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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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I am curious how many of the decembercrew are around for the same reason I was..


I held out because of my hatred for the way EA handled Warhammer and looking at the overall price of this game which made me have to wait on an invite to beta to make up my mind. Even then I wasn't 100% sure so I waited until Blizzard released 4.3 and as soon as I saw how fail it was I ran out and pre-ordered finally...


So I defiantly know I am coming last and I am ok with that I wasn't going to spend what could get me 2 games for the same price without being damn sure.

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A little late to be joining but... December 12th here. That's right. And for what it's worth, I was told specifically by the boys at Gamestop on the 11th that early access was closed and there is no way I could sign up for it let alone get in. But we'll see what's what!


As for the people being so adamant about the servers being completely capable of housing all us pre-orders, I will take a staggered invite and an infinitely better playing experience over the newbie zone flooding lag-fest game launches typically represent. I'm saying this as an individual who went through the game launches of EQ and it's first five expansions, DAoC, Horizons, CoH, EQ2 and it's first three expansions, and WoW and two of it's three expansions.


And last but most certainly not to be forgotten, Age of Conan and the menagerie of failure they called "early access". Access that you not only paid extra money for to get into but that equated to 1 and a half of the 3 days promised AND immediately started your 30 day billing cycle (again, despite already paying extra for those days in the first place). Of course, AoC's answer to trying to ensure the server load remained manageable was to completely close off early access without warning. I was "lucky", I got in. Four of my friends who also planned to pay for the early access? Not so much. But it didn't really matter. The servers were still overloaded because -- go figure -- a couple hundred players all trying to get past the load screen and utilize the same newbie content tends to not go that well. And within a week they were almost my level anyway. In the end it didn't matter except for the part where I was out extra money for time I'd already paid once and I had a lousy gaming experience in the process.


So call me crazy if you will, but I think Bioware is doing something good here. And if I don't even get a single day of advanced play because I'm such a procrastinator, so be it. Having a solid game experience when I finally do get in is a much bigger priority for me than what day I got to start playing on.



December 12th

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I am curious how many of the decembercrew are around for the same reason I was..


I held out because of my hatred for the way EA handled Warhammer and looking at the overall price of this game which made me have to wait on an invite to beta to make up my mind. Even then I wasn't 100% sure so I waited until Blizzard released 4.3 and as soon as I saw how fail it was I ran out and pre-ordered finally...


So I defiantly know I am coming last and I am ok with that I wasn't going to spend what could get me 2 games for the same price without being damn sure.


I think most of us were just lazy =p

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I ordered from Origin on Dec 6th so Im in early or not... Whatever happens happens.. Ill enjoy the game, ill sniper the general chat flaming idiots and trolls and Ill have fun... And Ill still play my Rogue on WoW becaust just like there is nothing like decapitating your foes with a lightsaber, there is nothing like sliding a dagger between the ribs of the enemy when they are Sure there is noone behind them :)
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i was just broke till the 10th lol ok and kinda lazy


I had money , but my inner devil was like nahhh dude , pre order is pre order if u really want it ull get it. How wrong i was. I should have accepted BIO as my personal saver earlier...=)

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You guys do realise though that by the time we get in and start playing the game, alot of people will already by level 50! Some are between level 30 and 40 already!


Seems to me Bioware has made the leveling way to easy if you ask me!


For the people who want to join a PvP server, its gojna make it seriously hard to level up when there are level 50's already ganking you!

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November 22nd!!



*Waits for someone to inform me I am in the wrong thread*


Man are you ever on the edge.


If the up to last week of Nov holds true -- you are really going to be cutting it close.


Hopefully they end up pushing out all of November just to make a clean , easy, cut here and not leave it odd. (Even though they do it by numbers and not dates).


Good luck man.

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