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Staggered launch is not the problem, its Bioware


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Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


Heres a few nice examples why.


- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


- Its a well known fact they have groups working in 24h shifts to ensure the best launch possible (or at least thats what they say). Heres even a quote from Stephen Reid.

''The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.''


So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


- Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.

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Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


Heres a few nice examples why.


- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


- Its a well known fact they have groups working in 24h shifts to ensure the best launch possible (or at least thats what they say). Heres even a quote from Stephen Reid.

''The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.''


So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


- Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.



You don't see anything because you are not privy to what is going on. You are just making empty speculation because you are annoyed you aren't in yet and because of this the world apparently owes you something.


It don't.

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Then stop being such a selfentiteling person! No crashes, no competition for kills, no lag etc. Bioware is winning.



No entirely sure about that.



Less lag by annoying a lot of your customers? Not sure that is a "win".



It might be sensible, it might not we'll have to wait an see (no one might remember this in 2 weeks, or a lot might be annoyed and still bitter).

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Oh, was it you who performed the stress tests some weeks ago... hm, wasn't it?


Then stop being such a selfentiteling person! No crashes, no competition for kills, no lag etc. Bioware is winning.


Is it really achievement when servers are low/mid pop?

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Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


Heres a few nice examples why.


- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


- Its a well known fact they have groups working in 24h shifts to ensure the best launch possible (or at least thats what they say). Heres even a quote from Stephen Reid.

''The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.''


So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


- Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.


You just echoed the conversation between 20 or so guildies last night in teamspeak. Even those that were in and playing felt the whole process has become way more convoluted then it needed to be. The big thing were confused about. Its great you put in that 'neat' guild deployment thing. But honestly, what function did it serve us. At the very least, all guilds that qualified for early deployment, should have all been deployed together. Not only did we preorder as part of a program, we set up a guild as part of another program. Know usually when my dog does a trick, I toss him a bone, when he does two... I don't walk away from him thinking, thanks for sitting, thanks for lying down.

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Information is key, If we were provided % at the very least that was allowed yesterday I would be happier. Or even the planned % per day of preorders.


Being given vague information just irritates people more. Id rather be upset that I didnt get in a wave I was told I was probably going to be in vs "sometime in the next few days"


But hopefully today is much different than yesterday no 2pm stop time and more than 6 days worth of preorders invited. Im just hoping yesterday was a "lets be safe and see how this goes" day and today the real wave invites start.

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I keep saying it. Perception is KEY to a good launch. They got the technical side down no problem, but the PERCEPTION is your screwing the pooch.


By not doing 24/7 waves, even if they were 5 or 6 hours apart, the perception is that only SOME people are working on getting people in, only a FEW favored dates get rewarded, etc.


It really doesnt matter what is true or not, it doesnt matter how hard they are working (which I guarantee they are working their butts off) its perceived by most that they could be doing MUCH more to get people playing the game.


Honestly, no matter how big the preorders were, even if its 3 million, I didnt think in my wildest dream it would take more than 48 hours to get everyone in game. I really assumed they would run 24/7 waves.


Come the 20th, everyone can log in anyway, the servers had better be ready for it so I dont know why the servers cant handle 24/7 wave invites one week ahead of time. If it REALLY is technical things keeping from happening then its a HUGE problem on their end.

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Oh, was it you who performed the stress tests some weeks ago... hm, wasn't it?


Then stop being such a selfentiteling person! No crashes, no competition for kills, no lag etc. Bioware is winning.


Beg your pardon ? Millions of people out there who cant play for some 200k people being happy cause they have low populated servers equals a win situation for you ? Rofl. At best Bioware just lost credibility and respect, people are really angry right now. At worst they will loose players for good.


When I did the stress test I rarely had an issue with the competition for kills or lag. The Eu servers are low populated from 10 hours+, its simply one of the worst launches in history of MMOs, if not the worst.


http://www.swtor.com/server-status look how nice the green colour is, isnt it a beauty ?

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They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


They don't. They're making those decisions on the ground.


