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Enemy level system=WTH?


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Maybe I'm not seeing it, but if I'm +6/7 to most enemies in a game, I shouldn't be in fear for my life. I just did Crushing Jedi Freedom Fighters, which has a level of 21, and everyone in it was anywhere from 3-6 levels above that, a Maradur, two Mercs, and Operative, and it was still insane. Enemies cut us to pieces, couldn't keep up with the heals, I imagine lack of a tank didn't help either, but still, Elite/Champion whatever, if I'm +6 to you, I shouldn't be going OMG OMG. :( As it stands, the Maradur bailed, and we couldn't complete the mission.
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the order in which to take down NPCs is important, weaker ones first, then the strong/elite ones. Healers above all else.


The standard NPCS in mixed groups do a surprising amount of damage for been labeled the weakest. Plus with each NPCs less in the battle, the less incoming fire you have to deal with.

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Two words: Crowd Control.




You've also highlighted your group composition was incorrect.


As a tank I've gone out of my way to level on planets higher than recommended as 'at level' mobs were no challenge and only golds would require use of tricks and tools. Elites are elite for a reason - challenge - which brings the need for grouping adequately.


You may have defeated lower level elites in another game, this game is different. Adapt and overcome or just stick with what you can handle. Nerfs are not the answer.

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Two words: Crowd Control.


Had a few situation where people play "WOW" style thinking face rolling is the way all games are played. After telling them the wonders CC does to a fight everything runs much smoother.

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A tank actually helps, but it's mainly what most people said in this thread: CC. Also it helps, if you pay attention to the casts and use interrupt if it's not on cooldown. As a little tip, because you will encouter way more healing mobs as you progress, put your interrupt-skill somewhere special, so you won't miss it when you need to. I bound mine to one of my side-mouse-buttons (I don't have a Naga, so there's only two of them for me).
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It's not aggro management anymore!


What I really enjoy about SWTOR is that you actually have to think :)


Using crowd control and interrupts turn fights into a piece of cake that are impossible if you just tank and smash.


You need the right group though (not class-wise, but people with player smarts). I play a scoundrel and if I got a credit for every fight where I didn't get to tranq because someone just had to rush in then I'd have enough to buy myself a fleet of deathstars.

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Yup, enemy selection and CC are huge. When I ran through that quest, our group was like 2/3 levels above the NPC's. We had 1 power tech (DPS), and 3 sorcerers (1 heal, 2 dps). We had no problems whatsoever...but then again we CC'd like mad and utilized interrupts.
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Reroll a tank and faceroll with a healer at your back. Problem solved.


That won't do you any good, once you start encountering healing mobs in the open. They heal themselves faster than a tank can do the damage, so even in the open world it's sometimes neccessary to adapt your tactics every once in a while.

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This isn't the game for a tank to just rush in with a healer at its back and everything will be ok. You have to utilize CC and interrupt the targets castings. And you have to keep up with your surroundings, because if someone didn't do something right while fighting that elite mob, you all may be just barely walking away from that fight as a patrol just gets to you to finish you off.
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That won't do you any good, once you start encountering healing mobs in the open. They heal themselves faster than a tank can do the damage, so even in the open world it's sometimes neccessary to adapt your tactics every once in a while.


A tank has plenty options to interrupt a healing mob though. My guardian never has trouble with them.

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