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Where is Commando interrupt?


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Just add the interupt to stock strike, it dont got to be a ranged one. Commando's can move its not like they are rooted to the ground once they start attacking.


Hopefully, you realize the absurdity of this suggestion for Commando.


A melee interrupt has zero synergy with ranged specs (and all our specs are ranged), which are all designed around maintaining distance, rather than gap-closing.


In PvP, the ones you want to interrupt are also ranged, and they can kite you just like they kite melee. Even if you try to slow them, they can also slow you, and you don't have a gap closer to help you get past that. Good luck getting in a Sage's face when they can slow you, stun you, knock you back, and sprint away.


For PvE, moving into melee range is an unjustified DPS/healing loss. It makes as much sense as giving melee an interrupt which can only be used at a 30-meter range.


So no, it's really got to be ranged, especially since Sages/Sorcs have a ranged interrupt and they are also an exclusively-ranged advanced class.



The commando interrupt is killing them faster then they can kill you.


That's an awesome plan for Medics.

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What is this theoretical boss that pwns all teams that contain commandos?



Does it just pwn lousy teams?



It's a miracle anyone gets their commando to rakata with all this angst and fretting about how gimped their commando is without an interrupt.



You'd think tanks didn't have an interrupt every 8s just as a bare minimum for any given raid.

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Vanguards get riot strike so it IS possible to run a full trooper setup.


That said, there is indeed zero reason for Commandos not to have an interrupt (and a ranged one at that). All other healing or DPS ACs have one, and they all a large amount of utility skills, way more than the commando has.


The argument that because of heavy armor we don't need it is a silly one because:

- If solo, an elite mob's ability not interrupted will deal way, way more damage than any armor difference will ever do, and they will do it repeatedly.

- If in group, interrupting abilities, especially during boss encounters, is crucial. As a DPS and/or a healer, doing "your thing" just isn't enough, everyone can do that. Interrupting is however part of what is expected and since commandos cannot do it, there is zero reason to invite one: it's actually detrimental to the group overall, since every other class/role will do better. Also, in group, their "heavy armor" is even less valuable since they won't really be taking damage anyway.


Since there is no "proof" that commandos do more DPS or more HPS, there is also zero fact that Commandos have more utility (on the contrary), there is no reason for not having interrupts.


There is no reason for Knights not to have a stun. This is no reason for Smugglers not to have a baseline interrupt. There's no reason for CCs only working on specific kinds of targets (many classes). However Bioware thinks so. So we play their game, or we don't play. Honestly I don't get it myself. When Troopers/BH have 2-3 knockbacks you can chain (single target) and Warrior or Knight has 1 charger per 15 seconds?


Or what about "no charge because of cover"? The Vanguard in my guild rages about this constantly. But the point is made that there is absolutely no reason not to give people the tools they need (world quests and flashpoints, not just story quests and PvP) to do their job. It's not something I can say is fair to everyone. Except Sages/Sorcerers. They have heals, snares, protective bubbles, knock backs, pull-tos, and ranged damage that is pretty nice. All along with an interrupt.

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There is no reason for Knights not to have a stun. This is no reason for Smugglers not to have a baseline interrupt. There's no reason for CCs only working on specific kinds of targets (many classes). However Bioware thinks so. So we play their game, or we don't play. Honestly I don't get it myself. When Troopers/BH have 2-3 knockbacks you can chain (single target) and Warrior or Knight has 1 charger per 15 seconds?


Or what about "no charge because of cover"? The Vanguard in my guild rages about this constantly. But the point is made that there is absolutely no reason not to give people the tools they need (world quests and flashpoints, not just story quests and PvP) to do their job. It's not something I can say is fair to everyone. Except Sages/Sorcerers. They have heals, snares, protective bubbles, knock backs, pull-tos, and ranged damage that is pretty nice. All along with an interrupt.


Because how fun is it when all classes are clones of each other?

Stop complaining and trying to make this game any easier than it already is. We (Commando's) don't need an interrupt. We have enough abilities to get around it when doing solo content. And when doing FP's etc there will be someone else in the group that has an interrupt.


Instead we have a CC that works on everything. While other classes may not have that, they'll in return have other abilities to aid the group.


If your hellbent on playing alone and trying to do everything by yourself then you should rethink your choice of games. As an mmo is not for you in that case.

