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SW:TOR a average game!


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Precisely that. You contributed nothing of worth to this thread. I have contributed something of worth to this thread. You called my input useless, yet you've contributed 0 to the actual topic of this thread.


If you actually read what I said was useless you would realize I wasn't at all referring to your post about this topic, but that of what I quoted.

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This person has no idea how WoW started.



1) WoW only had 4 total starting zones when it launched, not 8.


2) SWTOR planets are larger than WoW zones, so you can't compare them in size directly.


3) I have had no problem soloing any and all solo quests.


4) The only thing I agree with on the OP's post is the GTN UI being horrible.


5) WoW didn't even have an end game whatsoever when it launched.


6) SWTOR has FARRR more content than what WoW had when it launched.


7) There were plenty of people getting max level when WoW launched in ~3 days, not 3 months.


Why you comparing game from 2004 with game from 2011. A lot of things changed during 7 years and so many games failed during 7 years, because "standard basic" approach.

Exactly same as you would compare 7 years old car and new car. New has to be better, other wise it is no point improve car industry, if peoples keep buying 7 year old cars with it's limitations. What is the point putting loads of money in to research, to actually improve pevious models.

It is called to progress, who fails understand it, fails deliver.

Edited by Chaffery
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what i was trying to say is that comparing the launch of a game from 7 years ago to a game created today is stupid.


i would expect a higher amount of content than 7 years ago.


i can try and spell it out in bigger letters if that would help.


All MMOs evolve over time, imagine a brand new mmo coming out with 10 raids, hundreds of zones, etc but being horribly broken in some way (let's say for arguments sake bad mechanics/class structure/storyline.) Then you have made 7 years worth of MMO content, but nobody is playing your game because it's pure trash.


In all MMOs the way they make money is subscription retention or micro-transaction monetization. It would be both overwhelming to have 30+ raid bosses at launch, but it would make no financial sense since we both know the way MMO gamers are that there would be groups of people who cracked that content extremely quickly.


Basically, it is in our best interests that a game starts small, has a decent core, and builds on it instead of trying to be "super awesome *****in mmo 9000" and delivering nothing but crap. It's not reasonable to put 7 years of development work into an MMO before launch, nobody would back it financially.


I like what I see so far and look forward to 6 months from now when I can actually give an opinion on how this game is, since the growth/development is more important to me than what it is at launch.

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OP: Not really a very constructive post at all about what improvements you would suggest, so expect it to be locked very soon.




Yeah, he's /ranting more then anything, not to mention a condescending LOL here and there.


0/10 for this below average review IMO.

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All MMOs evolve over time, imagine a brand new mmo coming out with 10 raids, hundreds of zones, etc but being horribly broken in some way (let's say for arguments sake bad mechanics/class structure/storyline.) Then you have made 7 years worth of MMO content, but nobody is playing your game because it's pure trash.


In all MMOs the way they make money is subscription retention or micro-transaction monetization. It would be both overwhelming to have 30+ raid bosses at launch, but it would make no financial sense since we both know the way MMO gamers are that there would be groups of people who cracked that content extremely quickly.


Basically, it is in our best interests that a game starts small, has a decent core, and builds on it instead of trying to be "super awesome *****in mmo 9000" and delivering nothing but crap. It's not reasonable to put 7 years of development work into an MMO before launch, nobody would back it financially.


I like what I see so far and look forward to 6 months from now when I can actually give an opinion on how this game is, since the growth/development is more important to me than what it is at launch.



think you missed my point. i was speaking to that guy comparing the new games "starting areas" as some grand achievement. and what i was saying is i would hope they had a bit more content vs a game that came out 7 years ago. in this case, they have. which was my point.

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This person has no idea how WoW started.



1) WoW only had 4 total starting zones when it launched, not 8.


2) SWTOR planets are larger than WoW zones, so you can't compare them in size directly.


3) I have had no problem soloing any and all solo quests.


4) The only thing I agree with on the OP's post is the GTN UI being horrible.


5) WoW didn't even have an end game whatsoever when it launched.


6) SWTOR has FARRR more content than what WoW had when it launched.


7) There were plenty of people getting max level when WoW launched in ~3 days, not 3 months.


Spot on. Thank you for taking time to correct him on his many flaws in review.

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think you missed my point. i was speaking to that guy comparing the new games "starting areas" as some grand achievement. and what i was saying is i would hope they had a bit more content vs a game that came out 7 years ago. in this case, they have. which was my point.


Oh! Sorry, then carry on. My point is that in Vanilla WoW there were not 8 starting zones. The OP never played Everquest or Vanilla WoW given how he is just spewing false stereotypes the Counterstrike community made fun of me with in 2001.

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In WoW, except for a few quests, you are just generic hero #487.


The "story" is the same no matter if you play a death knight or mage. You follow the same quest lines as everyone else.


I played WoW for 6-7 years and I thought that was ok but I prefer the way SWTOR does it. If you start a new character you have a totally new story to experience.


If you think WoW wasn't buggy at launch then you are lying and you didn't play WoW at launch. I used to wait 2-3 hours at times. Servers would crash. Quest targets would de-spawn. Mobs wouldn't be where they said they were. Not to mention you could get stuck without a place to go as the game didn't say where to go next.


