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Top Ranked Merc - Documentary


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Some of you may recognize me from my previous high end PvP videos, this time I wanted to make a world pvp video that addressed some legitimate criticisms of my work.


- "You zerg your opponents"

I think some viewers don't properly quantify the amount of green and red they see in the videos, they may see I have one or two allies, but I'm facing at least two or three other players.

In this video there are no allies, 1vs1 battles or me being outnumbered.


- "You go after RP Guilds"

The correct response to this is that I go after any guilds. Just because a guild is into role playing doesn't mean taking them on by yourself in a battle is easy, I'd ask you to try if you think differently.

This video shows a diverse opposition of players.


- "You run away when you are going to die"

I think this statement is fairly accurate, I have no problem saying I survived the battle when I got ganked while you can say you stayed and died. There is no running or taking warzone queues in this one. The only

running away is my opponents trying to escape.


I'm sure the forum trolls on here will find another excuse for why the video should be taken for anything else less then skilled gameplay but I feel confident that I have taken some of their fuel away. I hope I

don't sound arrogant, sometimes I don't portray myself the way I want through words. I made the video more entertaining but it is meant to be educational as well for aspiring Gladiator caliber PvPers.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8Kt3fTND0


*New Promo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxqDYTD3RUA

Edited by MrTerrito
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Babbbyyyy you gotta be cruel to be kind ooh oooh ooooh you gotta be cruel to be kind oooooooooooh ooooooh ohhhhhh


my coffee tasted good while watching your documentary. +1


Would it be entirely rude to ask for your choice of epic greatness in sound?

Edited by DeathHenk
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You must be kidding:


1. why should be anyone interested in crap where you jump people 6 levels under you in open world, where they don't have even bolstered skills like in warzone


2. what is so special on your spam of power shot and rapid shots please?


3. you think much about yourself right? Always wanted to be celebrity


4. Get lost ;]

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You must be trolling, otherwise youre delusional.


Jumping ppl below 50 while they are fighting npcs is not really an achievment. I still think youre trying to troll with the vid though.


Right, because anyone who posts a video on here where they aren't taking on 5 level 50s is a Troll. Everyone is high level, and for the ones that aren't, try fighting 3 level 45s as a lvl 50, it's not easy.

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I'm taking the bait anyway...


1: You are a geared lv 50 pvper. So my guess is you have quite some pvp gear as well.

2: The people you fight, apart from one lv 50, are all lower than you. Meaning they don't have the pvp gear that you have yet.

3: Once again, they are all below you. Fighting 2 lv 45's as a geared lv 50 is no incredible feat by a long shot.

4: You jumped all of them, getting the upper hand (on top of being higher level) right away. Some were even fighting npc's.

5: Rapid shot/power shot spam with that occasional AoE...where is the skill? This is just you standing there and mostly spamming 2 abilities the entire time.

6: You want recognition? (Well, clearly you do want your e-peen stroked...) go fight 1v1 or 1v2 against lv 50's, where you also don't jump them while they're doing something else.

Edited by Sanquind
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Youre not even geared. im guessing centurion guns cause of the colour but other than that its just lvl 40 remodded gear.


and on that topic yeah. you are jumping low lvls.


you are not the best bounty hunter out there.


but like the others i took the bait and got trolled.

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Is this serious.


Jumping people that are like 10 levels below you when there doing PVE, then taking forever to kill them where the best thing your doing is a poor attempt at kiting ?


I have seen level 20's in warzones do better stuff on the losing side.

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