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Leveling as a healer..


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Lvl 31, and I've honestly just been living as if I were dps with elara. Straight combat medic spec, works fine. Rarely get killed unless I make a mistake in kill order or don't manage my ammo. Use cc for elits if they have adds or even a strong if its a tough one, down the weak or standard and then cc. Pretty fun. Edited by Mokilok
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38 Combat Medic. It's fine to level solo. I heal flashpoints as the only healer too. It's a nice build for gettning groups together. What's great is you don't have to relearn how to be a full heal + dpser if you level to 50 in that mode.


Personally I dislike Aric but I take him anyway because he's my best DPS companion. When I take on an Elite in the quest lines I am usually about 1-2 levels above that Elite and I hit as hard as I can with DPS and then start throwing in some healing. I find it works best when I hit him with a couple mortar rounds and concussive grenades rather than try to all-out heal.


I've done this with 4X tanking but I like the results slightly better when there is more dps in the mix. It's very rare that I just send Aric in and try to heal him. He's not that great of a tank. I use the full compliment of all my skills when I play including trauma probe, supercharged koto bombs and advanced medic probe spam and lots of hammer shot spam to keep my ammo up. I haven't tried much with Dorne as I trust myself more to do a fine mix of dps and healing and there is no "cooldown" for our healing which is great in this game. I play a lot of warzones as a combat medic too.


Taugrim is my hero. Look him up on youtube if you want to be inspired as a Combat Medic.

Edited by KangasCollective
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Level 42 here. Easy as pie using jorgen. There aren't really talents that improve your AOE abilties which are what you'll be using most of the time anyway. Fights against champs and elites can sometimes drag on, but you'll never be in any real danger and will be able to solo fights that no class without self-healing would. Only flashpoint that has given me trouble so far was the elite 4 in mandolorian raiders.
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I was wondering how viable it is, because I've heard the higher you get it's practically impossible.

I would suggest that while leveling, you put points into both of the main trees but with most going into the DPS tree (Gunnery). Keep in mind that most of your leveling will likely be done solo rather than in groups, so spec accordingly.

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Level 46 full spec combat medic ... only damage increasing I've taken was the +9% Aim (and that was for the healing). Leveling solo was not a problem, could even handle a lot of the +2 Heroics solo as well. As mentioned, probably a little slower to mow things down but definitely fun. Edited by StarCadence
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I was wondering how viable it is, because I've heard the higher you get it's practically impossible.


41 having no issues, if anything vs. the stories I hear from guildies, I am doing better BECAUSE I am healer specced.

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Level 43 full CM with 3 pts for the 9% Aim.


I had an absolute BLAST leveling up, the only time I started having trouble was Hoth at level 41.


I use Jorgen then entire time I've been leveling.


I have one question though.


What Cell do you guys use? I've been going with the Armor Pen one while questing.



Healing any flashpoint is fairly easy-mode if you have a decent group.

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My gf is playing a medic trooper but he is really a nab. I play my vanguard and i notice she aint doing much of anything.



She is L22. What would be her dps rotation? Also i wanna know if the healing Cell is only used when you are in flashpoints or just wanna do more healing and if so, does it cripple your damage?

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1) Use Tank companion

2) Send in tank first (usually target melee one)

3) CC one mob if possible Cyro grenade or that flash light ability thing

4) Attack the same mob of the tank for fast kill

5) Use this rotation, Charged shots spam until u almost out of ammo, then hammershot at tank to collect 30 stacks, once 30 stacks, please supercharge, then spam charged shots again rinse repeat... Use the refill ammo ability whenever possible to be able to spam charged shots more

6) In case the mob dps down the tank too hard that make tank almost die, use this healing rotation, adv medic probe, medic prob, medic prob, shield, bacta, adv medic prob rinse repeat...

7) If mob proof to be hard, u may want to stack 30stack before begining of the fight to ready nuke the **** at first


Easy as pie :) Dont forget to gear up ur tank to max as well.

