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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Good morning, my fellow European decemberists! As to the American folks... you should get some sleep, guys.


In a few hours we'll enter the last 24 hours of waiting... where's Jack Bauer when you need him?


meh, I'll sleep later. One of the great joys of old age is my insomnia.

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I think we do need to break it to the "others" BW let us Decemberists in on the 10th, but we just have not got around to playing yet.


Oh my. You just about ('purt near') made me spit my coffee! Does explain the mellow attitude here though.

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I'm a Decemberist. I hope I get at least a couple of days of pre-launch play because I won't get my game box delivered until probably the 22nd at the earliest. :(


That sucks, i got my game-box dec 12th. Im in Norway though, perhaps other regions aint that fortunate :p

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Sorry bout your coffee. lol


No worries... it's a great excuse to get more.


Hmm, I wonder if drinking coffee at 2am might explain why I'm still addicted to this thread and not sleeping? Nah, couldn't be. Must be pure coincidence.

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Already regretting that I preordered, my bf was QQing that he wanna play with me so I preordered late. Now he's almost lv 20. GG.


Just tell him to roll an alt. That, or you'll pick up the cute (insert favourite race here) character. Works for me every time.

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I pre ordered before december, but of course gamestop being the garbage company they are never delivered a ega code to me, so I cancelled my pre order with them and only just got a new pre order through origin last week. Last few experiences with gamestop are terrible.
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