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My name has been deemed unfit by Bioware customer serveice...do you think so?


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I think you should just be honored, that you are among the 0.0001% of the player base that has managed to get some human interaction with their customer/account service.

The rest of us unworthy players are only able to "communicate" with the protocol droid.


You're my hero!


I imagine it's an automated email of some kind :p

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A customer service story from EQ2:


GM: "This is GM Generic, I'm going to change your name as it violates our naming policy."

Janus: "Why is that?"

GM: "It has **** in it."

-- disconnect --

Janosh: "***?!"

GM: "I changed your name."

Janosh: "But this name is stupid, can I have a different one?"

GM: "ok."

Janosh: "What about Jazz?"

GM: "I don't think that's allowed either."

Janosh: "I change some characters then: Jass"

-- disconnect --

Jass: "..."


The lead GM changed it back to Janus half an hour later.

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I saw an Obi-Wann last night... a Smuggler... promptly reported him


On my server there is a Lordvader, he got the Darth titel so his name is Darth Lordvader, makes me :rolleyes: every time i see him, but im to lazy and tbh dont care enough to report him :)

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You can report ppl for having stupid names? Omg... :).


Hopefully you can report guilds too, i have a few in mind :cool:.


Feel my wrath "something something chuck norris"! Wish i could report guilds with horrible names for not having any imagination... If so "massa pew pew" and "Gänget på jobbet" would be on my list ;D.


Let the games begin!

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A customer service story from EQ2:


GM: "This is GM Generic, I'm going to change your name as it violates our naming policy."

Janus: "Why is that?"

GM: "It has **** in it."

-- disconnect --

Janosh: "***?!"

GM: "I changed your name."

Janosh: "But this name is stupid, can I have a different one?"

GM: "ok."

Janosh: "What about Jazz?"

GM: "I don't think that's allowed either."

Janosh: "I change some characters then: Jass"

-- disconnect --

Jass: "..."


The lead GM changed it back to Janus half an hour later.


ROFLMAO -- wipes tears from eyes.

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I mean, if you buy, say, a Mac, you'd want a real Apple Mac, not some nonfunctional garbage someone decides to stick the Apple name on, right?


Yeah why would you want nonfunctional garbage when you can have overpriced, nonfunctional garbage? :D

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That name violates a few clauses, actually.


Haha. My server has someone called "Jedimastersomething". (I don't actually remember the something part but that's beyond the point) I didn't botehr to report him for the "silly factor".:p

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This reminds me of when i played eq1. i had an enchanter named Midkemia. after having this name of a year i was forced to change it to tulips. I was told it violated the copy right laws. I then wrote the author Raymond E. Feist that i was sorry for using that name with out permission.


He wrote back telling me that Sony had it wrong. it is not a violation of copy right laws naming a avatar in a game after a person, place. or thing from a book, movie, tv, ect.... .

Now if the company named a npc, or location then yes that is a violation; If I went and claimed that i created that name, yes that is; If I tried to make real money because of that name, then yes; but just naming my character that does not.

Also unlike what there "legal" may tell them. Unless the person and/or company is (pardon my language) mega anal. I doubt they would care enough about the name of an avatar in a game to make a case over it.


Every character i have made is named after ether a character from another game or from an anime series. My 2 rep are named after people from the game series xenosaga and on the emp is named after anime characters. I did not do this to lay any claim to them, but in my way to show my respect to the creators of those characters. If and yes i have had other players comment on the names cause they knew who they were.


Now if bioware wants to restrict players choosing to names there avatars after people and/or places that appear in other bioware games them they have that right, but unless they check with the "owners" of other names that they do not want it as a player's avatar name then they really can't stop the person from using it. They can try to trick and/or bully, but in the end they have less legal right to stop a player from using that name then the players has to use it with out checking with the owner.


Before I end I do want to say that i do respect bioware and the devs and programmers, but if you are to strict on the naming rules then sooner or later you will run out of possible names or have people having to name there characters with numbers after them. (example :name23614: ) What if someone wanted to name there medic doctorallcome. and if you recognized that. It is the code from jonny memmonic telling all the other doctors to drop what they are doing and rush to problem.

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Its not that you are breaking a copyright its that you used Dr, that is a title the same as general or president hence why they just changed it to DoctorWho.


Dr. and Doctor are exactly the same thing. It's called an abbreviation.


I highly doubt they changed it to DoctorWho anyway. I think the nimrod just made a new character with the name. Especially considering the actual title of the show is "Doctor Who" and not "Dr.Who".


To the OP:

Congrats on announcing your second violation of the naming policy to the developers. Saves the time of someone having to report it I guess.

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