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Any news of a server transfer


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My server seems to have a low enough population that its near impossible to find groups.


I can be in a zone with 20 - 30 people and no one even response to general chat about anything.


Its a cold lonely server... It might recover slowly...


There are guilds, but none seem to actively be recruiting... I have even asked around in general chat and I don't get any response.


My server is generally lacking in social skills.

Edited by Casmaran
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combining servers need to be done, or transfers to fill up populations on certain servers.


There is no reason if they do cross server pvp, to have an equal amount of sith/republic, i'm all for a republic only server where i do not have to deal with pvp unless i choose to partake in pvp.

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I just want to transfer my character in order to be with my friends from back home, I was in the military and hardly am able to get in touch with my old friends. I love the story line and class of my current avatar but do not want to re-play it just to be with my friends.
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not wanting to say I told you so as i understand you plight. However, when the game was in early access and then launch people were screaming about ques while some of us kept saying wait a few weeks for the game to settle down. I think in response to peoples pleas they added to many servers to fast. Now the some have gone back to school after the holidays and i am sure some have just left the game as it was not for them server pops have lowered. I know the server I play on went from Ques even in the wee wee hours to just ques during peak but even then not as often and as for long. Hopefully the changed forthcoming for the LFG tool and PvP ( i believe they said they were looking at pvp being x server since the issues with lfd would not apply in pvp) will help you all out some. Edited by Baaddare
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I would like to know this as well.


I am Australian and when Oceanic servers come out I will be playing there. I would hate to have to leave my currently 47 Sin on an American server collecting dust.


Also I want to start leveling a republic character but if I wont be able to transfer it to Oceanic well..


I usually get home between 6-7pm.. server downtime is always 7pm my time.. bah.

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