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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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A friend pre-ordered for me as a gift on November 21st. I've had the receipt for some time from Gamestop. Those... Screw-ups (in replace for a better word) didn't even give me an Early Access code. I sent them an email several days ago on Dec 8th, and they gave me my code on Dec 11th.


No good, no good. Oh well.

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I bet they'll leave us out today just to teach us a lesson!


never preorder things and expect equal treatment?

Imaginary waiting lines are srs buisness?

Congratulations on being the last few to get in on a preorder program we overhyped?


Im not sure what the lesson is there aside from.

Lets make the people who spent money on a game they didn't even play yet feel special.


I guess people who preordered ahead of you where:


Likely payed more

Did more by buying early

their copy is somehow more worthy.

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I was wandering around these chaotic forums in a Haze, when all of the sudden the clouds lifted and i found my home here with my fellow procrastinators! Woot Woot I believe the force is not strong in our little group. Reccommend we play none force classes. LMAO
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Dec. 7th hoping for tomorrow, ill be awake at 7am EST hoping.


What server are all the December Crew guilds on? I saw the thread.


Your first mistake is hope...


Your second mistake is putting your name up so someone can use it for lolz.


Your third mistake is having the same pre-order date as me, which makes yours void.

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Am I the only one who doesn't care about reserving names or getting behind when everybody gets to upper levels? Seriously, isn't this about just entertainment rather than a stricted job?


I don't get it, at all. For me, I won't care if I get invited today or on the 19th. And I won't care which level I'll be at, I'll just play along and enjoy.


Nope , me neither.


heck, I played a single template in SWG from the euro servers launch until the nge when they removed it , rifleman/creature handler , I never changed, when hologrinding was going on, I never even opened my christmas one, the power gsme and must have the best thingy never gripped me.


I play what I enjoy, for my enjoyment.

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I was wandering around these chaotic forums in a Haze, when all of the sudden the clouds lifted and i found my home here with my fellow procrastinators! Woot Woot I believe the force is not strong in our little group. Reccommend we play none force classes. LMAO


Hehe. This is my home as well

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Morning everyone!


We're starting to send out more invites for today.


Here's the good news: overnight we decided to send out more invites than we had originally planned. However, we'll be spacing those invites out, which means we'll have more 'waves' than the previous four-per-day. We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday.


I'll update this thread as we send invites. As a reminder, we're also updating our official Twitter accounts (@SWTOR, @SWTOR_FR and @SWTOR_DE) with the invites as they sent; that'll be more up-to-the-minute than this post.


For anyone who's not yet been invited, remember to have the email address no-reply@bioware.swtor.com in your address book so it doesn't hit spam filters.


Assuming you have the SWTOR client installed, you can also periodically launch it. If you're ready to go your 'play' button will be click-able.


Wave One was sent at 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).


THeres a CHANCE!!

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Your first mistake is hope...


Your second mistake is putting your name up so someone can use it for lolz.


Your third mistake is having the same pre-order date as me, which makes yours void.


Someone can take the name, im sure people have already. What server is all the December Crew people on? I saw threads but no servers are listed.

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I just found out I got a broken Disc 2 in my box.. meeh, will fix it tomorrow.. if I can be bothered.


I could also be a tad annoyed by the fact I had to uninstall the download (halfway done) to use the disc... But meh, why give my computer that satisfaction!

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