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So much struggle - HUGE Rewards! Loving my Class @46


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So many people have posted here about the problems of Marauders and how hard it is to level up / pvp. I read these articles and even rerolled. I leveled an Operative to 40 (very easily I might add) because of all the negative posts.


What a huge mistake.


I decided to finish my Marauder and get him GEARED (all the best level stuff for each slot, running Flashpoints, doing Heroic 4 man Quests) and it made a huge difference. As a Carnage spec Marauder + Quinn, I ran into 0 difficulty!


Now, I'm 46 and leveling / pvping as Annihilation and I would have to say to the low level Marauders just one thing...


Stick WITH it!


You won't regret your decision. If you want to be an in your face kinda player, Marauders can do it. Yeah it helps to have pocket healers in PvP and a tank putting Guard on you, but either way its still a lot of fun.


Don't listen to the haters, push through. 40 is a huge level for us.

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I could not have said it better my friend! Although there are a couple things I would change (Ravage channel time removed, Deadly Saber made a Static buff) I still love the marauder, play annihilation and watch your enemies melt before you!
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I could not have said it better my friend! Although there are a couple things I would change (Ravage channel time removed, Deadly Saber made a Static buff) I still love the marauder, play annihilation and watch your enemies melt before you!


In my opinion, making Deadly Saber a static buff would be imba. The way it is now requires you to manage rage and your GCD.


I definitely agree that there should be a better way to be notified of CDs up 30 Fury reached, etc. Too bad we won't have addons...

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yes indeed marauders are really rewarding 40+,its ****in hard to level between 30-40 especially but rest become easier. even in pvp the class is doing good(got operation gear and some pvp pieces) am annihlation atm,290k damage and 60k healing in warzone is quite insane
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have to admit, having hit 41 last night, I am finding the class to be much better. Just got some good gear (prototypes and PVP gear) and some good mods for the armor I want (Foundry mara armor) and I am finding this game to be alot better.


Also a tip for people not wanting to use our gear, get a IA's armor and take the mods out/put our mods in, ta da different look same stats.

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I just hit 30 and still have yet to come across any real hardships. This is just my opinion but in wow the war class was more challenging then say the retadin. However at later lvl's you began to have options on how to over come thees challenges. I see the same with mara, I feel to squishy I go Annihilation, I get my keybinds down packed Carnage becomes much more effective.
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playing something that's broken, ain't called rewarding.

but adapted, hugh difference their mate.

compareable with someone playing a MMO with only his feet, sinds he lost his arms

he might be good, but do not means that 95% of the population can do it.


only thing i can agree on is this, if they keep it broken, i keep kind of unique.

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i hate to say this but leveling with marauder has been pretty easy,:)


Though most of the time im a good 1-2 levels above the NPCs which helps, and ANh+quinn really usefull, so pretty happy with my current leveling though a bit slow.


PvP i think is where issues arise more than ever for us not so much PvE

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I've found the 30-40 bracket very easy to level, at least in comparison with 18-25. With Quinn I'll burn through strong and elites with very little health reduction. Multiple mobs take a bit longer and a bit more health (seems to out dps Quinn's hps) but no real issues. I'm looking forward to the final levels.


PVP is another matter entirely, but it's more of a realisation that you can't one shot your way through other classes and an acceptance that you need to stick with others. Saying that, if you do catch a stray enemy....

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