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Back in my day...


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he's probably referring to everquest's equivalent, not a literal color category.


Doubtful. First we'll take his actual words:


"- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server."


There really wasn't an equivalent of Orange Loot in EQ.


You had some items which were excessively rare. Such as, for example, Scepter of Destruction. This was made artificially rare because of the mechanics of what happened when you woke the sleeper (it changed the world and the monster that dropped the SoD was gone from the server for good). But it didn't really have anything remotely close to Sulfuras.


The poster really is mixing the two games, which is not that surprising since EQ shifted seamlessly into WoW for a lot of players who followed Fires of Heaven on over.

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I would not call people "geeks", but those who had fun with games.


To have fun in past was just something different than it is today. You were a small group, that had the same intrest´s and did look out after each other. To beat a boss was something incredible, it took hours sometimes but all did stay and tried hard. The loot if there was some, was not so important.


Fun today is different, its all about loot and equality. Nobody wants to be unique anymore, all want the best and this instantly. If someone is not that good or lets say "if he does not fit your opinion about good" then he gets removed, insulted - ya this is the fun for many today.


2 Worlds collide :p, I did prefer the old fun attitude.


Anyone remember UO, when you died and someone stole your gear you worked for many months? :eek:

Imagine this today, the forum would explode by all the whine.

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I would not call people "geeks", but those who had fun with games.


To have fun in past was just something different than it is today. You were a small group, that had the same intrest´s and did look out after each other. To beat a boss was something incredible, it took hours sometimes but all did stay and tried hard. The loot if there was some, was not so important.


Fun today is different, its all about loot and equality. Nobody wants to be unique anymore, all want the best and this instantly. If someone is not that good or lets say "if he does not fit your opinion about good" then he gets removed, insulted - ya this is the fun for many today.


2 Worlds collide :p, I did prefer the old fun attitude.


Anyone remember UO, when you died and someone stole your gear you worked for many months? :eek:

Imagine this today, the forum would explode by all the whine.


you cant imagine it because kids/young adults are spoiled these days and they would just not play the game.. Their fragile egos could not handle something like that today...

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I am from way back also and they were the best times for me too.


They could quite easily blend both types of MMO into one. Just people would have to experience the game at their own pace. By this I mean getting rid of saves/instance lockouts (which I cant stand, herding us all in the same direction at roughly the same time. Clones!)


Release expansions without nerfing anything. The hardcore can steam roll through, the casuals get to see all content eventually. I realise there is a lot more to it than that but WoW managed it during TBC, I think they had it nearly right that expansion. If you ask most WoW players the best times they had in WoW they will say Vanilla or TBC, it still had a more immersive feel. Getting keys for instances, moving up the raid tier etc.


The reason why WOW is killing its self is the very reason most of the casuals were asking for. All the content was dumbed down making it easy and tbh more like an arcade game and now you are all bored with WoW for the very same reasons that were implemented to keep casuals happy.


A lot more people have MMO fever nowdays and I personally think if they brought out a game with some of the old school qualities mixed with the new, they would be surprised at how many people would play and prefer it.


Are they willing to take a gamble? I doubt it!

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Ruins of Kunark






THE ORIGINAL Mosscovered Twig




The most ridiculously overpowered weapon to have ever been created.



Of course EverQuest nerf'd the **** out of it. But they did 1 thing that is truly amazing.


Any and all people who had it equipped, they never changed it, they left it as is. The second you unequipped it though, you lost it and couldn't re-equip it.



Oh EverQuest....how I loved thee.

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Back in my day we didn't have all of these fancy graphics and animations! We'd dialup with our 56k modems(if we were lucky that is!) and telnet to our MUD of choice. For us 'shiny' was having clients that displayed multiple colors for text! Advanced combat was determined by having more options than /attack, /throw, or /cast!


Don't forget the graph paper for mapping :D

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I've heard EQ servers are still up and running.


Its still being developed for. Has about 70k subs. The 18th expansion was released in November. The zone design is better than The Old Republic and the gameplay makes this one look like Hello Kitty Online. This has prettier graphics though.


