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Dear Bioware/Dev Team (Not a flame/troll.. real questions)


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100 replies, 6k+ views, a week later.. and still no comment from BW.


I think they're afraid to comment with how many pissed off assassins they have on their hands right now.


Just tell us "Working as intended" or "We're looking in to the assassin problems".


Either way it's going to help. If you say you're working on it, GREAT! If you say working as intended... well... you're about to see a whole lot more operatives and mercenaries because if this is working as intended for assassin, you totally ****ed up.

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I agree with the OP and 99% of the posts I've read on this thread.


The fact there hasn't even been a programmed response "we are currently discussing class changes blah blah blah" is scary. The CS in this game is pretty much non existent. Where did that 80mill go?? You think with that much money establishing even a mediocre CS would be a high priority.

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I played a rogue in WoW, a Witch Elf in Warhammer and some thing similar in Rift (Assasin/Night Blade/X or what ever it was)


The high majority of the population rolled an assassin with the expectation that it is/was a stealth burst class with utility; just like all the other 'assassin' classes from other games. Hence the name ... ASSASSIN.


The idea of an assassin isn't of some one nickle and dimming their opponent to death gradually over time although it's possible. Most people think of a one hit kill or a fight not lasting much longer than that.


If the 'assassin' class isn't that then perhaps they should have named the class some thing else.


I have a lvl 49 assassin and will hit 50 tomorrow night. After that I'm rolling an Ops or BH.


I love playing stealth, burst damage utility classes and this one seems okay, but it doesn't seem to be a combat monster class.


I do not get *** PWNed by other assassins very often and in the few case's where it has happened it appeared they were fully geared 50's. Even then this is a very rare occurrence.


I do get *** PWNed by Ops all the time. I'm barely alive by the time I can get up. I also get nuked from orbit on occasion as well which I assume is from a BH or Trooper, but perhaps it's a sniper some times?


I'll agree that this type of class is harder to play than many others and is arguably the hardest arch type to play in an rpg mmo. I have over 20 abilities key bound not counting movement keys and I have ran out of keys that I can easily get to.


This class/arch type is very reliant on the opening sequence of stuns, trips and CC to go well while also relying on the roulette crit wheel. It is also very reliant on cool downs.


I agree with the OP. It is frustrating to get nuked by a more powerful class that only requires the use of half they keys or less that we do.


I can't recall any one complaining about assassins although I'm sure some one has. Sorc, BH, Ops & perhaps Jug seem to be the powerfull class's that I'm aware of.


Maul is STILL buggy and doesn't work all the time. It's still SLOW as well. If it was fixed that would help and perhaps a damage boost from stealth to be the primary opener. Not crazy one shot damage like WoW, but it's a bit meh atm.


Spike could use a tweak as well. Perhaps adding one second to the knock down and a slight damage boost, or some other beneficial effect. It's just not a strong opener unless you need to disrupt some one immediately and there are other tools for that any way.


Fix, tweak, buff Maul and Spike with added opener benefit's for each would go a long way to helping the out of stealth burst scenario.


This still doesn't address the issue's of how much damage other class's do. Ops out of stealth damage is just redonkulus! Some other class's abilities need a nerf. It's really just that simple.


Shields suck in PvP. Yeah, yeah they get in the way of a FEW things, but there are so many attacks that get around them entirely. Deception assassin's shouldn't even bother with dark charge unless you are using a shield. Even then ... meh.


Dark Charge is -5% melee damage and the damage dark charge does is much less than surge charge; even with the higher proc rate from the Darkness tree. If you can't kill them with surge as deception then I wouldn't even bother with dark charge. Dark charge works for tanks for mitigation, along with shield, at the cost of dps.


Assassin's are certainly not the dread of any one in PvP. I'm not afraid of them. Meat bags with burst dps at range and ops 3-4 second kills are. Healers have always been the bane of dps class's and I'm surprised this game doesn't seem to have any anti healing aspect to it that I'm aware of.


Every game has it's problems and this one is no exception. All we can do is hope good decisions will be made even though I'm skeptical.


I think our class needs a little love and tweaking, but not too much and some other class's need a tweak in the other direction, but not all of them.

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I have both a level 50 Sin, and a level 50 Ops. What can I say, I love stealth classes.


I tend to find it much easier to burn someone down from stealth playing an Ops.


In some rare cases with my Sin, I have been able to 100-0 people from stealth. However, when I do accomplish this task, it is from a lucky chain of crits and procs.


If my opening rotation does not have any crits, I am nowhere near the 30% assassinate range, and will typically vanish and let my CD's reset.


One minor, and simple adjustment that could make Sins a bit more deadly would be to have Maul auto crit from stealth. If I get hit in the back from an attack that I am unaware of, it will hurt a lot more verses if I see it coming with the chance to dodge, or deflect some of the blow away from me.