Oh, and as pointed out above, your analysis of what WoW had is completely wrong.


So...stop lying.

Edited by Arkerus
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In WoW, except for a few quests, you are just generic hero #487.


The "story" is the same no matter if you play a death knight or mage. You follow the same quest lines as everyone else.


I played WoW for 6-7 years and I thought that was ok but I prefer the way SWTOR does it. If you start a new character you have a totally new story to experience.


If you think WoW wasn't buggy at launch then you are lying and you didn't play WoW at launch. I used to wait 2-3 hours at times. Servers would crash. Quest targets would de-spawn. Mobs wouldn't be where they said they were. Not to mention you could get stuck without a place to go as the game didn't say where to go next.


you mean a totally different story from the guy next to you who made the same class you did?


yeah, so different :)


now youre just generic bounty hunter #230

Edited by Reecelol
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Compare wow to swg not swtor ... personally I prefer to think outside the box, if you want to compare wow to a modern game, why swtor? Compare it to skyrim. If you want to compare SWTOR to an old game, why not Empire Strikes Back on Atari or metroid on nes?


Personally I play ESB on Atari just as much as any modern game like SWTOR, Skyrim, Crysis 2, DCUO, SC2, TWShogun2, and the Witcher 2. I play ESB on Atari like a mad man and I'm pretty ****** .... perhaps the best ESB on Atari player who had ever lived in the South Bronx.


My simple point is .... comparing swtor to wow is so overdone by people who were initially interested in investment and stocks. We're gamers so compare and contrast it to games. Be the black sheep.

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Compare wow to swg not swtor ... personally I prefer to think outside the box, if you want to compare wow to a modern game, why swtor? Compare it to skyrim. If you want to compare SWTOR to an old game, why not Empire Strikes Back on Atari or metroid on nes?


Personally I play ESB on Atari just as much as any modern game like SWTOR, Skyrim, Crysis 2, DCUO, SC2, TWShogun2, and the Witcher 2. I play ESB on Atari like a mad man and I'm pretty ****** .... perhaps the best ESB on Atari player who had ever lived in the South Bronx.


My simple point is .... comparing swtor to wow is so overdone by people who were initially interested in investment and stocks. We're gamers so compare and contrast it to games. Be the black sheep.


so compare an mmo to a single player console/pc game. i see your logic. very clear sir.



i think more accurate is to compare swtor to skyrim.

Edited by Reecelol
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Compare wow to swg not swtor ... personally I prefer to think outside the box, if you want to compare wow to a modern game, why swtor? Compare it to skyrim. If you want to compare SWTOR to an old game, why not Empire Strikes Back on Atari or metroid on nes?


Personally I play ESB on Atari just as much as any modern game like SWTOR, Skyrim, Crysis 2, DCUO, SC2, TWShogun2, and the Witcher 2. I play ESB on Atari like a mad man and I'm pretty ****** .... perhaps the best ESB on Atari player who had ever lived in the South Bronx.


My simple point is .... comparing swtor to wow is so overdone by people who were initially interested in investment and stocks. We're gamers so compare and contrast it to games. Be the black sheep.


Thank you for making me, and Super Empire Strikes back on my SNES, feel young.

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you mean a totally different story from the guy next to you who made the same class you did?


yeah, so different :)


now youre just generic bounty hunter #230


I think you know what I meant. Different class. I hope you did!

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Originally Posted by iResist

This person has no idea how WoW started.



1) WoW only had 4 total starting zones when it launched, not 8.


2) SWTOR planets are larger than WoW zones, so you can't compare them in size directly.


3) I have had no problem soloing any and all solo quests.


4) The only thing I agree with on the OP's post is the GTN UI being horrible.


5) WoW didn't even have an end game whatsoever when it launched.


6) SWTOR has FARRR more content than what WoW had when it launched.


7) There were plenty of people getting max level when WoW launched in ~3 days, not 3 months.



WOW had 8 races at launch so 8 zones not 4.

Star Wars planets are not a single zone but multizones. WOW zones are larger.

For 3: good job dude.

WOW had endgame at launch which was Instances. Battlegrounds came a year later.

SW:TOR has maybe 20% the content of WOW.

3 months is an average player and I have never heard of anyone doing it in 3 days. 9-10 maybe if they played 24 hours a day for that 9-10 days.


I compaired WOW from it's launch because in the forums people get angry if you compair it to WOW today. They think it's unfair. I agree this game should be compaired to WOW today.


I played WOW for 6 years. Yes, it's not the best I could hope for but, it was and still is the best even with Blizzard shooting themselves in the foot with there last trash Expan.....:eek:

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Originally Posted by iResist

This person has no idea how WoW started.



1) WoW only had 4 total starting zones when it launched, not 8.


2) SWTOR planets are larger than WoW zones, so you can't compare them in size directly.


3) I have had no problem soloing any and all solo quests.


4) The only thing I agree with on the OP's post is the GTN UI being horrible.


5) WoW didn't even have an end game whatsoever when it launched.


6) SWTOR has FARRR more content than what WoW had when it launched.


