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Who is the Emperor?


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The jedi knight story line has you killing the emperor though....so, if you think about it, shouldn't there not be an emperor since you do kill both revan and malgus in flash points?


This is the Star Wars universe. No corpse = no kill and in some cases not even the corpse is a guarantee.

I am fairly sure Malgus and Revan are very much alive, and I am not going to give any spoilers concerning the JK storyline.

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The jedi knight story line has you killing the emperor though....so, if you think about it, shouldn't there not be an emperor since you do kill both revan and malgus in flash points?


The Emperor's voice was killed by the JK. The Emperor's true body is still alive.


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The jedi knight story line has you killing the emperor though....so, if you think about it, shouldn't there not be an emperor since you do kill both revan and malgus in flash points?


The JK doesn't kill

the real Emperor just a Voice and succession in the Empire isn't based on "who is next in line" so Malgus and Revan(who isn't even a friggin Sith) would not automatically be next in line to become Emperor if the JK had killed Vitiate.


Edited by Temeluchus
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The jedi knight story line has you killing the emperor though....so, if you think about it, shouldn't there not be an emperor since you do kill both revan and malgus in flash points?


As others have stated:


Even though you supposedly kill the Emperor at the end of the Jedi Knight storyline, if you play the Sith Warrior storyline, you receive a message from the Emperor himself stating that a clone of himself was killed. Therefore, Tenebrae; the man who would become Lord Vitate and later the Emperor, still lives.


And to those who say that Revan (Its REVAN not Reaven!!!!) is the Sith Emperor, read the book by Drew Karpyshyn and play as a Republic class to fifty. It is clear that he is NOT the Emperor.

And to those of you who suggested that Palpatine is the Emperor in this era..........get out. Right now. :d_evil:

Edited by Osul
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The Emperor is a very powerful sith-human from the planet Nathema. He was the Emperor that seduced Revan and Malak to the dark side and orchestrated many other key events for the past 400 - 500 years. Using the force he can lengthen his life but he eventually dies before the Ruusan Reformation
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It's Revan himself. The dark council has cut themselves off from him and sealed him away. Revan is old but he still fits into this timeline. Whoever said it was palpatine... Really, you think palpatine lived for 3000+ years?


OMG a revanite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought my bounty hunter had you people killed! *runs franticaly to ship and flies away while screaming at the top of my lungs*

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Read the book 'Revan' and it explains the Sith Emperor in a cliched and ridiculous way. I face-palm and cringe every time I think about it.


As a toddler, he enslaved his own parents then he murdered them, as a teenager, he enslaved his whole entire planet and as a young adult, he sucks the life out of the planet and basically destroyed it.


I am smirking write now as I write this.

Edited by mrfraserfilms
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Read the book 'Revan' and it explains the Sith Emperor in a cliched and ridiculous way. I face-palm and cringe every time I think about it.


As a toddler, he enslaved his own parents then he murdered them, as a teenager, he enslaved his whole entire planet and as a young adult, he sucks the life out of the planet and basically destroyed it.


I am smirking write now as I write this.


dont forget the part where he kills his biological father and drives his brother to insanity and exile

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Read the book 'Revan' and it explains the Sith Emperor in a cliched and ridiculous way. I face-palm and cringe every time I think about it.


Yes, because that section wasn't secondhand knowledge being presented as more legend than fact or anything like that. No, we have to take Nyriss at her incredibly unreliable word.

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I find it hard to take the emporer as Bioware have created him seriously. His ment to be this incredibly powerful sith but he turns out to be a crack pot who



wants to wipe out the galaxy so he can achieve godhood.



Its a take from the Centauri ruler in Bablyon 5 only there he was considered to be an idiot by anyone that meet him. How does a sith lord who is considered great bt his people and feared by the dark coucil have such a lose grip on reality as to think this could work or given is clear insanity command respect and fear from the rest of the empire.


