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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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I'm not enjoying the game as much as I would like to to warrant paying a monthly subscription fee. I really want to, but I just can't.


It's mainly because the game mechanics make socializing and roleplay incredibly hard (some would say they even discourage it). If they finally added an option to toggle on chat bubbles, I could finally have a lot of fun and warrant paying a monthly subscription fee.

But as it is now, it feels like a single player/co-op game not unlike others on the market that don't require a monthly subscription fee.


And the huge amount of bugs (especially the ones that us beta testers had reported for many, many months and are still present or had been fixed in previous "good" beta builds that for some reason weren't chosen for the final build and some much older, more broken builds were chosen for the live build instead) don't help either.


I like it but will let my 30 days fall off then wait a year to check it out again. Why? I thought since Beta testing this is KotOR 3 with a multiplayer lobby. Yes the story is great, the VO gets dull the third and fourth time you heard it. At least give me an option to mute it and just read it with out having to turn my sound off. I don't care how much money and time was put into it. I get greater satisfaction reading it that hearing it.


I like social interaction in my MMOs, I don't raid nor PvP I like running dungeons and just doing things in groups. I have tried out a few high pop servers and joined "social leveling guilds". You know the ones. No one is on, and the ones that are are level 50 and don't want to wast time helping out a lowbie or just talking.


On top of that, the bugs and issues. Do I expect an MMO to launch bug free? No. Do I expect an MMO that has been in development for 7 years to ship with a lot of the issues TOR does? No. The graphical tears, the AH/mail issues, and the high end graphics setting issue should not be present in today's games.


So in Dec of 2012 I'll check it out again. If it hasn't improved then my money can go elsewhere.

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