticeable and without a combat log I'm goin to say a more smooth rotation > accuracy.


Except when your the only person left defending a node, you are at 10% health and a dot was just applied, u now get to force camo....wait duration, stop cap......guarded by force.....med pack......go from there, all of which buys you minimum 15 seconds of solo defense at a node for help to arrive.

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The problem i see with that build is debilitation and master focus. Its know that debilitation is broken and pretty much useless. You cant use it in pvp and only works on normal mobs in pve. Reducing the CD on master strike seems good but again pretty much useless in pvp since when fighting someone they should never let you get off a master strike if they do there bad. If debilitation was fixed i think this would be a great build.


No, it's not broken. I play the same 3/35/3 combat-build except my three focus talents are 3/3 Insight. Debilitation works as intended.


This build is just great for pvp:


You have two roots - Displacement and Master Strike -, you have a snare- and rootbreaker with Force Camouflage and your runspeed is 15% higher. With this build you deal the damage extremely fast and bursty:


(Relic ->) Precision Slash -> Master Strike -> Blade Storm hits the enemy like a truck.


You have focus en masse due to Combat Trance, the reduced cooldown of Zealous Strike and Focused Leap which makes you dangerous even when your Master Strike is on cooldown:


(Relic ->) Zen -> Precision Slash -> spam Blade Rush/Blade Storm.


This build is exceptional in 1n1 situations since you'll burst your enemy into defense in no time. I like it. It is lacking a little passive survivability which is the only bad thing to mention. Because of that you should wear decent Champion/Centurion gear as Moldrany said before.

Edited by Ibuki
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Except when your the only person left defending a node, you are at 10% health and a dot was just applied, u now get to force camo....wait duration, stop cap......guarded by force.....med pack......go from there, all of which buys you minimum 15 seconds of solo defense at a node for help to arrive.


Ah, hypotheticals. Lovely things. Shall I create a dozen of my own? Then we can go back and forth all day. It will be enlightening. Or we can just admit that your scenario is very situational and that doing more damage or preventing more damage through interrupts is better in more situations?

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I don't know how someone deep in the Watchman tree can even begin to justify skipping Watchguard. Having Force Kick on a 6 second CD is beyond amazing and is constantly making a little voice in my head tell me to switch from Combat to Watchman. Edited by PantsOn
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I don't know how someone deep in the Watchman tree can even begin to justify skipping Watchguard. Having Force Kick on a 6 second CD is beyond amazing and is constantly making a little voice in my head tell me to switch from Combat to Watchman.


I spent 70k in an hour in repair bills yesteday after trying a Focus build after being exclusively Watchmen. It wasn't really a fair trial, since it would take me days of practice to get my reaction time and muscle memory to a point where I could fairly judge; but I cut the experiment short simply because of how agonizing the difference between a 6 second kick and an 8 second kick is, coupled with the zero range Force Leap interrupt. Not having those was so painful that I was simply not willing to continue the experiment to see where it would end up. I would have put up with any amount of poor DPS while I practiced, but not having that interrupt ability was just seriously un-fun.

Edited by andrew_b_gross
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Here is my spec. This is probably the best pvp spec currently in the game for a sentinel.




Far from the best. You sacrifice far to much to get Defensive Roll and even then, for PvP, just move out of the AoE :rolleyes:. Taking 3 points in increased off hand damage for a spec that primarily uses force (no offhand calculation) is wasted points.


You definitely want Focused Slash since your Zen state will actually GIVE you 6 focus.


You also want Stagger the extra second is an eternity when trying to land a sweep or keep them in the short range for exhaustion or melee.


Also, Jedi Crusader is a great talent that helps with the focus generation problem. Gives us passive focus from Rebuke.

Edited by Maefly
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