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Killed in 3 hits WHILE STUNNED


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honestly, this game's PVP is absolutely ridiculous




i'm getting killed in under 5 seconds by Scoundrels *CONSTANTLY*


they open with some kind of knockdown that does 4k damage, then another 5k hit, and another couple of instant 2k hits (or dots? f**k knows what it is)


and ofcourse, i'm STUNNED THE ENTIRE TIME


it is really fun! THIS IS A SUPER FUN GAME!! brb i'm gonna HANG MYSELF.


good job biofail

Edited by Kyris_Xiandrii
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Yep, would love to see the knockdown removed from the equation or put on as long of a cooldown as the CC break trinket is.


Its a combination of Stealth/Crowd Control AND burst which makes it so effective.



I dont think people would mind so much IF they could fight back during the burst, even if the burst remained exactly the same, but the CC/knockdown element was stripped away, it would balance things a lot.





Basically, anyone who cant faceroll people with an OP/Scoundrel is a terrible player..because its a joke how easy it is.

Edited by blackadda
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Not in cover, likely no gear. Nothing to see here, what you describe cannot happen to a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.


Good thing everyone who plays the game is level 50 and in full pvp gear.

Edited by Halofax
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So damd nice, gonna save this video for any moron that is saying they are not OP.


Wonder how many subs BW will lose before they fix this....



he is fully buffed.


almost any class can do that when fully buffed

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As a Sniper the only way to survive it ATM is to break CC the knockdown and use Evasion while you're still on the ground getting up then you'll ignore all of the front load damage but it's super situational and requires you to KNOW that a Scrapper is coming for you.


As it stands atm there isn't enough "guaranteed" counters. Seeing as your PvP escape or evasion could be down.

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Lol no they cannot.


Ive seen diffirent. If anything it proves a massive problem with the stacking of consumables, relics, cooldowns and warzone buffs. Which is going to hit a little harder from a stealth class as they set it up in stealth and hit out of no where.


But if id have such a level of consumables stacked on my Sniper you can kiss your sweet *** goodbye if i ever landed an Ambush and Followthrough crit on you.


Nerfing operatives will not do anything other then force them all to go down the mass consumable route. And the only thing that changes is the spotlight will switch to the next guy that stacks and crits for stupid numbers.

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Ive seen diffirent. If anything it proves a massive problem with the stacking of consumables, relics, cooldowns and warzone buffs. Which is going to hit a little harder from a stealth class as they set it up in stealth and hit out of no where.


But if id have such a level of consumables stacked on my Sniper you can kiss your sweet *** goodbye if i ever landed an Ambush and Followthrough crit on you.


Nerfing operatives will not do anything other then force them all to go down the mass consumable route. And the only thing that changes is the spotlight will switch to the next guy that stacks and crits for stupid numbers.


This is true to an extent, any class with a relic + adrenal + PvP buff + PvP expertise stim popped CAN demolish anyone but it's a completely different beast when your opener is also from stealth and knocks someone down for 3 seconds. That's the biggest concern here the CC paired with incredible damage paired with not knowing it's happening. If you see a Sniper casting an ambush on you, you just walk behind a wall.

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I have not seen yet anyone address the problem / FACT , that there are classes that need to go through 3-4 abilities in order to do some burst and some times those abilities are channeled, and on the other hand we have classes that just push one frigging button and that is it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That alone makes the pvp system here completely broken, not to think of other parameters that have been mentioned in this forum again and again.

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honestly, this game's PVP is absolutely ridiculous


i'm getting killed in under 5 seconds by Scoundrels *CONSTANTLY*



Posting lies won't bring you anywhere.


You don't really expect the game to be balanced for all the 1 vs 1 duels, do you?

So this thread is quite pointless, just funny showing your rage at lost duel :)


Any sensible point to make?

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Posting lies won't bring you anywhere.


You don't really expect the game to be balanced for all the 1 vs 1 duels, do you?

So this thread is quite pointless, just funny showing your rage at lost duel :)


Any sensible point to make?


First you falsely accuse him of lying. Second you slyly move the conversation to "1 vs 1 doesn't matter" issue to justify the unjustifiable.


I give you 10/10

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From what I've seen, and what I agree with, it's not the dying that's particularly bad when playing against a class with that much burst.. it's the whole "I'm stunned/knocked down and can't do a *********** thing about it". That aspect seems to be the most infuriating part about it. It doesn't matter if you have defensive cooldowns or anything to use against them, because by the time you get out of the initial opener, you're already at 20% health or below, and if they simply follow up or anyone else hits you, you're dead.