Just don't expect to ever have a top flight character in EQ without a) allready a good understanding of the game, b) without friends on the inside to push you, and c) without expecting to invest a lot of time. Otherwise, you're just ten shades of screwed. Its a very closed game atm and the max level-in-a-week people are kept firmly out. Its actually a good thing, you can honestly know most of the major players on your server and have years of experience with them.


The community in EQ is still second to none for mature gamers. Nobody else has the level of tolerance needed to get top-level at it.

Edited by Quillium
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I used to play a game called TrekMUSE. It was a (you guessed it) Star Trek- based text MMO.


The best part of the game was that to run a ship you actually needed multiple players manning the various stations (Engineering, Helm, Conn, etc.). Each console required a different skill set and everyone had to do their job or your ship would be destroyed.


To top this off...flying a ship required you to do polar coordinate math in real time in your head! It took a while to get the hang of it but you could actually learn this skill and it was something the felt much more "real" than a number on your character sheet.


When sensors detected a ship, all you got was their bearing from your ship and their course and speed. You then had to figure out what course to enter into your navigation system on the fly and attempt to intercept. A helmsman who could fly your ship in a fight while keeping fresh shields facing the enemy was a rare and wonderful thing. Captains would compete to draw them into the crew.

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Back in my day mail was delivered twice, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. You could literally mail a letter in the morning and it would be delivered to an in-city address that afternoon. And stamps only cost 6-cents.


Since moaners are blaming them for everything else SWTOR obviously failed on this postal delivery issue as well. So let's genuflect to WOW and don our Panda suits for a fun night of cosplay. Because, you know, pandas, and I guess SWTOR is failing, or something, because those with ADHD haven't gotten their magic ponies yet.

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all i was able to get that you played wow exactly at the time when it was a total b...tch to play, and you actually liked how you were put to menial effort, and paid for it.


good for you. while you are at it, i recommend you explore s&m in relationships too - judging from how you paid for painful menial grind, you may like that too.


Back in my day...



- We didnt have raid groups. We rangled 100+ people and made groups of 6 to try and kill one world boss. None of this 8-man easy mode content. You had to actually have a sizeable group to get things done.



- Raid buffs took 30 minutes and you liked it. There was no massive raid group. Everyone just made their small groups and took orders.



- We didnt have these instances...if you wanted to kill something you had to camp its spawn and RACE against everyone else to get it. If you didnt get it you had to wait another 7 days just to get a chance to take it down.



- If you had a weapon that had a "The" in it, it was legitmately epic. There was MAYBE two or three on the server and it was drooled over.



- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server.




- You couldn't solo your way 1-50. You HAD to group because mobs were too mean to kill by yourself. It built a genuine connection across the server and people really got to know eachother.



- Getting access to an endgame zone took WORK. Months and months of work to even get INSIDE.









(Feel free to add your own)

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I would not call people "geeks", but those who had fun with games.


To have fun in past was just something different than it is today. You were a small group, that had the same intrest´s and did look out after each other. To beat a boss was something incredible, it took hours sometimes but all did stay and tried hard. The loot if there was some, was not so important.


Fun today is different, its all about loot and equality. Nobody wants to be unique anymore, all want the best and this instantly. If someone is not that good or lets say "if he does not fit your opinion about good" then he gets removed, insulted - ya this is the fun for many today.



the 'fun' today is all about loot, because the 'fun' yesterday as you depict it was all about ACCOMPLISHING things, doing 'hard stuff' with your group.


naturally gear become pointers and meters of accomplishment and reward.


its your fault. the people like you, who saw games as a stuff to 'accomplish' things with your friends, have brought this on. in your excessive vocalness, you also drew a lot of people who were there for having FUN with their friends away from games, and games increasingly became an accomplishment and grind fest.


you saw what you reap.

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Back in my day...



- We didnt have raid groups. We rangled 100+ people and made groups of 6 to try and kill one world boss. None of this 8-man easy mode content. You had to actually have a sizeable group to get things done.



- Raid buffs took 30 minutes and you liked it. There was no massive raid group. Everyone just made their small groups and took orders.



