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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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actually, your incorrect. $5 was the Preorder FEE... as in EXTRA. the game wasn't $60 it was $65 to pre-order... If it was a DEPOSIT, it would have been $5 upfront and $55 later.


Look it up.. DEPOSITs go towards the Cost of something.

de·pos·it :

- A partial or initial payment of a cost or debt: left a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.

- A sum of money given as security for an item acquired for temporary use.


Sad to say that if thats the case you got cheated, i ordered with a 5$ DEPOSIT and not a fee

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"Overheard" at Bioware HQ:


BW Dude: "Well, fourth wave is out"

BW Boss: " Cool, Lunch break, who's down for Kerbey Lane?"

Bw Dude: "But we need to update the community."

BW Boss: "They'll whine either way, I'm hungry now!"


Yes... they will.

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"Overheard" at Bioware HQ:


BW Dude: "Well, fourth wave is out"

BW Boss: " Cool, Lunch break, who's down for Kerbey Lane?"

Bw Dude: "But we need to update the community."

BW Boss: "They'll whine either way, I'm hungry now!"


Haha true :D

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actually, your incorrect. $5 was the Preorder FEE... as in EXTRA. the game wasn't $60 it was $65 to pre-order... If it was a DEPOSIT, it would have been $5 upfront and $55 later.


Look it up.. DEPOSITs go towards the Cost of something.

de·pos·it :

- A partial or initial payment of a cost or debt: left a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.

- A sum of money given as security for an item acquired for temporary use.


Funny, for me it was $5 upfront and $55 later.

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This entire thread is equivalent to a child in the back of a car asking "are we there yet?". Obsessing over who has already got in WILL NOT SPEED UP YOUR ENTRY. This entire thread is as productive as staring at a wall. Seriously, go outside and do something, it would be a better way to spend your time.


wow, spoil sport, but then I would miss that email, im not getting until tomorrow?


surely its everyone's own perogotive to say "are we there yet?" if they aren't


"go outside and do something" don't you know its a big scary world outside, there are other people out there and everything, LMFAO!


let us rant

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Just wondering but... It has been confirmed that the release date for the game in Europe would be on the 15th. There's many of us still waiting for the Early Access email. If the game releases tomorrow for us those who didn't get the email should effectively be able to log in and play tomorrow? Since it's launch day? :-)


I dont think its the 15th Official launch date for UK is the 20th? not sure, havent recently checked the Dates :\

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Dear BioFAIL, your ega is FAIL. Reason #1, i'm not in. Reason #2, I'M NOT IN. Reason #3 you cannot prevent overcrowding when you launch a game unless if you pull a RIFT and implement tons of servers to keep up with the unstable population.
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Just wondering but... It has been confirmed that the release date for the game in Europe would be on the 15th. There's many of us still waiting for the Early Access email. If the game releases tomorrow for us those who didn't get the email should effectively be able to log in and play tomorrow? Since it's launch day? :-)


Launch day is the 20th

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Just wondering but... It has been confirmed that the release date for the game in Europe would be on the 15th. There's many of us still waiting for the Early Access email. If the game releases tomorrow for us those who didn't get the email should effectively be able to log in and play tomorrow? Since it's launch day? :-)


Sorry to burst the bubble mate, official launch day is the 20th, the Early game access was initially going to start tomorrow but bioware started that early. pre-ordering allows you UP TO 5 days Early game access, which given the way its going will probably mean everyone will get in by tomorrow, but even if you don't Bioware won't have made any false promises.

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they call it a fee because its non-refundable, its meant to lock you in so you dont want to cancel, but it is part of the cost


when was the last time you saw a game cost 55 dollars new? no one does that, its 60 bucks, 5 bucks non refundable, its very common, most games that you pre order have a 5 dollar deposit



I i went to the store and bought the game on the 20th it would be $60*, I bought the game preorder it was $65*, So that would make it a Fee.


(*these numbers are Excluding Tax)

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I hope there will be a bonus wave. I am October 8th, and not in yet. The problem is, since they're doing the waves on US time, we won't see the first one tomorrow until 2:00pm.


My husband has been playing, and says he's literally seen two or three other other players all day. I don't think the servers are in any danger of being stressed yet. :)


I am not far off sister...Oct 6th. Lol figures it would cut off so close lol. I would log, but would not mind an update to Twitter and the site here. I never went to Twitter until today lol...but yeah it stopped updating. I guess the went off lunch etc...or something more sinister happened lol...j/k.

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Ummm I guess suffer or move the guild. I figured the early guild thing would be a bad thing and it seemingly was. I guess I shoud have edited for guild nazi trolls huh?


I'm a guild nazi troll? Please, explain that one to me.


Anyway, I wasn't complaining about being on a high server. I was stating that your suggestion to watch the server list was flawed. Which it was. Just because a server is high now, does not mean it will be later. And vice versa.

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This is bull, you pay for a preorder and extra money for early game access but the way things are going its going to be 5 bucks of wasted money plus the actualy preorder. i am disappointed in Bioware, very.


For your information...you did NOT pay extra for the game...you made a $5 DEPOSIT which will be DEDUCTED from you total game price...


Have fun if you make it into the game all and maybe see you all in there eventually!!

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I dont think its the 15th Official launch date for UK is the 20th? not sure, havent recently checked the Dates :\


The 20th is the launch date for the US side as well the 15th is the true start to EGA, but people are freaking out they didn't get in the 13th. I find it funny to be honest. :D

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