7) There were plenty of people getting max level when WoW launched in ~3 days, not 3 months.



WOW had 8 races at launch so 8 zones not 4.

Star Wars planets are not a single zone but multizones. WOW zones are larger.

For 3: good job dude.

WOW had endgame at launch which was Instances. Battlegrounds came a year later.

SW:TOR has maybe 20% the content of WOW.

3 months is an average player and I have never heard of anyone doing it in 3 days. 9-10 maybe if they played 24 hours a day for that 9-10 days.


I compaired WOW from it's launch because in the forums people get angry if you compair it to WOW today. They think it's unfair. I agree this game should be compaired to WOW today.


I played WOW for 6 years. Yes, it's not the best I could hope for but, it was and still is the best even with Blizzard shooting themselves in the foot with there last trash Expan.....:eek:


Gnomes and Dwarfs shared a starting zone. Trolls and orcs did (or tauren, I played Alliance Vanilla.)


They all funneled into 2 per faction common areas (Barrens/Wherver the hell undead went i forget, Redridge/Loch Modan.) After that people went to the same places.


Gnomer and Echo Isles were reclaimed with Cata.

Edited by Battyone
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Unlike currently WoW , here new content won't spawn from a mist (a huge continent/island remained hidden in the mist lol) and there are TONS of possible expansion points > new planets, new zones in old planets, some bad guy build up a space station , hidden tombs and stuff like that. And right now in WoW to make new content Blizzard has to literally drain it of their own fingers since the world there was pretty much explored, and dont point uldum out pls for the love of sanity.



One thing I agree to - Quests


Quests in SW:TOR are completely boring. Its just kill this guy, kill that much guys, obtain that item... How come there be not a single fun quest at all, for example:

- riding a some sort of mechanized vehicle dealing with baddies

- escort quests

- defend the point quests

- bombard the area quests

- swim underwater to find something quests (btw has anyone found any non-shallow waters or does our characters just dont have swim animations ?)


And don't say vanilla wow didn't have fun quests either. At this point bioware really could have thinked of something more than voice acting.


And one more thing I would like to add - Artificial Inteligence on the npc's,mobs,bosses etc. is hugelly bugged. For example when I knock out a guy from a ledge and he fells down but did not die he just stares at me like needing to think what to do and wondering shoud he come top again lol

Edited by Lordkoon
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Well, Here's were I make alot of people happy and alot more angry. Just remember, This is my take on the game so far.


Alot of people have been saying this game is the WOW killer. LOL

I say they need to compair both games and you will see that this game is just another meduim grade game out to get it's followers just Like Warhammer, Aion and Rift. It is not the WOW killer (WOW is killing itself anyway!)


Yes I am going to compair the 2 even though one is a medevil game and the other is a space game, but both are MMOs.


I will compair SW:TOR to Vanilla WOW or WOW 7 years ago sense so many people think thats how it should be done (Even though in 7 years the tech for computers and gaming has changed to the max.)


This game starts with 4 newbie zones. WOW starts with 8. Thats double. As SW goes on we then go to the next few zones were all Republic/Imps now share 1 zone/planet for the next few lvls then both side share a zone/planet for the rest of the game. WOW has a zone for each class on both sides for awhile then it drops to 2 shared. Thats 4 times as many zones at it's lunch 7 years ago. Plus it had twice as many races and classes.


first, get your facts straight. this game has much more content than even current wow. run from one end of a planet to the next and see how long it takes... you probably could have ran from undercity to STV in that same amount of time, and there are many more planets to go all of huge sizes.


infact, swtor has more content than any other themepark mmo to date, let alone at release. it even has more than many sandboxes but sandboxes are supposed to have tons of running content for player cities and things.


other than that, i honestly don't care what else you said, wow beats this game with combat and mounts, this totally wins in story and even in class/races as id rather play a human on both factions not just 1, and having 8 classes per side is more than enough... but this game is very new! if this game doesnt get it's combat together tho it will fail, the delay is a gamebreaker but it's new enough that ill let it slide, other than that im 100% fine with the game, especially since all i do is pvp and level alts, after rift, raiding has 0 appeal to me now.

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You will notice that I have highlighted (in red) your careless spelling and grammatical errors. While this is -your- opinion, I really cannot take it seriously when you cannot even master the most rudementary of spellings at it pertains to the english language.


English should be capitalized.


If you wish to give a "game review", I suggest finishing school first because, you, my freind, are spending far too much time without proper study.


The comma goes inside the quotation marks.


It's "friend."


Don't insult someone else's grammar when your own grammar needs improvement.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Man problem: Everquest took 3-4 years to get to max lvl. Yes, that was to long but WOW made it so you could do it in 3 months then Aion, Rift and no SW:TOR you can do it in 9 days. Which means you get to endgame or the same ole same ole faster then before. Big mistake. It's the trip that counts not the destination. Like all games, the endgame is just PVP or Instances. Yawn!


This is a good point. Unless the game has a really fantastic end game, ala DAoC, letting the player get to it as fast as games do now is not a good thing. Games are so easy to level and so boring once you get leveled that you see so much turn over in MMOs now days.

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