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  1. can you specify please? what are those mighty addons that controls game? bartender? xperl? recount? prat? atlas loot? questhelper? omen threat meter? auctioneer? deadly boss mods? decursive? healbot? all of these? whats your problem? specify. SPECIFY. And let me make this clear. IF you are even having a conversation with elitist jerks in game you are pathetic. Because they only exist in unsuccessful guilds. In real PvE guilds linking damage meter to raid chat gets you KICKED out of RAID immediately if not from GUILD instantly. Damage Meter is meant to upload statics of fights online AFTER RAID, so players and officers can see where they failed on interrupts, survival and damage. If someone fails a lot, he gets kicked and thats not about being elitist, its about being a decent player or not. QQ'ing over elitist people makes you look even more pathetic than they are, so please at least save that for yourself.
  2. stop responding to QQers guys, they can go play with their barbies. This game gonna HAVE AddOns and Macros sooner or later anyway no matter how much they cry. Keep QQ'ing and try to fool ppl about you'r doing good dps until dmg meter destroys you. Or just L2P and ****.
  3. Welcome to the world of customization, ppl who never used or couldn't use AddOns will never understand what it is about. BTW since there are still some ppl saying dmg meters creates elitist people, when that dmg meter comes i'm totally gonna be one of them now. And also since when "My DPS sucks much" meant "My raid leader is an elitist" ? If you suck you get kicked what the hell do you expect? Is he running that guild for charity? for boosting useless people? On MMO's Survival > DPS which there are still lots of ppl who are not aware of this but just because you didn't die in a fight and did half the dps of 1st, that still means you suck sorry, your RL is not elitist; You. Suck.
  4. On Damage Meters : They are not for spamming raid chat and and /yell I OWNED TROLOLO. Good ones shows which person how many times casted interrupt, which spells he casted, how long he's been active, how much fails he had and other lots of stuff. Guilds need them to know their players, i don't care if you were on top 50 or top 5 not needing em just explains that you were lucky about the ppl you played with. And also it helps the user improve his performance by testing new builds with more accurate number changes than watching the damages and try to guess. Also no. Ppl not keep doing the dps they always do. I've seen enough people improving cuz of their fight stats to say that. The best guild i've been was Horde 2nd on TBC, i'm not a top guilder in world but i'm sure of this as i'm sure as my name. ON DBM : I wrote about it in my post but again on encounters that boss does things on timer DBM or a Watch next to your monitor is needed. Bosses usually yell or do something before they kick the hell out of players but they are never reliable. On Macros : As i've said in my post, i'd still be happy with the basic codes. even /use and /cast enough for me. And btw yes i was playing Arcane Mage and you can't do anything as one in PvP without macros. And on this game still, instants need to be powered up and still be instant, not 2 second click time instead of cast time. Also I'm sure they can limit macros to prevent abuse. and lastly on UI : Saying "unnecessary" is just being short sighted. If something can be improved, it should be improved. Thats how the humanity came this far, its not only about being comfortable and not having problems, its about making it even more comfortable and problem free.
  5. Its funny when some1 has no opinion what you're talking about and try to embarrass you. Go play with your Barbies please.
  6. Sad, very sad to see how much ppl talk without thinking. First of all this game's user interface "needs" improvement. It doesn't matter if you were playing the game with basic interface in other games, UI AddOns that WoW had improved gaming experience and visual satisfaction for lots of players. I'm just level 36 atm and even in this level 2 center action bars are NOT enough for me. Left and right action bars are not usefull for combats, they slow you down and distract you. This has to be done, by AddOns or by Bioware so we will be able to customize it. There are lots of other very usefull things that can be added. Like, countdown timers on used abilities (With Numbers on them and hopefully on Bigger buttons, had to make this clear for some tard.), customizable: cast bar, minimap (minimap shortcut buttons especially), chat frame, Damage/Heal Meters (This Is NEEDED. End of. Only brainless trolls can object this. If you don't know the benefits you get from it go play tetris, this game is too much for you. Or just because you don't need it cuz you only play with people you know don't make absurd comments, most people needs this for various reasons.) As for something like Deadly Boss Mods, it depends on encounters and its early for me to comment on that. In WoW it was "needed" in most of encounters because of timed abilities. The guilds wouldn't let you in without DBM that's true and they had every right to do that. I've seen enough people failing hard on PvE cuz not using it, no one would want a useless player in their raiding guild. And almost every guild just asked their members for DBM and nothing else, so if someone is too lazy to install that, they don't deserve to raid anyway you just need to download 2MB file and put it in a folder. That way at least you'll know when you need to run, when the healers have to be ready for aoe healing, when dps should stop dps etc. As i said WoW was designed that way and that AddOn was needed, and if this game has bosses that can cause a wipe in a second cuz someone didn't move, it needs it too. Enough with the AddOns, i think i made my points clear enough. As for Macros. They are USEFULL. At least the basic commands should be allowed. Like "/cast, /stopcasting, /use xx, /target" etc. These doesn't make the game play for you like some *people* said. They speed you up. With macros you can cast all the instants that doesn't share cooldown with eachother with 1 button and NO its not cheating. For example, you have a ability that takes 3 seconds to cast and you also have some instant that makes it instant too and you want to power it up with your Relics before casting it. Ta daaa! It again takes almost 3 seconds to activate all these because of manually using them and the delay. In PvE macros only needed in special occasions (like vashj fight in WoW) but in PvP macros are your best friends. If you spend 3 seconds while you try to cast something INSTANT, Auto Attacking is a better option. That's how PvP is DONE, and is FUN because it increases challenge. Objecting at least those basic commands makes no sense. It doesn't take skill to write macros so i really want to think that everyone is capable of doing it. I mean /Use Relic of BlaBla /use Relic of LoLoL /cast Insta Charger /cast Charged Burst. All 4 instants together without losing any time with VERY EASY codes that are /USE and /CAST. Also the ability pictures are much alike, i'd like to change some of them too. I love this game, i have doubts about its future but currently its awesome. But that doesn't mean its done and needs no improvement. I could make an incredibly long list about what can be added, would make game better but for start its good.
  7. bummmp, cmon say something maybe a mod will see and give info between all those spammings in forum.
  8. sorry there are no low populated servers left. choose your que, 1 hour or 3 hours? thats your only option atm.
  9. I really don't want to join all those very heavy or full servers and totally hell no to full servers with que times my dear favourite game company Bioware. Some people (like me) enjoys playing in low populated servers, i don't want to see a player everywhere i look, and no i don't EVER want to see "you are in queue". I mean NEVER. Heavy populated server is more than enough for me and there's only 1 of them left and its probably going to be full also in 2 hours. Please give us like 5-6 more servers so people can run away from servers with queue, and new players have a smooth start. Thanks.
  10. i think the .uck i give went that way =====>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  11. Invitation Waves starts @2 P.M GMT for EU. so in like 3-4 hours most of people who got invitation can log in, cuz they'll be @ home unlike US people, thats why EU servers are first to get full and get attention, do the math first before complaining + as some1 already said we have way more people playing in EU. I agree with the other things tho. I was expecting an awesome launch from my favourite game company, i'm very disappointed.
  12. C'mon guys.. don't let us keep suffering... i'm totally having a breakdown here just let those last 2 weeks in too:(
  13. Sith'Ari, prolly i'll be there too.. hopefully today..
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