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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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X-Wing was fun as hell, I loved diving in on star destroyers and taking out their shield generators just like they did in SW VI - haul butt out away after taking it out with a redirect to your rear shield for full strength - Absolute Win!


Although there are innovative games now, I still don't feel they make games like that anymore. Those games were something else for their time.

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A stab at the ol' Decemberist Creed:


Action is a lie, there is only inaction

Through inaction, I gain apathy

Through apathy, I gain aversion

through aversion, I gain passivity

Through passivity, I procrastinate

My December Pre-Order shall bind me.

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You are borderline on your Decembrist group membership ... We need to see you completely drop the ball or slack off on at least 5 things before you can be called one of us


I mean if he completely forgets to log in then he's a Decemberist at heart.

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So, I left for work before the last wave, got home and.... still not in.


Are we, the Decemberists, still a unified front, or has there been a schism between the December-ins and December-outs?


I'm all for a Galactic Civil War personally, but hey.


Did I miss much tonight?

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