It turns his entire story into one of comic book villiany and makes it hard to fit into the existing Cannon. Now Star Wars isn't the most complex of plots but this is a dark turn and Bioware would have been much better off going down the route of Thrawn or even Revan and Malak than a stupid villian who would command no respect and likely killed by his closest given half the chance.

Edited by Costello
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I find it hard to take the emporer as Bioware have created him seriously. His ment to be this incredibly powerful sith but he turns out to be a crack pot who



wants to wipe out the galaxy so he can achieve godhood.



Its a take from the Centauri ruler in Bablyon 5 only there he was considered to be an idiot by anyone that meet him. How does a sith lord who is considered great bt his people and feared by the dark coucil have such a lose grip on reality as to think this could work or given is clear insanity command respect and fear from the rest of the empire.


It turns his entire story into one of comic book villiany and makes it hard to fit into the existing Cannon. Now Star Wars isn't the most complex of plots but this is a dark turn and Bioware would have been much better off going down the route of Thrawn or even Revan and Malak than a stupid villian who would command no respect and likely killed by his closest given half the chance.


Well, from what we know, most other Sith considered Vetitate (or however it's spelled) to be a joke with dreams of grandeur who only ruled one barely significant world. The only reason he actually amounted to anything is that the other Sith were idots and allowed him to steal their power.

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the emperor was called "Lord Vitiate" who used some of the most powerful sith at the end of the Great Hyperspace war by dominating their minds like he did revan and malak and performed a dark side ritual and absorbed ALL life and even the force from his home world making him the almighty immortal he is in the game.


he is almost 1500 years old, so he knows a fair few tricks

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I find it hard to take the emporer as Bioware have created him seriously. His ment to be this incredibly powerful sith but he turns out to be a crack pot who



wants to wipe out the galaxy so he can achieve godhood.



Its a take from the Centauri ruler in Bablyon 5 only there he was considered to be an idiot by anyone that meet him. How does a sith lord who is considered great bt his people and feared by the dark coucil have such a lose grip on reality as to think this could work or given is clear insanity command respect and fear from the rest of the empire.


It turns his entire story into one of comic book villiany and makes it hard to fit into the existing Cannon. Now Star Wars isn't the most complex of plots but this is a dark turn and Bioware would have been much better off going down the route of Thrawn or even Revan and Malak than a stupid villian who would command no respect and likely killed by his closest given half the chance.


-Most Sith and Imperials are not aware of the Emperor's plans and thus are not under the impression that Vitiate has lost his marbles or could care less about anyone in his Empire but himself.


-The few Sith or Imperials that do know some of the Emperor's plans are either fanatical zealots who could care less what he does to the galaxy as long as they have his approval, are the Emperor's thralls and have no will to fight against him or are under the impression that Vitiate will become a "God" and that by allying themselves with him and helping his plan comes to fruition it will entitle them to a place by his side when he "becomes a God"


-Whether Vitiate is insane or just driven in a quest for ultimate power is debatable. He knows the ritual works on a smaller scale from when it was used on Naethema and he personally knows the benefits to the ritual; now he wants to do it on a larger scale to reap the greater benefits. It appears he flat out doesn't care about his subjects in the long run, he wants to achieve his ultimate goal and only turns his attention from his plans when someone threatens them or him.


-The whole reason behind the war was billed as revenge for the Republic atrocities during the Great Hyperspace War when in reality it was just a way for Vitiate to kill billions and enact his ritual.


-The average Imperial citizen and Sith have never met the Emperor nor is it likely they ever would in their lifetimes, the Dark Council barely ever talks to the Emperor anymore so how would any of these people know that Vitiate is "clearly insane"? Even those relatively close to him barely interact with him ie the Wrath, only the Servants or Hands do and they are basically thralls.


-It's Canon, not cannon.

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Well, from what we know, most other Sith considered Vetitate (or however it's spelled) to be a joke with dreams of grandeur who only ruled one barely significant world. The only reason he actually amounted to anything is that the other Sith were idots and allowed him to steal their power.


