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SW:TOR a average game!


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Well, Here's were I make alot of people happy and alot more angry. Just remember, This is my take on the game so far.


Alot of people have been saying this game is the WOW killer. LOL

I say they need to compair both games and you will see that this game is just another meduim grade game out to get it's followers just Like Warhammer, Aion and Rift. It is not the WOW killer (WOW is killing itself anyway!)


Yes I am going to compair the 2 even though one is a medevil game and the other is a space game, but both are MMOs.


I will compair SW:TOR to Vanilla WOW or WOW 7 years ago sense so many people think thats how it should be done (Even though in 7 years the tech for computers and gaming has changed to the max.)


This game starts with 4 newbie zones. WOW starts with 8. Thats double. As SW goes on we then go to the next few zones were all Republic/Imps now share 1 zone/planet for the next few lvls then both side share a zone/planet for the rest of the game. WOW has a zone for each class on both sides for awhile then it drops to 2 shared. Thats 4 times as many zones at it's lunch 7 years ago. Plus it had twice as many races and classes.


Really no difference in crafting. Honestly. Being able to tell 2 of your companions to craft or go on material missions is no big deal sense you have to stop and do it over and over.


Man problem: Everquest took 3-4 years to get to max lvl. Yes, that was to long but WOW made it so you could do it in 3 months then Aion, Rift and no SW:TOR you can do it in 9 days. Which means you get to endgame or the same ole same ole faster then before. Big mistake. It's the trip that counts not the destination. Like all games, the endgame is just PVP or Instances. Yawn!


Game has a huge amount of bugs. Never seen so many in WOW, Aion, Rift or Warhammer.




Companion wont follow you onto a lift or into a room. Despawns for no reason

Many, many graphical errors.

I love it when my Troopers ship leaves a space port, goes into space and it's 2 wings poop out, the ship jumps up like a spring which in space is not possable, the ships main body should not move and the wings should then fould up and down.. Thats just one of many mistakes I've seen.

You people getting tired yet of the ship launching when you enter it? Even when your just going to use your Holo? Way to much time wasted. They should have a LAUNCH button by the galatic map so we can launch when WE want to!

Have you people come across quest that are rated solo for your lvl or maybe your a few lvls above it yet the mobs kill you in seconds like there elite/heroic. Found over a dozens already and I have the best weapons/armor I can have for my lvl and my companion.


You people getting tired of the boring space rail shooter yet. I dont play it anymore. It's just to stupid. We need something more Like Jump to Lightspeed or Eve for are space combat and quest and group please!!!!!


How about that cheap galactic aution house LOL. You can't be very specific on what your looking for with it. Really bad.


You notice how we all have to do the same quest other then the class quest. When we only have one planet to all go to for certain lvls it gets boring fast. WOW has at least 4 zones for people to choose from with those zones own quest. Takes alot more time to get bored.


In the long run this game is the same stuff in a different box and they didn't even rap it as well as WOW did.


This game should be compaired to WOW today but it's less then 20% of vaniila WOW on its launch day.


I'll still play for awhile but I'm sure like most people that aren't Star Wars crazed, I'll be gone in acouple months.


Still waiting for that WOW killer but dont see anything on the Horizon yet!




Now, be nice when you post people. This is just one persons veiw and I will respect yours!:D

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Part 1 -- WoW is also just an average game honestly. There was nothing really phenomenal about it except the rate that it got users into the game, with a company like Blizzard it was somewhat expected, but even they did not realize the game would be as popular as it is. The magic of WoW for a lot of people is that it was their first MMO, and for many even their first computer game. Look at how many people look back on Vanilla as the pinnacle of WoW, when in reality things were bugged, endgame was unbeatable a few times, (E.g. C'Thun pre-nerf), pacing was off (look at how short we had Naxx before we got TBC and even in TBC we were killing the end boss of the expansion (Illidan) 3 months in), and etc. WoWs primary staying power is the sheer number of people who play it, almost any gamer has a friend who plays or has played WoW. People know what WoW is (Make love not warcraft from South Park for example.) Things came together to form a perfect storm of MMO that will never happen again.


With that being said it was a fun game, it got old for me, I don't hate it so much as I hate the direction Blizzard is taking it in. People who play wow are fine in my book.


Part 1 tl;dr: WoW is average too, average is not a horrible thing (in my mind the average pc game is entertaining/fun but eventually loses its steam, great games are games like Tetris that stand the test of time.), no hate on WoW here.