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I won't argue whether or not we need an interrupt. It's obvious we do. What I want to argue is the logical reasoning behind how we get interrupted (and by extension locked out). They hit us with the interrupt and jam our trigger finger? It hits us and now the button on our gun for grav round, charged bolt, etc. no longer works? I know logic can't be applied to game mechanics but this one seems especially stupid to me. I get interrupted and can't shoot certain rounds from my gun, while I can shoot others?
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Because how fun is it when all classes are clones of each other?

Stop complaining and trying to make this game any easier than it already is. We (Commando's) don't need an interrupt. We have enough abilities to get around it when doing solo content. And when doing FP's etc there will be someone else in the group that has an interrupt.


Instead we have a CC that works on everything. While other classes may not have that, they'll in return have other abilities to aid the group.


If your hellbent on playing alone and trying to do everything by yourself then you should rethink your choice of games. As an mmo is not for you in that case.


If the main complaint were that we can't solo anything without an interrupt, I'd agree with you.


However, you seem to be missing the point and contradicting your own conclusion: precisely because it's an MMO, every class needs to bring roughly equal utility in a group setting, based on what various encounters require, or they simply don't get taken. This isn't about people not knowing how to play, but about hardcore groups tuning their set-ups to perfection. When they bench players, it's not because those players are bad, but because the classes they play don't bring enough to justify their spot, whether that be enough burst DPS/healing, enough mobility, enough interrupts, the correct CC, etc.


Nipping these problems in the bud ensures that down the line, they can have more freedom in designing encounters without worrying about some classes being left out. PvP is a completely different can of worms, but if they are contemplating the introduction of a ladder system, they absolutely have to fine-tune their balancing.


The idea that gross class imbalances add "flavor" (or whatever tired cliches people use) is antiquated and proof of lazy and inexperienced MMO design from the old days. Players have proven over and over again that they want balance.


Also, hopefully you know that Sages also have a CC which works on everything. We're not comparing our AoE stun with their single-target stun, or our full-ammo regen CD with their constant Noble Sacrifice - tools which accomplish similar things, but in different ways. We are comparing the fact that they have an interrupt and we don't.

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I think Commando's not having an interupt is a major deal, PVE wise that is. And I like to know BW's reason for not giving us one. If Flashpoint fight mechanics require multiple interupts and there is one class that cant interupt, I personaly wouldnt want to bring that class because they are a liability to the groups success. If I would have known that Commando's didnt have an interupt, which I didnt bother to look up. I would have chosen to go Vanguard.


This. I have found that my invites to HM Esseles are diminished. However if I had more high end gear for a 50, it might not be as big a problem. That head shot from the the first boss is sick.

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So if I'm to understand this correctly, people think that every class should have some kind of stun or interrupt. What I'm basically hearing is you don't want to have to think about group composition for fights, and you just want to lolfaceroll things. No, no this wouldn't be good. We have cryo grenade, we have concussion blast, and we have a CC. We don't need a stun too. Your group should think about its composition before hand. You trade off higher average damage for one less interrupt.

What youre hearing are cries for parity. No interrupt for commandos is just dumb.


Right now, commandos are trash and theres no reason to take one in a premade for anything. Everything a commando can do, someone else does better, faster, easier, while providing more group support.

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A melee interrupt has zero synergy with ranged specs (and all our specs are ranged), which are all designed around maintaining distance, rather than gap-closing.




For PvE, moving into melee range is an unjustified DPS/healing loss. It makes as much sense as giving melee an interrupt which can only be used at a 30-meter range.


So no, it's really got to be ranged, especially since Sages/Sorcs have a ranged interrupt and they are also an exclusively-ranged advanced class.


Sages/Inq are given melee only abilites that make no sense. Yes they are mainly PvE abilites but it does show a level of confusion when designing abilities for ACs that are radically different playstyles.


Commandos should have a ranged interupt it's one of many oversights/mistakes with abilites that are present for every AC in the game.

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I am only lvl 25 and not having a problem leveling in pve without an interrupt. However, in pve i get rolled by sorc b/c they can do what i can and more. Cant kill healers but i figured that was due to that fact i am only lvl 25.


Again, only lvl 25 and i agree an interrupt would not be a big deal in both pve and pvp. In pve lvling would be nice, but not needed, and from what i have read would make dps commandos more usefull in in HMs and Ops. In pvp i do not even try to fight a sorc 1v1, not b/c they out dmg me, unless they are much higher lvl, but b/c there interrupt ****s me over.


On a side note doesnt a commando, specifically a gunnery commando, help a group by stacking an armor debuff with grav round? Not sure how much 20% armor reduction helps on a HM boss for other dps.