Yesterday the plan was 4 waves, and they were able to exceed that. Today even more (or bigger) waves. You can't deviate from a schedule once you release it, it becomes a contract. Same with all software, or construction, or any other large scale project.

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I keep saying it. Perception is KEY to a good launch. They got the technical side down no problem, but the PERCEPTION is your screwing the pooch.


By not doing 24/7 waves, even if they were 5 or 6 hours apart, the perception is that only SOME people are working on getting people in, only a FEW favored dates get rewarded, etc.


It really doesnt matter what is true or not, it doesnt matter how hard they are working (which I guarantee they are working their butts off) its perceived by most that they could be doing MUCH more to get people playing the game.


Honestly, no matter how big the preorders were, even if its 3 million, I didnt think in my wildest dream it would take more than 48 hours to get everyone in game. I really assumed they would run 24/7 waves.


Come the 20th, everyone can log in anyway, the servers had better be ready for it so I dont know why the servers cant handle 24/7 wave invites one week ahead of time. If it REALLY is technical things keeping from happening then its a HUGE problem on their end.


Bingo, its now 8:06. Were's the next invites? Come on the stores open, flick you darn sign and open your doors. Your late SR!

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Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


Heres a few nice examples why.


- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


- Its a well known fact they have groups working in 24h shifts to ensure the best launch possible (or at least thats what they say). Heres even a quote from Stephen Reid.

''The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.''


So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


- Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.


You're so *********** right, Bioware sucks because of all of this.

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Nobody has the right, but theres a big difference between being a nice customer, and one who is down right rude.


Anybody discriminating against BioWare should have their order cancelled with no refund.


BioWare, EA Games and LucasArts have spent $130 million to make SWTOR and 3 years of non stop development, we've waited that long so you can wait another few days.

Stop crying your eyes out because your not getting what you want for the first time in your life.


Wow, I can honestly say I have never felt the urge to say this to anyone before in my 39 years on this planet, but this time its warrented.


You sir, reek of fanboi.

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Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


Heres a few nice examples why.


- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


So, if they know exactly when, why did they announce 4 waves on day one, then do five?


Your conspiracy theory is that they did it to make themselves look like they were doing it based on how it goes, even though they weren't.


Why not just accept that they might be being sensible and seeing how things go, rather than risking major breaks ? I can certainly attest that the servers on the starter worlds seem much more stable than stress test with fewer players.

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You just echoed the conversation between 20 or so guildies last night in teamspeak. Even those that were in and playing felt the whole process has become way more convoluted then it needed to be. The big thing were confused about. Its great you put in that 'neat' guild deployment thing. But honestly, what function did it serve us. At the very least, all guilds that qualified for early deployment, should have all been deployed together. Not only did we preorder as part of a program, we set up a guild as part of another program. Know usually when my dog does a trick, I toss him a bone, when he does two... I don't walk away from him thinking, thanks for sitting, thanks for lying down.


It served in two ways :


One - It spreads out players more evenly among servers, reducing the chance of you not being able to join your mates.


Two - It means you can be on the right server to join your mates first time, without having to communicate this out of game.


Three - It even allowed for alliances and rivals to be put on one server, so you didn't have to communicate to an even larger number of people.

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- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


I don't believe they do. As they say, it's a moving target. They want to remain flexible and the best way to do that, is not to plan too much ahead...


So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


Because they need to analyze the data from the previous day and make decisions from there.

Also, while they might have several teams in place to take care of the servers in case it goes wrong, those teams likely don't have the managers that decide when and how many people to let in, in each wave.

Basically technician guys are working shifts, they make the reports etc

Then the managers come in during regular working hours and decide from there.


- Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


They specifically said that the purpose of EGA is that, Early Game Access, and that alone.

The goal is not to stress out the servers.

They know the servers can handle that much, they don't want too many people in at one time and make the experience unbearable, leading to other people crying for more servers.


All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.


All I see is you not agreeing with their decisions. Whether their decisions are good or not, I don't think you're in a position to criticize them.

Edited by Gauvi
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