One common factor that I have found with Sins and Ops, both are squishy if caught, or pulled out of stealth.

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Heavy armor mitigation = jack and ****


light armor is 10%

Medium armor is 20%

and Heavy armor is 30%


It ONLY provides protection vs kinetic and to a lesser extent energy damage.


Damage types such as Internal are not mitigated by armor in any way shape or form.



your over exagerating how "good" wearing heavy armor is.


My assassin is level 37 with an armor rating of 4063 and a Damage Mit of 37%. As for a tank class I do decently well for wearing light armor. But cooldowns on assassin abilities and the necessity to crit in order to burst DPS properly sucks. I feel like, and I've mentioned this before on other threads, that the assassin is one of those classes where you have to play through 35+ levels in order to become somewhat competitive.

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One minor, and simple adjustment that could make Sins a bit more deadly would be to have Maul auto crit from stealth. If I get hit in the back from an attack that I am unaware of, it will hurt a lot more verses if I see it coming with the chance to dodge, or deflect some of the blow away from me.



^This. Getting an attack bonus coming out of stealth would help out immensely. Having maul auto-crit from stealth, or get a % crit chance increase when using any other attack while stealthed and/or behind the target would be perfect, and give them that sudden burst to open the fight that they are currently lacking.


I also agree with other posters in this thread, the "wind-up" on maul is too long. Way too often have i started the forward motion only to be rewarded with the error that the condition failed. The whole point of the class should be to hit fast and hard, and a low-crit chance maul is neither.

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i completely agree and to be honest i cancelled my sub for the time being im actually waiting on a response from bioware.


I went down the chain shock path of deception basically i Spike+ voltaic slashx2+recklessness+relic(critical or power) then i shock twice and trying to get a maul in and discharge if recklessness didn't proc then finish with assassinate but that never happens because they have half hp left and i just popped everything.


Now i do good dmg sometimes 3k crits on each attack (sometimes) mostly its 2k-2.5k but after that whole rotation im basically done the dude has half his hp left and he can heal it up or put a shield on and **** me


Now ill force cloak run off and hope i dont get detected heal up and come back and hopefully find someone under half HP and pull this off again and end it with assassinate so im basically kill stealing at this point.


My dps is usually 150k never have i really seen a 200k-250k and im not fully geared but now with the 50s bracket i cant do more dmg.


i tried to pop andrenal for expertise i tried everything so far this isnt my first mmo either i just feel like assassins are not assassin's at all its completely the opposite i do not assassinate anyone as deception i should feel like im a assassin doing pretty much what the smuggler does comming out of stealth hitting you for 8-9k crits and *poof* hes gone.

I fail to see how assassins are considered assassins.


And i do see some "pros" post video's but every video ive seen is either b4 beta or low lvls getting owned by full champ gear or i see full champ gear vs a under geared person these video's fail to prove anything to me.



On a last note how am I suppose to get champ gear at this point when all i can do is illum because of the new lvl 50 bracket everyone has champ gear and im getting myself owned and unable to do any sort of dmg at this point in time




So im currently unsubbed and i will def sub back when i see changes done to deception till then peace out and have fun re rolling

Edited by silver-uchiha
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i completely agree and to be honest i cancelled my sub for the time being im actually waiting on a response from bioware.


I went down the chain shock path of deception basically i Spike+ voltaic slashx2+recklessness+relic(critical or power) then i shock twice and trying to get a maul in and discharge if recklessness didn't proc then finish with assassinate but that never happens because they have half hp left and i just popped everything.


Now i do good dmg sometimes 3k crits on each attack (sometimes) mostly its 2k-2.5k but after that whole rotation im basically done the dude has half his hp left and he can heal it up or put a shield on and **** me


Now ill force cloak run off and hope i dont get detected heal up and come back and hopefully find someone under half HP and pull this off again and end it with assassinate so im basically kill stealing at this point.


My dps is usually 150k never have i really seen a 200k-250k and im not fully geared but now with the 50s bracket i cant do more dmg.


i tried to pop andrenal for expertise i tried everything so far this isnt my first mmo either i just feel like assassins are not assassin's at all its completely the opposite i do not assassinate anyone as deception i should feel like im a assassin doing pretty much what the smuggler does comming out of stealth hitting you for 8-9k crits and *poof* hes gone.

I fail to see how assassins are considered assassins.


And i do see some "pros" post video's but every video ive seen is either b4 beta or low lvls getting owned by full champ gear or i see full champ gear vs a under geared person these video's fail to prove anything to me.