SO, ranged interrupt? yes please

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Never needed or wanted an interrupt until I did a HM with 2 Commando DPS. We had two who were able to interrupt the end boss, but it was not enough for us. I felt useless.


If I were to put together a HM FP I would never want more than one commando dps, and no commando dps if there is a combat medic in group. To make things easier I would simply ignore any dps class that had no interrupt.



So take away a stun...a knockback...or a CC and give us an interrupt (ranged or melee) if you want us to be useful in HM PVE.


You could also add crafted interrupt grenades only useable by classes without interrupts in HM FP and OPS. These could have timers slightly longer than other classes castable interrupts. That would help us and crafters.



As it is my beloved gunny will probably become a farming alt as I build a viable PVE endgame toon.

Edited by Redcorn
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Commando needs an interrupt. That is all. It is not a debatable topic, it just is what it is, so stop debating.


If you have not required one WHILE LEVELING, do not post.

If you are still leveling, do not post.

If you have not experienced endgame HM and Ops, do not post.

If you are considering PvP implications, do not post.

If you are considering KBs, Stuns, and CCs (which do NOT work on bosses), do not post.


When, then, should you post? When you have a level 50 Commando who has experienced endgame content including HM FPs and Ops.

Why should you wait until this time? Because that is what everyone else is referring to and your useless post is otherwise, well, useless and counterproductive.


From this point forward, I am not talking about leveling, PvP, weak/standard/Silver/Gold/Champion mobs. I am talking about HM FPs and Ops post-level 50. If you will reply, keep that in mind. Otherwise, DO NOT REPLY ON THIS THREAD.


Some bosses require interrupts to be surpassed, they are immune to Stuns, Knockbacks, and CC, so do not even consider those in the equations. As Commandos (and Mercs), we do not have an interrupt, essentially removing a key function from us. Sorcerers and Sages are just as efficient for single target healing, much more efficient for AoE healing, they have an interrupt, they have a bubble, they can put out some good DPS. Why, then, would a group leader choose a Commando/Merc over a Sage/Sorcerer? Simply put, they would not. As a matter of fact, they probably would not choose a Commando even if Commandos have an interrupt. Why is this a problem? Because of balance and flexibility. The developers of this game boast the intention to have both. What all Commandos who are attempting endgame content are asking for is an interrupt that works only in PvE. If it works in PvP, cool, but if it does not, we do not care any more than we would if one more piece of insignificant dust landed on the street corner.


In conclusion, we need an interrupt for PvE. If you are considering anything else, do not waste your time and do not post; lest you make it evident how much of an idiot you really are.

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That would make Commando OP in PvP, but yes I'd like to see a PvE only interrupt.


On the side note. You wiped 10 times on ironfist because you ONLY had 2 interrupts? Do you guys know that 2 are all thats needed? unless you don't coordinate them.


Commando needs an interrupt. That is all. It is not a debatable topic, it just is what it is, so stop debating.


If you have not required one WHILE LEVELING, do not post.

If you are still leveling, do not post.

If you have not experienced endgame HM and Ops, do not post.

If you are considering PvP implications, do not post.

If you are considering KBs, Stuns, and CCs (which do NOT work on bosses), do not post.


When, then, should you post? When you have a level 50 Commando who has experienced endgame content including HM FPs and Ops.

Why should you wait until this time? Because that is what everyone else is referring to and your useless post is otherwise, well, useless and counterproductive.


From this point forward, I am not talking about leveling, PvP, weak/standard/Silver/Gold/Champion mobs. I am talking about HM FPs and Ops post-level 50. If you will reply, keep that in mind. Otherwise, DO NOT REPLY ON THIS THREAD.


Some bosses require interrupts to be surpassed, they are immune to Stuns, Knockbacks, and CC, so do not even consider those in the equations. As Commandos (and Mercs), we do not have an interrupt, essentially removing a key function from us. Sorcerers and Sages are just as efficient for single target healing, much more efficient for AoE healing, they have an interrupt, they have a bubble, they can put out some good DPS. Why, then, would a group leader choose a Commando/Merc over a Sage/Sorcerer? Simply put, they would not. As a matter of fact, they probably would not choose a Commando even if Commandos have an interrupt. Why is this a problem? Because of balance and flexibility. The developers of this game boast the intention to have both. What all Commandos who are attempting endgame content are asking for is an interrupt that works only in PvE. If it works in PvP, cool, but if it does not, we do not care any more than we would if one more piece of insignificant dust landed on the street corner.