Part 2 -- Spacebar through that launch cutscene dude, I got tired of seeing those after 1 time.


*EDIT -- also for the love of god fix the article in your title. That is one of my biggest pet peeves ever.


*EDIT 2 -- I re-read your post and must point out that you mention comparing vanilla to this and then you say wow has 8 starting zones. It gained 2 in TBC and 2 in Cataclysm. Did you play vanilla?


*EDIT 3 -- Everquest did not take years to get to max level. SMFH. (I quit that game when Luclin came out because with their texture/engine changes while pretty made zoning a 5 min ordeal.)


I am starting to doubt you played EITHER Vanilla WoW or EQ1 pre 2000.

Edited by Battyone
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Two main problems are

1) developers never did it (developed MMO) before and

2) they don't play their own product - or their code is so chaotic they don't know how to improve/adjust it.


Game is mediocre because Bioware made same mistake as many others before them: they decided they are capable to create great MMO game from scratch - and failed to deliver modern, polished product which could be on par with expectations of modern gamers experienced in Rift, WoW, DAoC, GuildWars.


HUGE amount of bugs, incomplete mechanics (mercenary commendations / world PvP), outdated "features" which look like bugs (roll on item - and then you'll have to loot it), graphic glitches, every cavity and box threatening to /stuck you - all of this look like developers need at least +6-12 months to turn this game into non-frustrating experience. Until when the game look more like paid beta or great single player MMO with few multiplayer features.

Edited by Pashgan
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Well, Here's were I make alot of people happy and alot more angry. Just remember, This is my take on the game so far.


Alot of people have been saying this game is the WOW killer. LOL

I say they need to compair both games and you will see that this game is just another


grade game out to get it's followers just Like Warhammer, Aion and Rift. It is not the WOW killer (WOW is killing itself anyway!)


Yes I am going to compair the 2 even though one is a medevil game and the other is a space game, but both are MMOs.


I will compair SW:TOR to Vanilla WOW or WOW 7 years ago sense so many people think thats how it should be done (Even though in 7 years the tech for computers and gaming has changed to the max.)


This game starts with 4 newbie zones. WOW starts with 8. Thats double. As SW goes on we then go to the next few zones were all Republic/Imps now share 1 zone/planet for the next few lvls then both side share a zone/planet for the rest of the game. WOW has a zone for each class on both sides for awhile then it drops to 2 shared. Thats 4 times as many zones at it's lunch 7 years ago. Plus it had twice as many races and classes.


Really no difference in crafting. Honestly. Being able to tell 2 of your companions to craft or go on material missions is no big deal sense you have to stop and do it over and over.


Man problem: Everquest took 3-4 years to get to max lvl. Yes, that was to long but WOW made it so you could do it in 3 months then Aion, Rift and no SW:TOR you can do it in 9 days. Which means you get to endgame or the same ole same ole faster then before. Big mistake. It's the trip that counts not the destination. Like all games, the endgame is just PVP or Instances. Yawn!


Game has a huge amount of bugs. Never seen so many in WOW, Aion, Rift or Warhammer.




Companion wont follow you onto a lift or into a room. Despawns for no reason

Many, many graphical errors.

I love it when my Troopers ship leaves a space port, goes into space and it's 2 wings poop out, the ship jumps up like a spring which in space is not possable, the ships main body should not move and the wings should then fould up and down.. Thats just one of many mistakes I've seen.

You people getting tired yet of the ship launching when you enter it? Even when your just going to use your Holo? Way to much time wasted. They should have a LAUNCH button by the galatic map so we can launch when WE want to!

Have you people come across quest that are rated solo for your lvl or maybe your a few lvls above it yet the mobs kill you in seconds like there elite/heroic. Found over a dozens already and I have the best weapons/armor I can have for my lvl and my companion.


You people getting tired of the boring space rail shooter yet. I dont play it anymore. It's just to stupid. We need something more Like Jump to Lightspeed or Eve for are space combat and quest and group please!!!!!


How about that cheap galactic aution house LOL. You can't be very specific on what your looking for with it. Really bad.


You notice how we all have to do the same quest other then the class quest. When we only have one planet to all go to for certain lvls it gets boring fast. WOW has at least 4 zones for people to choose from with those zones own quest. Takes alot more time to get bored.


