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Everything posted by evilgoodness

  1. maybe its a server thing but ive never before heard anyone asking for stims... i do however get told "theres a vender for that". at one time the more durability you had on an item regardless of what type was what decided how much it cost to repair. i think it was changed around bc.
  2. if you havent already played an operative or scoundrel from an assassin, their stealth is also wayyyy more reliable and much harder to detect.
  3. hi. im an assassin tank in 2 pieces columi and the rest either rakata or random 126 purples.i run dailies on belsavis ,hoth and illum daily. i play form about 8am - 2am( i know i have no life right now). my crew skills are biochem, which no one buys stims or adrenals, bioanalysis, which no ones needs anything cause no one buys anything, and diplomacy, which no one cares cause most gathering professions give you pet affection items. so i primarily make my money by dailies.my completely red repair cost is 40-50k.and it takes 3-4 wipes to get there. now i usually pug everything cause most of my guild is beyond hardmodes pretty much and i am broker than shyte....i hate to bring up wow but i remember being a tank in vanilla and being equally as broke cause tank gear had more durability and cost more to heal which in turn made most of the tanks not wanna raid cause they stayed broke. eventually he guilds were forced to pay for the tanks repairs on multiple attempts on the same boss just to have someone.. the point of it all is this. the repair costs are just too high. i dont mind dying to attempts but these repair costs are outrageous. i know others have got to feel this way. to be honest the deaths i am getting are from foundry bugs or last emp bugs.
  4. im a lvl 50 unquisitor, and even without a pet i am just randomly dropping stealth. more so in pvp when im running back. if i had an ability to make macroes i would just put force cloak, vanish, and force speed in one macro to try and help but i get ***** trying to either get into or out of fights. is this a known issue?
  5. i truly feel your pain.... i reccomend using talon, gearing him the **** out and be a tank assassin... if you arent soloing 4 golds at lvl 45 ish at one time and living your not doing something right.
  6. look fellas. and lets all just settle down... the game has just come out. regardless how right you are, regardless how " much it doesnt make sense" getting to a point where your ready to quit, which i have been there and said the same thing, is maybe a bit hasty. have faith in bioware. they are getting around to it. youll be rewarded im sure. the game isnt even a month old yet of course some **** isnt going to make sense. and id love to add, in a very calm and loving voice, please make tiers of warzones. i dont even remotely understand why a lvl 12 is hitting me, a tank assassin with 350 defense, for 2-3k damage....this is all from me and i agree with this thread but im just adding dont panic... your not lvl 50 running the same dailies over and over..... go lvl and see how you feel at lvl 50.
  7. i just had an interesting conversation with an operative who insisted i should get willpower over any other stat as an assassin tank cause i needed to crit more to hold more agro.... i have been stacking defense, my defense is 324 atm, and sheild and absorb. i was confused as to why anyone would think being able to crit would be a beneficial thing to a tank. but this further calmed my mind in showing me im doing what i need to be with my toon. thanks.
  8. signed. also fix stealth... dark shroud keeps me in combat til it resets and i cna use it again...
  9. signed..... id say soemthing about the stealth being buggy as **** but id be called a troll.....
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