In conclusion, we need an interrupt for PvE. If you are considering anything else, do not waste your time and do not post; lest you make it evident how much of an idiot you really are.




You sir have some kind of problem with yourself. If you want to dictate everyone what they should think or when they should speak please go and make your own forum or at least a thread then act like a 12 years old kid that knows everything best. I'm sorry to say but we have the right to speak about whatever we want, PvP or PvE.

You live in a totalitarian country?


You try to sound smart saying your talking about Ops? Well, I'm really sorry but Ops groups are at least 8 man large, no you do not need an interrupt for it, not to mention most of the bosses do not require interrupts at all, only the FPs ones do.


All in all: Grow the **** up.


Cleared all HM flashpoints, and a number of operation bosses in both normal and hard modes as a gunnery DPS commando.



We do not need an interrupt. lol @ a raid leader choosing a sage DPS over a commandos.



Edited by Quashar
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We had two interrupts also, but failed. Maybe its a LTP situation. Maybe the interruptors failed to coordinate. Bottom line is that we failed and I am certain others failed as well.



As to the combat medic having no problems..... who were your teammates? Our problem came in because we had two gunny's and only two interrupts...three would have done it. Knowing that you need to interrupt and having a choice between a DPS that can interrupt and one that cannot interrupt...who would be chosen?


As I said, I am fine with BW taking away a stun, knockback, or CC if they would give us an interrupt...and this is because those skills are useless in attacking HM elites.


This is a problem for the DPS Commando at 50 on HM FP OPS PVE. Don't want it for PVP as it is not a problem there.

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We had two interrupts also, but failed. Maybe its a LTP situation. Maybe the interruptors failed to coordinate. Bottom line is that we failed and I am certain others failed as well.


We had Vanguard and Sentinel in it, bottom line: Vanguard interrupts 1st head shot, sentinel 2nd, vanguard 3rd and so on and so forth.

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Agents/Smugglers don't have a baseline knockback. Every other class has. Just sayin'.

Warriors/Knights don't have a baseline stun. Every other class has. Just sayin'.

False emperor, Malgus in front of you. He start casting unlimited power, YOU HAVE TO STOP HIM NOW ! (works fine in the end of battle of Ilum to).

Situation A : a smuggler/IA. He don't have a KB, but he use an interrupt. The group survive.

Situation B : a JK/warrior. He don't have a stun, but he use an interrupt. The group survive.

Situation C : a commando/merc. He don't have an interrupt, but he use a KB/stun. The group wipe.


But that's OK, I can save my team when we kill trash, the most entertaining, difficult and rewarding part of the dungeon. Oh wait....

I trade my stun anytime for an interrupt.


You may argue you need a KB to kill Malgus in the end, and a scoundrel/operative can't. But there is a special grenade next to the door before the fight. You may also argue you have probably another DPS with you, but that's obviously not the discussion.


I've cleared 10/10 nightmare mode operations as a commando healer and I couldnt possibly care less about any stun or interrupt. Hi.

You are a healer. It's obviously not your role to take care of the interrupt. That's the DPS job. But next time you have a balance issue on healing, can I stop by and say I don't care at all on my DPS commando ?

Edited by erei
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I agree. Commandos not having an interrupt is strange. Adding the interrupt to stockstrike would be the best solution imo. It has 9 seconds cd , its a melee skill but I am sure most of us will accept this happily at this point. Edited by DarkMatter
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I noticed it last night during Hard Mode Esseless when our group (Vanguard tank/Jedi Shadow/Commando Gunnery/Combat Medic) wiped 10 times to Iron Fist because we only had 2 interrupts.



Uh, I've done him plenty of times with only a shadow and a jedi tank(can't rememebr the name at the moment) inturrupting.

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You are a healer. It's obviously not your role to take care of the interrupt. That's the DPS job. But next time you have a balance issue on healing, can I stop by and say I don't care at all on my DPS commando ?


Yes you can stop by but don't hold your breath.


Furthermore, it's everyones role who can possibly accomplish it if the situation demands for it. If you have a healer that has an interrupt, has to interrupt, but he or she doesnt interrupt, the problem is not with the game.


Or do you honestly think that having somebody sit there picking their nose, being like "omg it's not my job" is a very good approach to tackling content which you apparently find challenging?


I suppose you can always beat your head into a mountain, but you know what Einstein said about insanity and all that.

Edited by Ellie_
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