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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Dec 4 for me. I'll be happy if I get any early time to be honest. The game launches on the 20th officially so I see any early access as an honor :rolleyes: Call me a white-knight but I think these complainers should go eat a d!ck like the spoiled brats they are.
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Didn't Preorder untill the 1st dec, cause I had no clue that this game would be this great, I thought it was going to be a flop life RIFT, though, I played the BETA and now I must say, rather idiotic I didn't preorder when I could have done it, early as fk...
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December 2nd here. I just had to wait until after I had some hands-on time to preorder and boy did that beta convince me I had to play this game.


That said I'm hoping our early access is friday or saturday, if not, eh, even a single hour of early access would be worth it to me.

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/rage on***

Pre-Ordered my copy from BestBuy on Aug 9th

Never was able to get BestBuy to give me a pre-order code

Ordered from Origin online Dec 2nd, got my pre-order code instantly


/rage off****


I wonder if I can get my $5 pre-order fee back from BestBuy since they never supplied me with the pre-order code I needed.


I'll never pre-order from BestBuy again. When I got the receipt home and tried to get my code it told me it had already been redeemed, BestBuy wouldn't tell me by who. I think that geek in the Games Dept that rung up my pre-order pirated my code. But of course I can't prove it, but how else would the code already be redeemed by another account before I could even get home.


Oh well...I'll get in when I get in, my rage is completely pointed at BestBuy though, not BW/EA.

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The pre-order code is a placeholder that they charge on your card, the remainder of the purchase is charged at official release. The DDE was $79.99 or so, what they did was charge the $5.00 immediately, put a placeholder for the remaining 74.99 to be charged when the game is actually released. Same goes for all of the other versions. This was so that people that got into early access, got bored and cancelled the pre-order still had to pay something rather than playing for free.
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