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50 CM. levelled as CM always.


You will have a slightly slower pace then other classes but you have certain advantages that, at least for me, made up for it.

FP or H4/H2+ Groups are a non issue, everybod likes a healer and those instances give good cash/xp.

You can solo elites/champion mobs etc. with ease that others would have problems with, once you equipped a tank pet. I used M1-4X, many hate him but he is funny, sturdy in the right equip and his hook can actually be used to an advantage.


I even tanked and healed many H4 up until the mid 40s, so i only needed to find 2 DDs.


So long story short, it is more then viable and unless you want to min max your xp/hour and prefer trash mob farming and fast grinds i would recommend trying it out.

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3) CC one mob if possible Cyro grenade or that flash light ability thing

For CCing mobs pre fight you should always use concussive round


5) Use this rotation, Charged shots spam until u almost out of ammo, then hammershot at tank to collect 30 stacks, once 30 stacks, please supercharge, then spam charged shots again rinse repeat... Use the refill ammo ability whenever possible to be able to spam charged shots more

You should never ever spam attacks until you are out of ammo unless you totally need something to die to not wipe, always use hammer shots in between to keep ammo regen high


6) In case the mob dps down the tank too hard that make tank almost die, use this healing rotation, adv medic probe, medic prob, medic prob, shield, bacta, adv medic prob rinse repeat...

He talks about chars in the early 20s and Bacta is early 40s skill IF you go CM all the way.


7) If mob proof to be hard, u may want to stack 30stack before begining of the fight to ready nuke the **** at first

I would always try and do that, there can never be enough ammo :)



/10 chars needed

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Well yea spamming hammershot in between charged shot help regen more ammo as u said :)


But mostly talking about normal lving (not FP/OP), 30stacks first, charged shots til u 'almost but not out' of ammo, back the tank by use adv probe, med probe, med prob, bacta, shield, hammershot (either the tank or mob) until 30 stacks, then another round of charged shots, ammo refill, charged shots... mostly with this rotation, the elite mob will die.


If u have any better than this rotation for elite mob during lving, let me know too!

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Use Jorgan. He is easier to keep geared (just give him the old stuff as you upgrade yours), does more damage, and has basically the same survivability as a tank companion.


Its a lot easier to heal yourself while fighting since you can just cast a heal while targeting an enemy while a tank companion you'll have to switch back and forth between enemies and your companion. You can also just rely on self-only medpacks for the times when you are out of ammo or need a real quick heal.

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I didn't enjoy M1-4X.. he didn't do much damage and really doesn't take a hit. It just felt like a chore to keep him healed.


How's Vik? Is he easier to heal?


I've considered rolling with Yuun as he seems to do a lot more damage than Aric but he also seems so fragile.


Aric doesn't do much damage from what I see.

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I find killing things slower, but not where I have any trouble really. My main is a Sent, and remarkable difference in speed of killing lol from 20-35. If you level as a dedicated healer you just aren't DPS, but can do great dmg still. BUT just have to realize you aren't DPS and wont be lightening through opponents. So your companion is very key, I tend to use Jorgan.


And it depends how often you do FP/group stuff. If not much you can go more into gunnery if you feel slow killing. I did to get Grav shot; but those points made me lacking in healing where I should be for group stuff. (tho I LOVE gunnery for DPS) but cost me too much to respec all the time BUT I just settled with Combat Med.


I keep Jorgan geared with me (can get expensive keeping everyone max geared) and he does great dmg geared properly and can take some hits. A key you find is having him attack first before you attack. MX-41 since I'm Cybertech I can keep him geared easier but it can get hectic I know as a Sent with t7 always a pain. BUT properly geared he can be a great tank; and can really take big bad mobs with him. Just very slowly :D


I still keep Support Cell on and did go get the reduction of Charged Bolts in Gunnery by 1 cell. Just found I gained a bit more DPS esp in groups.

Edited by ErisktheRed
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