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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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I pre-ordered and paid in full 11/29. but, I didn't run across the need for putting a code in until 12/7 and was able to access the site on 12/9 at which time I registered my code.


what does this mean for me and early access? does anyone know?

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Mostly what has already been said about setting a date; even if they prefaced it with "barring any setbacks." Nerdrage would be epic and heads would explode if they missed it for some reason (not necessarily yours, seems like you're still sane).


I mean look how bad it was yesterday, and they didnt guarantee ANYONE would be able to play on the 13th, and yet people were QQ'ing about LAWSUITS because they werent getting to play.


It's understandable that with this scale of a game, and the amount of pre-orders, setting exact dates could be tough, but I think that after the first day (and certainly today's wave) they could likely give more real figures.


It's not wrong for people to be excited and anxious to play. I myself am really looking forward to logging in and joining the world, but there will always be people who are impossible to please.


I just think that given how many waves have been out and there's been some decent time to see how servers handle the loads, a more precise number of invites and waves could likely be given out as information.


Regardless, I'll wait patiently and enjoy it when I get it. I just kind of wish I had a date or time to hang expectations on rather than joining in on the daily Reddit/Forum guessing game.

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Pre-ordered on 9.27.11


did not get any email.


i saw the Facebook update about 2 waves already sent in the morning.


i started the Launcher and tried my luck and got in.


still no email to notify ive been granted early access.


already have my characters reserved :)

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for the 1000th time, no that is not correct. It is an additional fee beyond the game price - they both show up as separate line items. $5, and then $75 (for the digital deluxe; other prices for other versions). It IS a separate fee and it is NOT coming off the game price (confirmed by a friend who was charged after getting into the pre-order).


Yup kinda my point, another one i would like to make is that there not charging the same price per region (based on conversion rates) as most companys do there just changing the currency so $5 becomes £5 when it should be £3.23 and €3.85.


So basicly Americans pay:


$5 = £3.23 = €3.85


The English pay:


$7.73 = £5 = €5.95


and the Europeans pay:


$6.49 = £4.1 = €5



I love how that adds up, Those in the UK and Europe pay more for no reason and get nothing extra.


This is the same thing EVE Online used to do, and its the main reason why i boycotted them for so long, i dident see why i being in the UK had to pay more to get the same service as everyone else in the world.

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I pre-ordered and paid in full 11/29. but, I didn't run across the need for putting a code in until 12/7 and was able to access the site on 12/9 at which time I registered my code.


what does this mean for me and early access? does anyone know?



It goes by the date you put in your pre-order code.

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Mostly what has already been said about setting a date; even if they prefaced it with "barring any setbacks." Nerdrage would be epic and heads would explode if they missed it for some reason (not necessarily yours, seems like you're still sane).


I mean look how bad it was yesterday, and they didnt guarantee ANYONE would be able to play on the 13th, and yet people were QQ'ing about LAWSUITS because they werent getting to play.


At least it had a certen amount of entertainment. I enjoyed myself all day:D

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I pre-ordered and paid in full 11/29. but, I didn't run across the need for putting a code in until 12/7 and was able to access the site on 12/9 at which time I registered my code.


what does this mean for me and early access? does anyone know?



It means ur doomed.

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crap! lol


any idea when 12/9 may get in? what was the last date today?


There has been much speculation on when people will or will not get into the game. Some suggested that the rest of Oct and all of Nov will get in tomorrow. As Bio has not given out any calendar covering how these waves are working there really is no way of knowing. My best "guess" would be by Friday, but do not quote me on that.

Edited by Julsis
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good luck to every one


Gentlemen start your F5 engines


Hitting F5 is unnecessary. All you have to do is open the launcher and see if the PLAY button is lit up. It's possible your ISP could delay an email for hours, or it could get lost in the spam folder.

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I'm amazed at the number of people who dont understand the concept of a pre-order.


A pre-order garantees you the game the first day it is out, in this case the release date is on the 20th. Everything you get before that is extra. The pre-order said early game acess NOT full early game acess, so i dont see a reason to complain unless you dont get a single day.


Want to cancel your pre-order cause you dont get 7 days early acess? Go ahead, but thats the sure way not to get in after everyone else. :)


yes we know that, but honestly how many people here would have not bothered preordering untill we were offered EGA, i didnt preorder till november when i got an email sayingi would get upto 5 days, had played beta since early aug so i knew id get the game i was just going to wait for the shops to get it till i got that email, and i knew it was upto 5 days, but wasnt aware of the amount of people that had preordered allready, wasnt till a few days later i found out, and the full plan when it was officialy posted.


had i got an email saying 4 3 2 1 days i may have even still preordered on that basis, but id rather have been treat like an adult and told that it was probably going to be less time based on presales. getting people on that way could have even come out looking like they realy cared. Imagine how you would feel, you pre order and it tells you you might get 1 day free access, and then 2 or 3 days before you expect it a mail pops in your in box. "you can log on now"


because as it stands there is a good chance people will get more time than they think.. i ask you, what would you prefer, being told 1 day and getting 1 day or more, or being told upto 5 days and getting 1? each much the same, one sounds a lot more apealing.

Edited by Doddsie
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I pre-ordered and paid in full 11/29. but, I didn't run across the need for putting a code in until 12/7 and was able to access the site on 12/9 at which time I registered my code.


what does this mean for me and early access? does anyone know?


That means, that you will be one of the last customers that will gain early access.

I redeeemed 12/6 and share your fate :)

All we can do is hope for the servers to perfom well, so that early access waves keep

coming. :D

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