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Problems with Jaesa


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Immortal spec jugg, been running with Jaesa since I got her, upgraded her gear so she now has mostly blues in all slots, but still seems to suck. When I had to go back to Nar Shaddaa, I used her for most of it, got half way through and couldn't do it anymore and got out Quinn. Every pack my health would drop below 50, 30% with Jaesa, sure things die quicker but when you nearly die every pack the downtime is a lot longer then it would be with Quinn. With Quinn I can take down 3-4 packs without stopping, with Jaesa, if there was a strong in a pack of 3, it's 50/50.


Anyone else having these problems with her?

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Well, you're tank specced, so you're DPS wont be nearly as good as someone DPS specced. You don't have your healer with you. What does this tell you? lol. If you like Jaesa more than Quinn, you're going to have to accept that things might get a little hairy. Edited by DarthSojourn
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Well, you're tank specced, so you're DPS wont be nearly as good as someone DPS specced. You don't have your healer with you. What does this tell you? lol. If you like Jaesa more than Quinn, you're going to have to accept that things might get a little hairy.


I'm not saying I want better DPS, I'm fine with my DPS now, I'm saying that I feel like I'm being forced to use Quinn or use Jaesa or Vette and almost die nearly every pack.

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You may want to rethink your tactics then. I used Jaesa from the time I got her up until Corellia as well. I had no problems. Sure, there were a few times when I had an add or an elite that I had to pop a medpack on, but for the most part it was quite simple.


What is your gear like? If moddable, do you have mods suitable for your level?

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I refuse to use quinn as he is a greasy slimeball.


I have used vette since I got her and no-one else. Here are a few tricks I have learned.


1) always have the pet start the fight, make sure you make them target the weakest mobs first.

2) immediately charge in and start tanking the strong/ as many as you can get.

3) if needed, manually force the companion to attack each weak mob.

4) interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. I cannot stress this enough. Even while soloing use your interrupts on mobs to minimize big damage

5) Prodigious use of cooldowns. Do not be afraid to use them while soloing.


Using these tactics, I can down packs almost non-stop. I do not need to rest after each pack etc... It's honestly a breeze. (for reference, I am fully immortal specced and just hit level 40.)

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I refuse to use quinn as he is a greasy slimeball.


I have used vette since I got her and no-one else. Here are a few tricks I have learned.


1) always have the pet start the fight, make sure you make them target the weakest mobs first.

2) immediately charge in and start tanking the strong/ as many as you can get.

3) if needed, manually force the companion to attack each weak mob.

4) interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. I cannot stress this enough. Even while soloing use your interrupts on mobs to minimize big damage

5) Prodigious use of cooldowns. Do not be afraid to use them while soloing.


Using these tactics, I can down packs almost non-stop. I do not need to rest after each pack etc... It's honestly a breeze. (for reference, I am fully immortal specced and just hit level 40.)


I've never let my companion start the fight.


I Force Charge, Smash, Sundering Assault, Force Choke, Pommel Strike, and so on.

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I refuse to use quinn as he is a greasy slimeball.


I have used vette since I got her and no-one else. Here are a few tricks I have learned.


1) always have the pet start the fight, make sure you make them target the weakest mobs first.

2) immediately charge in and start tanking the strong/ as many as you can get.

3) if needed, manually force the companion to attack each weak mob.

4) interrupt, interrupt, interrupt. I cannot stress this enough. Even while soloing use your interrupts on mobs to minimize big damage

5) Prodigious use of cooldowns. Do not be afraid to use them while soloing.


Using these tactics, I can down packs almost non-stop. I do not need to rest after each pack etc... It's honestly a breeze. (for reference, I am fully immortal specced and just hit level 40.)


I stopped reading as soon as I read "pet start the fight"...

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I've chosen to use Vette almost exclusively (unless I'm doing a Heroic 2+ or Heroic 4 solo, then I use Quinn). I generally don't put guard on her as I don't want her offloaded damage intake and if she is tanking a mob for 4-10 seconds that is fine since I will heal us both out of combat.


I don't seem to have issues with many pulls at 45 unless it's 2 elites and even then with proper CD usage and stuns I can end the fight above 20% (but I mean honestly we are talking about 2 elite mobs). Groups of 4 with 2 strong and 2 normal aren't that bad especially if at least 1 is melee.


I am full Immortal spec with the exception of a few points in Veng to buff Smash.


Personal opinion here and I mean personal and nothing against those who use Quinn for the majority of the time. I feel that using a DPS companion makes you a slightly more aware/better player and requires you to make use of all your abilities and your enviroment.

Edited by Roxiey
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I think it's just that once you use quinn, you never have to worry about your health or what the heck your companion is doing. But that's a crutch.

I got to 50 using every companion, and only in a few of the last fights did I feel I had to have quinn (which I admit, sucked). There was even a few boss-ish fights that I went without a companion and had friends ask me for help on because they could not take the guy, even with their companions.


I did run with quinn more than any other companion, but that's mostly due to the fact that im on a Pvp server. I enjoy the excitement of potentially getting attacked or attacking, but this also caused me to run with quinn "just in case" i got jumped.

I dont feel I can win a fight vs a dps + companion without a healer.

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Been using Jaesa since I got her and have used her all the way to 50. She's by far the best companion for an Immortal Jugg. If you need Quinn (with the exception of some high damage bosses), then you're not playing you're class right.


I've just today swtiched back over to Vette since Jaesa's affection is maxed out. Figure it's time to start building up a new companion.

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