- We didnt have these instances...if you wanted to kill something you had to camp its spawn and RACE against everyone else to get it. If you didnt get it you had to wait another 7 days just to get a chance to take it down.



- If you had a weapon that had a "The" in it, it was legitmately epic. There was MAYBE two or three on the server and it was drooled over.



- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server.




- You couldn't solo your way 1-50. You HAD to group because mobs were too mean to kill by yourself. It built a genuine connection across the server and people really got to know eachother.



- Getting access to an endgame zone took WORK. Months and months of work to even get INSIDE.









(Feel free to add your own)



eq was not truly old school, try full looting, murder counts, 90% player generated content and decay of your corpse if you didn't get to it fast enough... Ultima Online was the best mmo ever (pre-trammel) and I blame trammel on the EQ crowd, they are the young whippersnappers that made gaming too easy imo, everything that followed was based on the trend EQ made to hand feed people content and to covet shiney soulbound gear.

Edited by Yazule
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Some old MMO i played like 12-13 years ago.. KNIGHTS something.


1. Max lvl was 60, but you could grind till anything you wanted. Ofcouse 1 lvl over 60 took about 1 month grinding with 4 friends 8 hours a day! getting from 69-70 would take about a year. I never saw anyone over 80.

2. You die, you lose 15% XP unless ressed by a priest, then you only lose 5% which would still bee weeks/months of work GONE!

3: You could upgrade highest tier armor using scrolls. The more times you did this on 1 piece, the higher chance you had of it being destroyed! (again, months of work GONE!)

4: There where open world serverVSserver PVP events, If you could even get into the zone you'd usualy lag out in 10 minutes.


I can't say i miss the armor being destroyed tbh :p it realy left you with a gutwrenching feeling when you destroy'd your chest that took you half a year to get to lvl5 and now you have to start over again.


All the other stuff, incuding XP losing was fine. It lead to team spirit and more bonding then these days MMO's

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Anyone remember UO, when you died and someone stole your gear you worked for many months? :eek:

Imagine this today, the forum would explode by all the whine.


Stuff like that continues to happen in Eve today. Anyone else remember when the net was abuzz about some ship with tons of pilot licenses getting jacked by pirates?

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We simply have to remember that all RPGs are based off the ideas of Dungeons & Dragons. MMOs too. The early MMOs were basically converting the ideas of a pen and paper RPG to a video game world where anyone could roll up a character and go kills monsters or each other.


The idea at that time was simply to get the "rules" working and let people do what they want in that world. While this style of game does have its pluses, it also has several drawbacks. Playing this way is like playing D&D with no Dungeon Master. It's doable, and can be fun, but ultimately, it's all about mechanics. It's about having fun with a system of rule.


A lot of players, me included, want more than a set of rules. We want a story. We want a purpose other than working really hard to get stuff. Modern MMOs attempt to fill this void, while still supporting the crowd that just wants to go through the min/max gear up for the next challenge style of play, AND support those that just want to have some fun without trying too hard.


That's three goals that don't really work hand in hand, so sacrifices are made. "Regular" content is made to be solo-able so people can play without spending hours looking for a group. However, "hardcore" players then find this content too easy, or miss group play. So instanced dungeons and raids are created to appease these players, and better loot is added to these areas to make the extra challenge worth it. But then the more casual player complain about not being able to get loot without a group, or joining a raid guild. And the solo players complain when they run out of interesting story and quest content to complete. And don't get me started on the players who play only to craft and earn money!


It's an endless balancing act for developers who want to make everyone happy. In the old days that was less of a concern since MMOs were a nich market with a smaller player base and smaller budgets to worry about earning back.

Edited by Granrick
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Off my lawn, damned kids


Back in my day ... I got together with friends in my parent's kitchen and broke out the 1st edition D&D and actually, you know, played a game for fun.


Amazing concept, eh?


People still do that, it's just either Pathfinder or D&D 4.0. Seems like every time I go to Gen-Con, it's a colossal mix of old-school awesome with new awesome.

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