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PLEASE remove randomness from available crew missions!


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It is really starting to annoy that the available missions for any given crew tier are five randomly-selected ones from the entire list of what you can do.


As an example, on my Artificer last night, I needed Thermionic Gel Suspensions for the Teir 3 Crystals I was crafting. That's from a Teir 2 mission. However, more often than not, the only missions were for Teir 2 Crystals and Artifacts.


Please, stop forcing us to do useless missions to (MAYBE) get to the ones we actually need.

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One thing they did do right is that, in the recipe, if you mouse over the item you need that you don't have, it'll tell you what it is, such as "Grade 3 Artifact Fragment" or "Grade 2 Underworld Metal." Thus, you can do the missions that provide "Grade 3 Artifact Fragments" or "Grade 2 Underworld Metals" and get those items.


Unless you need, say, Grade 1 Underworld Metals, and your mission list is full of missions for Grade 1 Companion Gifts and Grade 1 Luxury Fabrics.

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One thing they did do right is that, in the recipe, if you mouse over the item you need that you don't have, it'll tell you what it is, such as "Grade 3 Artifact Fragment" or "Grade 2 Underworld Metal." Thus, you can do the missions that provide "Grade 3 Artifact Fragments" or "Grade 2 Underworld Metals" and get those items.


Unless you need, say, Grade 1 Underworld Metals, and your mission list is full of missions for Grade 1 Companion Gifts and Grade 1 Luxury Fabrics.


Exactly. Besides now that the game is live there are web sites that will tell you what missions give what. I am not having issues getting what I want and what I need. A little patience goes a long way.

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I need conductive flux. I don't know where to get it nor do I have missions for it.


I guess I can't cybertech. >.<


I believe skill vendors sell Conductive Flux if not once your gathering is high enough you should be able to do a mission for it. I was able to at least, the flux item missions usually come later in the mission tree before the next tier I have noticed.


@OP: I feel your pain.

Edited by Shadlicious
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Sometimes it's more than a little patience. If the missions even cycled reliably, it wouldn't be so bad. But I can't tell you how many times last night my ship droid came back from a missions, one I wanted was up, so I sent the droid out on a different mission, waiting for my +Archaeology companion to come back, but when she did, the mission I wanted to send her on was gone!
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Sometimes it's more than a little patience. If the missions even cycled reliably, it wouldn't be so bad. But I can't tell you how many times last night my ship droid came back from a missions, one I wanted was up, so I sent the droid out on a different mission, waiting for my +Archaeology companion to come back, but when she did, the mission I wanted to send her on was gone!


I guess I just have a lot more luck in getting what I want than you. I have plenty of what I need when I want to use it.

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I need conductive flux. I don't know where to get it nor do I have missions for it.


I guess I can't cybertech. >.<


You get conductive flux from scavenging missions level 16-24 missions. However, it is cheaper to buy them at the crew skills vendor. The cost to send the companion out on the mission is more expensive than using the crew skill vendor.

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The bottom line is this needs to be fixed. I have an artificer that carries Treasure hunting which yields gemstones and an armormech alt the carries Underworld trading for Underworld metals and both of them are in the grade 5 realm and at times, I do 15-20 lockbox and companion gift missions without EVER seeing a gemstone or underworld metal mission.


It is complete crap. If it is so random why do you keep seeing the same lockbox and companion gift missions and go 20 missions without a gemstone mission or underworld metal mission on artificer and armormechs? This needs to be fixed period.

Edited by clocknane
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You get conductive flux from scavenging missions level 16-24 missions. However, it is cheaper to buy them at the crew skills vendor. The cost to send the companion out on the mission is more expensive than using the crew skill vendor.


Don't do anything below Abundant. Moderate and below have lower efficiency. With Rich missions, you only pay something like 75% of the cost.

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I need conductive flux. I don't know where to get it nor do I have missions for it.


I guess I can't cybertech. >.<


you buy it at vendors..


As for removing random? seriously ?? you want everything exact so you know what your gonna get? .. jezz

So many threads in tor demanding the removal of anything that reqs thought or randomizing encounters. it's really sad to see MMO's sinking to such a level, an specially since it's blizzards fault for catering to that sort of player.

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Screw that, I've never played WoW, and never intend to. This is something that legitimately makes crafting more difficult than it needs to be. If you can't make something because the mission you need failed or produced less-than-stellar results, that's one thing, you can try again. But if the mission you need won't even pop in the first place, that's something else entirely.
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The bottom line is this needs to be fixed. I have an artificer that carries Treasure hunting which yields gemstones and an armormech alt the carries Underworld trading for Underworld metals and both of them are in the grade 5 realm and at times, I do 15-20 lockbox and companion gift missions without EVER seeing a gemstone or underworld metal mission.


It is complete crap. If it is so random why do you keep seeing the same lockbox and companion gift missions and go 20 missions without a gemstone mission or underworld metal mission on artificer and armormechs? This needs to be fixed period.


You can cycle all your missions if you log in and out, I swear to god I'm the only person who tried this as soon as I got mission skills, since no one else seems to know.

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Screw that, I've never played WoW, and never intend to. This is something that legitimately makes crafting more difficult than it needs to be. If you can't make something because the mission you need failed or produced less-than-stellar results, that's one thing, you can try again. But if the mission you need won't even pop in the first place, that's something else entirely.



Humm that's some WoW mentality you have going for yourself there. You sure you never

played WoW? Having the missions random is part of what makes it great. Your not always

going to be doing the same thing in real life why would you do the same in a game.

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Sometimes it's more than a little patience. If the missions even cycled reliably, it wouldn't be so bad. But I can't tell you how many times last night my ship droid came back from a missions, one I wanted was up, so I sent the droid out on a different mission, waiting for my +Archaeology companion to come back, but when she did, the mission I wanted to send her on was gone!


The missions cycle when:

A) You log out/in

B) You zone into/out of your ship

C) A companion returns from a mission.


So, if you don't have the rank 6 mission you want, you can log, ship, or send a companion out on a Grade 1 (3 minute) mission. Bam! Instant new set.


If you want to hold on to one, the best way is actually to send someone on it, cancel it when the companion you want to use gets back, and then send them on it.

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Good tips, thanks.


I've seen the cycling when returning from missions, but it simply isn't reliable. If I knew that, for instance, doing a Power Crystal mission would free up a Color Crystal mission, even that would be a lot better than the random stuff we have now. And when the RNG hates you, there's not much you can but try again a few hours later.

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you can buy flux from the vendors...


The crew skill trade vendor does indeed sell fluxes. Doing the missions for them is a titanic ripoff, you end up massively overpaying. And most worlds seem to have a crew skills vendor.


Trick there is to just overbuy the vendor item your skill uses and stick it in the bank. Then if you're in the 'wilds of alderaan', you already have some.

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I think there should be a work bench available in game so when you're near it there are no wait times on crafting. I get a little sick of wanting to craft 10 or 20 things in a row and it taking over a min each. If you are away from the "work bench" or "crafting table", then wait times would be fine.
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