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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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I am also 10/12 and can't get in yet.


On a side not... Everytime I see "EGA" in these threads I think of Eagle, Globe and Anchor.


<--------------------Former Active duty Marine


Can't get used to it being Early Game Access.


Heh, I must be extra geeky, I see Enhanced Graphics Adapter.

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Fact: Servers went live on the 13th, the day of the EGA start.

Fact: EGA Launch not equal to Release Launch.


Quit QQing. Release is the 20th and open to everyone, period.


Give it up man. These people are to stupid to learn the facts and see only what they want to see. Even if you're right (wich you are), this will be a never ending discussion with a lot of frustration.


Peace bro:cool:

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Well first of all I would have stopped taking pre-orders if I thought for even a second that I couldnt get everyone in on the same day.


Yeah, right. You would stop selling your stuff when investing millions of $ into it, just to keep some incredibly impatient people happy. Yeah, that's definately a great way of doing business.

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how great is this my Damn guilds realm is heavy by tomorow might be bloody full :( this realy sucks why couldnt they send another 2 waves of bloody e-mails


gonna find making credits hard as most stuff would of already been made


Don't worry, they are doing what the did yesterday. They cap off the server with a set number that they will allow in. So the server itself can handle many many more people, just not right now since they put the cap on. So none of these servers are actually near full capacity

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I am also 10/12 and can't get in yet.


On a side not... Everytime I see "EGA" in these threads I think of Eagle, Globe and Anchor.


<--------------------Former Active duty Marine


Can't get used to it being Early Game Access.


Hooah, brother. Former Ranger here, but we're all on the same side at the end of the day.

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Give it up man. These people are to stupid to learn the facts and see only what they want to see. Even if you're right (wich you are), this will be a never ending discussion with a lot of frustration.


Peace bro:cool:


i saw it this way... This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, ;)

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