On a last note how am I suppose to get champ gear at this point when all i can do is illum because of the new lvl 50 bracket everyone has champ gear and im getting myself owned and unable to do any sort of dmg at this point in time




So im currently unsubbed and i will def sub back when i see changes done to deception till then peace out and have fun re rolling


I'd suggest watching some of the newer streams that these "pros" are posting. I've learned quite a bit from a few of them. If you're popping recklessness, relics, stims, and adrenals and not killing someone you're definitely doing something wrong. Choose your fights wisely because it sounds like you're not.


Most of the posters I've seen like this need to set their ego aside and realize you're not gods gift to PvP. Everyone can stand to learn something from other players who have figured out what you haven't. The only thing that's different between you and me is the fact that I don't let my pride get in the way of my progression as a player.

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I dunno, from what I've seen as both my assassin and sorcerer is that when I'm playing well and not braindead I'm always one of the top 3 on the damage of the PvP charts. So if I'm going to complain about anything it's not my performance in PvP(I'm also a level 22 on my assassin). However I do have several issues with the assassin, not necessarily in PvP.


1) Maul isn't a viable opener considering the structure of duplicity(if you play assassin well you know what I'm talking about). Maul should be an attack that does about 35% more damage than it currently does and cost 40 focus, possibly with 25% armor piercing out of stealth. Possibly something like a 4.5 second cooldown so you can't spam the skill.


2) You cannot get behind enemies in PvE without them casting, or running into cover or being subject to some form of condition(at least I can't). So the enemies rotation speed should be slowed down a tad to the point where you can get behind them as any class, not necessarily for a long period of time, but long enough to use 1 skill(assuming maul doesn't delay).


Some other stuff


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I'd suggest watching some of the newer streams that these "pros" are posting. I've learned quite a bit from a few of them. If you're popping recklessness, relics, stims, and adrenals and not killing someone you're definitely doing something wrong. Choose your fights wisely because it sounds like you're not.


Most of the posters I've seen like this need to set their ego aside and realize you're not gods gift to PvP. Everyone can stand to learn something from other players who have figured out what you haven't. The only thing that's different between you and me is the fact that I don't let my pride get in the way of my progression as a player.




Im saying that while im not gods gift to pvp alot of other classes are and thats whats pissing me off

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I think if most players play as if Maul doesn't exist, they'd become better players. It's not that Maul is never usable, but trying to use it often greatly limits your ability since it has positional requirement which interacts poorly with lag. Also, not using Maul means you'll get used to your 10m attacks so you know what to do when you're out of melee range. I am currently 31/0/10 so I don't use Maul, but even if I have duplicity, I don't think I'll be using Maul most of the time, because I actually try to stay out of melee range against other melees (since I got a range advantage on them), and against ranged class, they'll rarely let me get into melee range to begin with. I still try to get into melee range but I don't really expect to get into melee range unless it's against another melee.
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You guys are terrors, for real. Why don't you check out the streams of players like Lina_Inverse, Powerr, Tidusx or any of the other actually somewhat talented Assassins/Shadows who regularly go 1 vs. 1/2/3 against players who are level 50. You 100% have every too (besides charge for huttball)l you need to be a strong solo player on an Assassin. If you find the class lackluster, watch some of the streams, get a feel for how the class should be played. OR QQ and reroll Operative LAWLs
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.... and still no acknowledgement/confirmation of any kind....


Well, I guess it makes sense. What can you expect from a group of kids that launch an MMO with no combat log, no meters, no UI customization, no LFG tool, no visible timers on skill icons, etc.


Seriously? How the **** do you miss all of that?

Edited by Paralassa
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You guys are terrors, for real. Why don't you check out the streams of players like Lina_Inverse, Powerr, Tidusx or any of the other actually somewhat talented Assassins/Shadows who regularly go 1 vs. 1/2/3 against players who are level 50. You 100% have every too (besides charge for huttball)l you need to be a strong solo player on an Assassin. If you find the class lackluster, watch some of the streams, get a feel for how the class should be played. OR QQ and reroll Operative LAWLs


ive seen all those streams and ive never seen them go 1v2 1v3 without getting stomped i dont care how skilled you are you dont 1v2 any DECENT players in this game unless they play operative who bursted the first down before he could blink you shouldnt have to pop every cd and buff you have just to kill someone while they use 1 cd and put up an equal fight on top of the 150 key binds we have compared to the rest of the classes

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idk why im playing deception at all now....



Jedi guardian hits for 7k dmg

agents/operative's hit for above 5k dmg.

Sith sorc hit for 3k dmg as a AoE.

smuggler hit me for 9k once.


ive asked alot of people and ive watched the stream normal crit hit is 3k maybe even 3.5k


if you pop everything relics recklessness and so on your hitting for 5k maybe 6k if you have pvp gear. but everything i mentioned has a huge CD and is completely useless to do over and over again as ive seen many other classes pull these number's with ease.



Like i said im re rolling atm and i might even stop sub i wanna see a dev post

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