Marka Ragnos himself called the 13 year old Vitiate "one of the most powerful Sith he had ever met" and gave Vitiate his Sith name and dominion over Naethema. It's worth mentioning that Vitiate was either an actual apprentice of Ragnos or an indirect apprentice of Ragnos(its a bit unclear which he was, but is known that he learned some things from Ragnos). One of the greatest Sith Lords teaching a 13 year old Sith is yet another further demonstration of how Vitiate was viewed,by at least those in power, and it wasn't as an idiot.


If the great Marka Ragnos is saying things like this I doubt any Sith openly called or thought of Vitiate as a joke with delusions of granduer. He had thousands and thousands of followers on his home planet and he obviously had enough influence and respect with other Sith Lords(who admittedly were desperate) that they all flocked to him when he put out the call that he could save them. He then dominated their minds and killed them with the ritual and left for DK and the beginning of his Empire.

Edited by Temeluchus
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read Revan it tells you exactly who the Emperor is or if you dont want to the Emperor's name is Vitiate and he is one ****** mofo.


At least SOME people are one the same page as me :p



This is the correct response... the only question is if he's still alive or what's going on with him and revan, my understanding is revan escaped his mind control (again) and that's why he's a boss... He's over 1k yreas old, was appointed a lord by marka ragnos himself, at what...? age 13-15? (insane) he's absorbed a whole planet's life/essence etc. etc. You really need to read the Revan book, and you'll be yelling "NO FREAKING WAY!!!" half the book lol


Edited by Elvis_Marmaduke
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  • 10 months later...
The Emperor is the Emperor.


It really isn't known who he is, I don't think. What is known is that it isn't:


Revan or Malgus. Revan is killed in a 4 man group as is Malgus, but the Emperor is still alive after both their deaths.



You got to be kidding me. Have you seen the end of the Guardian story. At least it takes 4 people to "kill" Revan or Malgus.


You never officially see Revan die anyway and you knock Malgus over the edge

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You got to be kidding me. Have you seen the end of the Guardian story. At least it takes 4 people to "kill" Revan or Malgus.


You never officially see Revan die anyway and you knock Malgus over the edge


Very nice necro there, and actually Malgus does straight up die now. No more knocking him off.

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Very nice necro there, and actually Malgus does straight up die now. No more knocking him off.

From the Patch Notes:

The False Emperor

Players are no longer able to defeat the final encounter by kiting the boss into the chasm without the use of supplied bombs or knockbacks.


I thought the update was just to prevent the glitch where you can get him to force-jump down the chasm on his own without needing to fight him at all.


Straight-up killing him without knockbacking him down the chasm is still just a glitch where you by-pass his Invincibility by doing too much damage too quickly for it to trigger. The glitch is just a lot easier to have happen now since everyone's putting out more damage with the 2.0 changes (mainly the higher levels).


But yeah, serious necro-ing with this thread.

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  • 3 months later...
The Emperor's name is Tenebrae. He was born to a relatively low family, and the Sith were in pieces after being driven out by the Jedi. Around the age of 8 (or something like that), he was already brutally murdering people. When he was born, he had black eyes, and never cried. Not even when spanked. He was very force sensitive. When he grew, he enslaved his village, and anyone that didn't want to be ruled by him was tortured and killed in horrendous ways. He soon sent out messages to over 100 different sith (or something like that) that he had a plan to come back and be powerful as an empire again. He tricked all of the sith to come onto his home planet with him, and performed a sith ritual which killed ALL life including plants and animals in the process. Nothing living remained. The planet became a wound in the force. The ritual he had performed took all of the energy of the living things on the planet and absorbed it into himelf. He became immortal through the force. He then went on to make the empire, personal brainwashed guard willing to die for him, yada yada yada. It's all in The Old Republic: Revan if you don't believe me.
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