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Bioware, you lost touch.


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Bioware doesnt care. Bioware doesnt listen to us. Bioware listens to EA. It doesnt matter how much logic you throw in the pot, they wont listen to you. The people at the top are clueless yes men to EA. The customer service people have a God complex. The mods are on power trips. And the customers are pissed off. Nobody cares dude.
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1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


I find the race to first to be really stressful.... so I usually race to 23rd. Am hoping that getting in 6 days before release doesn't ruin that for me.


Thanks for the support.

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Let me respond to each point.


1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


Who cares? I see the "first" as lifeless people who are stuck in their parents basement. What does it matter if you reach max level first? Or down a boss first? Its just bragging rights. Get over it.


2. What happens during early access when something breaks? You stop inviting people to fix it and then a few days later you gotta burst in tons of people and it breaks again or take the chance that a group of people that pre-ordered don't get to play early? If at any point something breaks and someone doesn't get to play early. They will walk and go play something else. You know this right? Not sure why you would risk years of work and millions and millions of dollars for a few days of hectic work. Some of us are coming from WoW to play this. Everyone is already clueless and thinks this is a WoW clone. We didn't get in the initial day so we are playing WoW and waiting. At some point they will stop waiting or think "its just a WoW clone anyway, might as well just play WoW". The initial opening days, the mad rush of people. This kind of thing makes an MMO for some people. But Bioware wants a few days of easy work instead of letting people play the game.


Umm you do realize that in 6 days this wont matter? You're complaining about how you didnt get in yet, even though start date is the 20th. What if they said no EGA? Would you still feel personal offense?



3. PVP headstart. You are giving a select group a massive PVP headstart. It will be so fun starting the game vs people at max level with PVP gear. Sure PVP gear gives only 10%-15% bonus but that's massive when people don't know how to play the game.


Wont matter in a month. No use complaining.


4. PVE Race. Same as the above. It's not much of a race when some people are crossing the finish lane just as others start.


Wont matter in a month. If SWTOR goes the WoW route, you'll have tankspot videos for your guild to watch to get up to speed for end game content.


4. PVP Warzone exploit. Never would have happened if you didn't under sell the early game access just so you could have a few days of easy work. Your servers will break regardless of pampering the servers in the first few days. So just let the people play and stop being a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. You are so worried about having a few days of less work and problems that you forgot what makes an MMO an MMO.


Dont know about exploit but it sounds like your PVP one. So same response.


5. The lifeless world. All the game streams are making your game look like crap right now. "Where are all the players, is this game dead already?". With the population the way it is right now we rarely see other players running by. It makes it look like no one is playing and your game flopped already. Why? Just so you can have a few days of easy work? Let me clue you into something, "YOUR **** WILL BREAK NO MATTER WHAT!!!" you can invite everyone 1 x 1 every day and still "YOUR **** WILL BREAK". It's just how it goes.


Avoid slippery slope arguments if you want to be taken seriously.


If I were you, I would try to get everyone 5 days minimum. I think you are too worried about "lets have the best launch ever!!!". What does this get you? a successful launch to you is a failure to many. If any group gets less than 5 days they will feel robbed. You're launching an MMO we aren't. You need to cater to us. If this was pre-wow people would put up with stuff like this easily. In a post-wow world you get one try and people leave and right now you aren't making a good first impression.


They are not obligated to get you into the game at all 5 days before release. The fact that they started 7 days out, 6th day is over, and you're complaining that you didnt get in yet? Do you cry when you dont get your way?


-"Hey bro, did you get to play SWTOR this week? I heard it was the best launch ever."

-"Nah, I didn't get in."

-"You pre-ordered right"

-"Yeah, but they had some invite system and I didn't get to play early"

-"Wow **** that i'm not buying that ****, lets play some WoW BGs"

-"Yeah, it's just a WoW clone anyway, so might as well play WoW"


Yes, I'm sure thats how all the whining baby conversations are going. Grow up and be a man because you are acting like a stupid child.

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Since an MMO is supposed to last years, a customer who tries to "race to first and then quit" in the first week or two of play is, pretty much, the worst possible customer, and if the game launch design drives them off, then, that's probably a good thing. Bioware wants your money for months or years; if you declare your playstyle is to quit after a month, you're not worth Bioware's time and they're wise not to pander to you. Adam Smith pwns y00, n00b.


It's an idiotic playstyle, anyway. By definition, only one person/guild can be "first" on a server, which means, 99% of the players WON'T be... so if the only reason you're playing is to be first, you're virtually guaranteed to be disappointed. Like the motivational poster says: For every winner, there are a thousand losers. Odds are, you're one of them.


Further, what's this "massive headstart" crap? If the level cap is so easy to reach that two days makes a difference... then, in two more days, you'll be *completely* *caught* *up*. If you log in tomorrow at first level and some guy is 50th level because he got in yesterday... guess what? In two days, YOU'LL be 50th level, and so will he, and there is nowhere near enough end game content that he'll have any better gear than you'll have. You'll both have done it all. (And what a stunning waste of money, racing through the game without experiencing or enjoying any of it.) You can't stand not being the bestest best of the very bestest for a whole TWO DAYS? Then, frankly, you're a pathetic loser and the world would be a better place if you tried some solo PVP LARP, if you get my drift.