In the long run this game is the same stuff in a different box and they didn't even rap it as well as WOW did.


This game should be compaired to WOW today but it's less then 20% of vaniila WOW on its launch day.


I'll still play for awhile but I'm sure like most people that aren't Star Wars crazed, I'll be gone in acouple months.


Still waiting for that WOW killer but dont see anything on the Horizon yet!




Now, be nice when you post people. This is just one persons veiw and I will respect yours!:D


You will notice that I have highlighted (in red) your careless spelling and grammatical errors. While this is -your- opinion, I really cannot take it seriously when you cannot even master the most rudementary of spellings at it pertains to the english language.


If you wish to give a "game review", I suggest finishing school first because, you, my freind, are spending far too much time without proper study.


Also, is this your first MMO?

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You will notice that I have highlighted (in red) your careless spelling and grammatical errors. While this is -your- opinion, I really cannot take it seriously when you cannot even master the most rudementary of spellings at it pertains to the english language.


If you wish to give a "game review", I suggest finishing school first because, you, my freind, are spending far too much time without proper study.


Also, is this your first MMO?



Edited by Maintain
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I think there is a law, i forget who it is attributed to, that any time you correct someone's grammar in a post you make a typo or grammatical error yourself. (Of course your post is the exception since there is no room for it but hey.)

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This person has no idea how WoW started.



1) WoW only had 4 total starting zones when it launched, not 8.


2) SWTOR planets are larger than WoW zones, so you can't compare them in size directly.


3) I have had no problem soloing any and all solo quests.


4) The only thing I agree with on the OP's post is the GTN UI being horrible.


5) WoW didn't even have an end game whatsoever when it launched.


6) SWTOR has FARRR more content than what WoW had when it launched.


7) There were plenty of people getting max level when WoW launched in ~3 days, not 3 months.

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You will notice that I have highlighted (in red) your careless spelling and grammatical errors. While this is -your- opinion, I really cannot take it seriously when you cannot even master the most rudementary of spellings at it pertains to the english language.


If you wish to give a "game review", I suggest finishing school first because, you, my freind, are spending far too much time without proper study.


Also, is this your first MMO?


Wow man that has got to be the most petty, rude, and as far as the internet goes, uneccessary things I have seen on these boards. You have no idea how gamers and people who use the internet often type. yawn.

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I think there is a law, i forget who it is attributed to, that any time you correct someone's grammar in a post you make a typo or grammatical error yourself. (Of course your post is the exception since there is no room for it but hey.)


It was a joke, no need for your useless input.

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This person has no idea how WoW started.



1) WoW only had 4 total starting zones when it launched, not 8.


2) SWTOR planets are larger than WoW zones, so you can't compare them in size directly.


3) I have had no problem soloing any and all solo quests.


4) The only thing I agree with on the OP's post is the GTN UI being horrible.


i would seriously hope that in the 7 years since the launch they would manage to expand on some of the starting points/zones when they release a game with this much hype :rolleyes:

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It was a joke, no need for your useless input.


I'd say you're input was more useless and less humorous than anyone else. Note how on the first page I noted all the ways the OPs actual argument was wrong?


Where is your contribution to the discussion?

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i would seriously hope that in the 7 years since the launch they would manage to expand on some of the starting points/zones when they release a game with this much hype :rolleyes:



Your post doesn't even make any sense. Of course WoW has expanded with more starting zones since they launched 7 years ago.



Right now, there is no need for SWTOR to have more. In fact, it would be a waste of development for SWTOR to have more.

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I'd say you're input was more useless and less humorous than anyone else. Note how on the first page I noted all the ways the OPs actual argument was wrong?


Where is your contribution to the discussion?


Excuse me sir, what do you mean by "you're input was more useless"?

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Excuse me sir, what do you mean by "you're input was more useless"?


Precisely that. You contributed nothing of worth to this thread. I have contributed something of worth to this thread. You called my input useless, yet you've contributed 0 to the actual topic of this thread.

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Your post doesn't even make any sense. Of course WoW has expanded with more starting zones since they launched 7 years ago.



Right now, there is no need for SWTOR to have more. In fact, it would be a waste of development for SWTOR to have more.


what i was trying to say is that comparing the launch of a game from 7 years ago to a game created today is stupid.


i would expect a higher amount of content than 7 years ago.


i can try and spell it out in bigger letters if that would help.

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