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The, "You should've pre-ordered sooner.", argumen...


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This launch is giving me many lulz. Don't really care about getting in that much since I have quite a bit of work to do, but I am enjoying all this QQ.


There seems to be two sides on this forum. The apologists and the first world problem babies. Now both sides have presented stupid argument but I think the one shown in the title of this thread takes the cake. Its superfluous use as common sense is baffling. Let us assume that no matter what BW was going to do a staggering launch, and now let us assume that everyone was "responsible" and pre-ordered on the day of availability. Do you really think everyone would get in? No. You would have the exact same situation where a portion of the community gets more bang for their buck 30+7 days AND a massive advantage leading into the game.


These are the undeniable facts of the moment:

1. Poorly designed early access system. Probably seemed like a smarter idea on the drawing board.

2. People are pulling their hair out, shooting babies, sacrificing goats, quitting jobs, and plagiarizing homework just so they can play a game - a game.

3. People who got in would have been raging as much, if not more, if everyone had pre ordered same day and a random pick excluded them from day 1 early access. Acting like they would be civil in such a case is a joke. Of course they aren't mad, because the system favored them.


To all the other sensible people on the forum: prepare for an age of darkness. Surely the combined QQ will give birth to a twisted god which will devour the world.

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tbh if I remember correctly, when pre-orders first came out they didn't have the rule of "first come first serve" for early access, otherwise I'm sure more people [including myself] would of pre-ordered on day one.


So that argument is moot, unless you've order in Sept onwards.

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Glad you're getting so much fun out of it..


These are the undeniable facts of the moment:

1. Poorly designed early access system. Probably seemed like a smarter idea on the drawing board.


This is a stupid argument. Poorly designed? "World first 50" is a meaningless achievement. It would be no different if people got in on day one, the servers imploded letting some people continue playing and others not.


The early access system has been designed this way to minimise the risk of the servers imploding. To be in a position to say it's poorly designed would require having intimate knowledge of the servers.


Do you?


2. People are pulling their hair out, shooting babies, sacrificing goats, quitting jobs, and plagiarizing homework just so they can play a game - a game.


Yeah. Priorities, who has em? :rolleyes:




3. People who got in would have been raging as much, if not more, if everyone had pre ordered same day and a random pick excluded them from day 1 early access. Acting like they would be civil in such a case is a joke. Of course they aren't mad, because the system favored them.


Only true if Bioware hadn't been transparent about the early access. They had been saying from the start it would be first come first served, favouritism has nothing to do with it.

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Thank you for such a logical argument. I must admit, I had never looked at the situation in such a way. The only rebuttal I can offer is that Bioware and EA knew darn well that not everyone would order on the first day, much less the first week. All I can say is that, thanks to my ordering on July 25th, I had no need to sacrafice goats or kill kittens. Bioware be praised :D
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screw EGA, let everyone start playing @ 20th of December, and everyone can stop talking crab...


I mean, i havent got my EGA invite either, but i understand the situation, and i don't really care if i got to wait a few more days. The better it will be when i finally can play..


It's also kinda annoying that everyone is just bashing BW.. Just stop acting like cry babies, and GL getting into EGA...

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To be honest, i Ordered the game on November 27th. I was very cautious moving forward with this mmo.


I did not feel they sold it well enough in July. The presentation / game play videos were not showing the game at its best. I only really felt comfortable after seeing the mass beta invites. I enjoyed the game play , story line questing. The marketing strategy for Swtor in my case was not a big of enough pull. I am not a star wars fan boy.

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Only true if Bioware hadn't been transparent about the early access. They had been saying from the start it would be first come first served, favouritism has nothing to do with it.



They didn't say it from the start, it was a while into Pre-orders before they discussed early access and how it will work.

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if i had known they were going to do the launch like this i would of preordered the second they became available, and would be currently in game playing still from yesterday lol. But i waited until july 29th because i lack the foresight i guess =/
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Good logical post. Very true about how if everyone had preordered first day, we would still be in the exact same situation, and all the people that did get in being all "oh im so calm and dont care" would be raging hardcore. These forums are trully ftw
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They didn't say it from the start, it was a while into Pre-orders before they discussed early access and how it will work.


They had said from the start it would be first come first served. The detail may have come later, but that snippet was still out there.

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There are ~2 million pre orders. There are significantly less than ~1.9 million people complaining about not getting in. I never suggested EVERYONE should have ordered earlier, the whiners SHOULD have of it mattered so much to them. I am fine with my status and position in the que. I should be in by the weekend, all that matters.
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