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SW:TOR a average game!


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Wow didn't need a BG system....We had Tarren Mill and Crossroads....Remember wow had World PVP? Than the BG's ruined that. Sorry but the WZ's in SWTOR sucks balls.


Companions are terrible, yeah you need them or you won't be able to quest. Other than helping you kill they serve 0 purpose.


Sorry, but they gimmicky story lines and voice overs aren't that good. Waste of space.


Yea I remember the Mill and Crossroads. Indeed they were good times but it was pretty much all we had unless you wanted to make the jog to the enemy capital for a raid. It did get old after awhile at least for me.


Not trying to rehash the open world pvp debate vs battleground debate but just rather that the system is included out of the gate in this game whereas WoW added that content later.


I keep seeing people compare this game with WoW at release like the OP and find the comparison laughable in terms of stability and content.


I can only figure 2 possibilities for people like the OP with regard to their recollection of WoW at release as follows:


1 - Their recollection is made up and they were not there at release.

2 - They have a short memory and have forgotten.

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Part 1 -- WoW is also just an average game honestly. .


Not quite.


Wow was way above average when it came out, sure it was buggy and whatever, but it gave people something new, it made MMOs accessible.


Now its average, because its defined what a modern MMO is, its the standard against which all other MMOs are judged, whether you like that or not.



Even though I agreed with most of what you were saying for the first two paragraphs I just couldnt continue to read through the horrible spelling and grammar mistakes. Did you even graduate highschool?


For example: COMPARE... not compair


generally when people have no real counter to an arguement they attack the person making it. Not only is it obvious it makes the pedantic pillock doing it look a complete ****.

Edited by Cameirus
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Part 1 -- WoW is also just an average game honestly.


Average games in this genre don't appeal across demographics. WoW does. Grandmothers weren't playing MMO's until WoW came along. Why is that? Because the game world was appealing to all ages with a user intuitive levelling up/questing design. Even if you were a total dolt it wasn't hard to level up and learn a class at a basic level in WoW and experience the content. *Thats* why it was successful. Nothing more, nothing less.


Blizzard's marketing had very little to do with that and the game itself had *everything* to do with that.


WoWs primary staying power is the sheer number of people who play it, almost any gamer has a friend who plays or has played WoW. People know what WoW is (Make love not warcraft from South Park for example.) Things came together to form a perfect storm of MMO that will never happen again.


And not true here either. The MMO has a history of being pulled forward by superstars. From Ultima Online to Everquest to WoW. But the genre is one thats terribly hard to get just right and ToR failed miserably. Its a single player game in MMO wrappings and in no way understood the genre it was developing for. If they had simply made a disposable single player game that was designed to last a month and be discarded like so many others on the market it would have succeeded at what it was trying to do. But to make this work as a modern MMO it needs massive patching and to pay for that development it takes lots of subs.


Heck, at this point Rift was a far better 2011 game and will almost certainly be around far longer than this one. It was also a game developed on a modest budget and was focused primarily on the gameplay(soul system). Companies should take a cue from them when trying to develop future MMO's. Its actually better to have a solid small game that you can expand via sub money, then to try to build a shaky massive game that collapses in subs.

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SWTOR is a better game, than this post is a post, but that isn't saying much. :p


WoW was no where close to this game at launch in terms of size, ad certainly in terms of crafting (OMG companions that could craft or get stuff for you would have been so epic back in Retail WoW launch), and moreover, it didn't have PvP. So this thread is just nonsense to me. Makes me think you weren't playing WoW when it launched to be honest.


Of course 6-7 yers later WoW is a lot more full featured and tight than SWTOR is at launch. But SWTOR is also a TOM more fun at release that WoW was and has a birght, bright future to me. But it doesn't need the hardcores or the pure MMO lovers to succeed, so don't feel bad if you just leave and leave these forums alone...

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SWTOR is a better game, than this post is a post, but that isn't saying much. :p


WoW was no where close to this game at launch in terms of size, ad certainly in terms of crafting (OMG companions that could craft or get stuff for you would have been so epic back in Retail WoW launch), and moreover, it didn't have PvP. So this thread is just nonsense to me. Makes me think you weren't playing WoW when it launched to be honest.


Of course 6-7 yers later WoW is a lot more full featured and tight than SWTOR is at launch. But SWTOR is also a TOM more fun at release that WoW was and has a birght, bright future to me. But it doesn't need the hardcores or the pure MMO lovers to succeed, so don't feel bad if you just leave and leave these forums alone...


World of Warcraft was a faaaaaaar better and fun game at launch. And i don't credit npcs constantly talking to each other towards ToR's 'size'. The design of the WoW game world simply decimates ToR every which way. Story != Gameplay and if you have weak gameplay, you have a weak game.. no matter the story.

Edited by Quillium
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I keep seeing people compare this game with WoW at release like the OP and find the comparison laughable in terms of stability and content.


I keep seeing people get upset when any Themepark MMO is compared to WoW.


Understand that SW:TOR, WOW, AION, RIFT, ALLODS, etc are all in the same market of the MMO genre; the Themepark MMO.


WOW happens to be the most popular MMO in the Themepark genre. Hence, it is natural to use it as a point of reference when comparing any other Themepark MMO.


No matter how anyone tries to 'coat' SW:TOR, it is a game on rails. WoW is a game on rails.


Good, bad, or indifferent...the comparison will always be valid.

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Smug Statement: Ohhhh master, you are rediculous now. Can't you see that people are sick of elves, orcs, and all those fairy tale lands?


Mocking Query: You see master, TOR does not have elves and has many more worlds than just one so in time, there will be more for exploration and visiting different worlds.


Irritated Statement: Do not just say these things because you think your opinion means something master!!! You are part of the minority when it comes to hating this game.


Explanation: You see master, you must give worlds time to be explored. Things just don't happen as fast as you want them to. You must give the creator the time they need in order to make this game larger and more expansive.


Retraction: Oh my...I just said all those things out loud. I must be malfunctioning master. I did not mean to say all those things, but regardless, they will come true.


Translation: Oooooooh master, I think you mean you are delighted that this game is so fun and you can't wrap your head around the fact that you are actually playing it. Nor do you seem to have the patience as one such as I to sit through cinematics.


Irritated Statement: If you do not like this game master, I suggest you go to another one. But SWTOR will be on your mind all the time now that you have played it. The genius the the developer has done with VO and decision will forever be inside your skull, grabbing at you, poking at you, until the day you break.


Mocking Query: This land does not have things such as elves with loin clothes and spears master. It has *list inventory* Sniper Rifles, Lightsaber, Vibroblades, Grenade Launchers, Blaster Rifles, Blaster Pistols, Grenades, Starships, CryoBan among many others masters. Might I suggxest you go into an inferior product.

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