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Quest heroics = great for the community, flashpoints, not so much.


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The quest heroics you get on planets are more like the traditional dungeons you get in an MMO. Everyone one the planet gets the quests and if a shout out for a group doesn't yield any results, that's just fine, you continue questing along and eventually you'll get a group together.


It doesn't really have to be a perfect group either. You can make up for lack of any member of the trinity with companions, gusto, flair or some careful planning. I've grouped up with many fine people in those quest heroics and even found my current guild in one.


Flashpoints are another matter. for the life of me I can't understand why the divorced the FPs from the questing and why on earth did they put them all on fleet? There's nothing really to do in fleet other than some shopping or training. There's no story or questing. Just insta-ports to flashpoints. Lord help you if you're missing a member of the trinity you could be sitting in that boring place for an hour spamming general chat. (Where chuck norris jokes have given way to the already tired "arrow to the knee" jokes)


I think it would have been better if they peppered the flashpoints into the planets like quest heroics so you could continue playing the game while waiting for a group to form.

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i dont know what server you are playing on but everytime i go to fleet there are over 200 people and a good amount of people LFG for xx flashpoint


Master les something or other. A heavy populated server (I purposely chose a high pop server).


Early on when I was going with the "wave" I could get groups constantly. So much so that I had to stop grabbing them becasue I was outleveling content. However, slowing down and leveling a few alts has put me behind the curve and the FP groups are getting sparser and sparser. I'm getting the sense people are just solo-grinding to 50 before they bother to hit a FP.


A particular tough find is Maelstrom becasue you need to finish Taral V first and a lot of people passy that by.


But, that wasn't the point of my post, I wasn't complaining so much about the inabilithy to find a group but how anit-social the whole thing is. There's nothing really to there after you pick up supplies and train. People are just milling about. General chat on the plaents is more interesting as people have things to talk about and are on the same quest and groups don't have to be perfect.

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I actually find it fairly easy to find groups for flashpoints. Exact opposite with heroics. Takes forever to find a group for those. Actually just gave up and deleted one last night because tried for three days to get a group together for it and could never get one to do it.


So while it may technically be easier for heroics seems to me people can't be bothered when they're ina zone because they're busy doing other stuff. While if you're at the fleet others are either there themselves to get in a flashpoint or using the vendors and are more inclined to jump into a group.


The fact they made no effort whatsoever to put mechanics in place to help with grouping doesn't help either. Incredibly lazy and shortsighted design.


Gonna be a lot of fun for people that get into this game at a later date trying to find groups.:rolleyes:


So in a nutshell I'm glad the flashpoints are separate. Because of that fact it makes them much easier to get players together to do them. Least from my experience.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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that's what I am doing..


I am not level 41 and have never done a flashpoint and have only done like 3 heroics.


I'm pushing to 50 enjoying ALL side quests and ALL bonus series quest on all planets then when I get to 50 ill do group stuff.



to me this is a coop rpg and it doesn't turn into a mmorpg until 50 anyways, So I'm waiting to get to 50 to do the group stuff,


heck im 41 and still not in a guild

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There's nothing really to do in fleet other than some shopping or training. There's no story or questing. Just insta-ports to flashpoints. Lord help you if you're missing a member of the trinity you could be sitting in that boring place for an hour spamming general chat. (Where chuck norris jokes have given way to the already tired "arrow to the knee" jokes)


And who said Dalaran is dead :p

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