This game will run, most likely, for 5-7 years. Anyone who thinks the first day or two is going to matter over that long a haul is such an imbecile that *anything* Bioware does to drive such people away, I hereby approve of.

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868



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Bioware doesnt care. Bioware doesnt listen to us. Bioware listens to EA. It doesnt matter how much logic you throw in the pot, they wont listen to you. The people at the top are clueless yes men to EA. The customer service people have a God complex. The mods are on power trips. And the customers are pissed off. Nobody cares dude.


I'm sure you genuinely believe this foolishness of yours but so you know, I believe you're really a talking giraffe with clown complex who cares about us all and nothing more but making us all laugh.


Potential accuracy or lack there of aside your beliefs make as much sense and seem as grounded in reality as mine.


I love you talking Giraffe Man.


Thanks for fulfilling your mission and life's care but having never called your customer service, should I expect the same level of commitment from them? I've been helped by Bioware's customer service twice directly and once indirectly ( curse you Black Screen! ) I expect your CS reps to be equally awesome Giraffe Man.

Edited by BigBlueMachine
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Since an MMO is supposed to last years, a customer who tries to "race to first and then quit" in the first week or two of play is, pretty much, the worst possible customer, and if the game launch design drives them off, then, that's probably a good thing. Bioware wants your money for months or years; if you declare your playstyle is to quit after a month, you're not worth Bioware's time and they're wise not to pander to you. Adam Smith pwns y00, n00b.


It's an idiotic playstyle, anyway. By definition, only one person/guild can be "first" on a server, which means, 99% of the players WON'T be... so if the only reason you're playing is to be first, you're virtually guaranteed to be disappointed. Like the motivational poster says: For every winner, there are a thousand losers. Odds are, you're one of them.


Further, what's this "massive headstart" crap? If the level cap is so easy to reach that two days makes a difference... then, in two more days, you'll be *completely* *caught* *up*. If you log in tomorrow at first level and some guy is 50th level because he got in yesterday... guess what? In two days, YOU'LL be 50th level, and so will he, and there is nowhere near enough end game content that he'll have any better gear than you'll have. You'll both have done it all. (And what a stunning waste of money, racing through the game without experiencing or enjoying any of it.) You can't stand not being the bestest best of the very bestest for a whole TWO DAYS? Then, frankly, you're a pathetic loser and the world would be a better place if you tried some solo PVP LARP, if you get my drift.


This game will run, most likely, for 5-7 years. Anyone who thinks the first day or two is going to matter over that long a haul is such an imbecile that *anything* Bioware does to drive such people away, I hereby approve of.


Great post

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Since an MMO is supposed to last years, a customer who tries to "race to first and then quit" in the first week or two of play is, pretty much, the worst possible customer, and if the game launch design drives them off, then, that's probably a good thing. Bioware wants your money for months or years; if you declare your playstyle is to quit after a month, you're not worth Bioware's time and they're wise not to pander to you. Adam Smith pwns y00, n00b.


It's an idiotic playstyle, anyway. By definition, only one person/guild can be "first" on a server, which means, 99% of the players WON'T be... so if the only reason you're playing is to be first, you're virtually guaranteed to be disappointed. Like the motivational poster says: For every winner, there are a thousand losers. Odds are, you're one of them.


Further, what's this "massive headstart" crap? If the level cap is so easy to reach that two days makes a difference... then, in two more days, you'll be *completely* *caught* *up*. If you log in tomorrow at first level and some guy is 50th level because he got in yesterday... guess what? In two days, YOU'LL be 50th level, and so will he, and there is nowhere near enough end game content that he'll have any better gear than you'll have. You'll both have done it all. (And what a stunning waste of money, racing through the game without experiencing or enjoying any of it.) You can't stand not being the bestest best of the very bestest for a whole TWO DAYS? Then, frankly, you're a pathetic loser and the world would be a better place if you tried some solo PVP LARP, if you get my drift.


This game will run, most likely, for 5-7 years. Anyone who thinks the first day or two is going to matter over that long a haul is such an imbecile that *anything* Bioware does to drive such people away, I hereby approve of.


Love this post. Thank you for saving me from typing it myself.

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OP: You act like your so informed on how things work, yet you failed to even follow the development of the game. This is Bioware's MMO not every other MMO.


The people who were following the development of the game enrolled into the beta sweepstakes 1-2 years ago. Everyone who was in the beta pool recieved emails sometime in june/july stating that pre-orders were limited to some capacity and to pre-order as soon as possible to recieve the max benefit of doing so. Few friends of mine and myself pre-ordered the day we got the email and guess what? We got our emails the morning of the 13th with our early access. It's as simple as that. They wanted to give people who were willing to pre-order their game early a bonus.

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