I roll through warzones on my Assassin with only a couple champion pieces missing and generally overpower/destroy my opponents (avg about 300k damage in a full game, less than 5 deaths). But as I'm specced Madness, I tend to do it in open field. I don't open from stealth very often. As a result, my opponents have plenty of time to see me coming, and they have a chance to fight. I typically use my stun to finish an opponent, not to open on them, since almost all of my burst occurs sub 50%. By that time, they've had more than enough opportunity to fight back and possibly prevent their death. But that's not the case with operatives/scoundrels opening from stealth. If they're any good, they're going to get that opener and you'll probably be sub 50% even if you break the stun. If you don't break the stun, you're probably dead or close to dead without some help or a combination of several of your CDs in rapid succession.


Even with my fairly excellent gear, with Dark Guard and a Shield on, I'm still getting thrown down sub 30% with relative ease by any decent OP/Scoundrel. If it's just them I might have a fighting chance if my CDs are up. If not, I'm probably dead.


People want to feel like they had a fighting chance. They don't like getting literally killed within a stun window by ONE player. If it's 2-3 players focus-firing, fine, that's called being organized. But I've never seen players in an MMO happy about being killed out of nowhere with virtually no opportunity to fight back unless a 2-minute CD is up, which is likely almost always down once you're in a warzone since every other class has stuns/knockdowns they can use fairly frequently.

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Posting lies won't bring you anywhere.


You don't really expect the game to be balanced for all the 1 vs 1 duels, do you?


Dude that is the essens of game balance. If one class is far better in a 1vs1 then there is clearly no game balance. Game balance is not meant to be team vs team.

Thats like the devs are saying , hey unless your a Operative or Scoundrel dont

go out in the world unless your on a team that can save your behind because me made 6 out of 8 classes garbage.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Quick question.


If people are level 50 with full champ gear in 2 weeks, how will this game sustain anyone for YEARS of playtime?


By adding new content? How does WoW sustain people? They add a raid with about 4-6 bosses every 6 months and some silly new quest area yet 10 million people stay subscribed.


It's not just content that keeps people interested, it's the community of the game. Most people stay subbed to WoW because they're attached to their character and have made tons of friends on the game.



Also, lol @ the people defending operative burst. They're obviously going to get nerfed guys.

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Ive seen diffirent. If anything it proves a massive problem with the stacking of consumables, relics, cooldowns and warzone buffs. Which is going to hit a little harder from a stealth class as they set it up in stealth and hit out of no where.


But if id have such a level of consumables stacked on my Sniper you can kiss your sweet *** goodbye if i ever landed an Ambush and Followthrough crit on you.


Nerfing operatives will not do anything other then force them all to go down the mass consumable route. And the only thing that changes is the spotlight will switch to the next guy that stacks and crits for stupid numbers.


Age of Conan made the mistake of nerfing classes instead of looking into the real problem: item gems. A fully socketed set of armor with +damage gems would allow a Guardian to 1-shot (well, 2-shot, but those 2 shots came simultaneously) other players, and a fully socketed set of gear with +physical resistance allowed a Guardian to literally take on 8 elites, 8 levels higher than himself, and simply "not die." No defensive cooldowns necessary, the armor was that good. Even without any socketed items, a Guardian was hard to kill when he entered a fully defensive stance (I know, I played one) but these items pushed the Guardian's survivability to levels which were just plain silly.


They ended up nerfing Guardian damage, and changing some base armor values, while leaving gems completely alone. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me, personally. Comparing the Guardian to most other classes in the game, with no socketed armor sets, we found that the Guardian, while single target bursting, dealt only roughly 60% of the damage of some other class's single target sustained damage. (Unlike TOR, AoC had a working combat log, allowing players to mathematically compare notes.) The Guardian couldn't burst as well as some other classes could continuously DPS. You can imagine how horrid their sustained damage was. Yet, the devs chose to nerf the damage of that class, because "the Guardian could 1-shot other players." (Oh right, there was also an exploit you needed to take advantage of to 1-shot other players, but the devs didn't fix that before nerfing Guardian damage, either. That exploit allowed you to deal twice as much damage as you were supposed to for just a moment, allowing you to deal insane damage with a single attack. But nah, that couldn't be part of the reason the Guardian was 1-shotting other classes...)


Anyway... *ahem* AoC rant aside, the point is, it's not always the class that's overpowered.


It may not be the items alone that are making classes overpowered in TOR, but certainly stacking all of these buffs contributes to the insane numbers we've been seeing from level 50's. BioWare cannot ignore these buffs while balancing classes, and must determine whether or not these items are having a serious impact on character performance before making significant tweaks to any one class.



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Not in cover, likely no gear. Nothing to see here, what you describe cannot happen to a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.


Aye, it can. I've seen fully geared sorcerors/assassins/operatives/mercenaries go down fast from a scoundrel.

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As a Sniper the only way to survive it ATM is to break CC the knockdown and use Evasion while you're still on the ground getting up then you'll ignore all of the front load damage but it's super situational and requires you to KNOW that a Scrapper is coming for you.


As it stands atm there isn't enough "guaranteed" counters. Seeing as your PvP escape or evasion could be down.


Fyi popping evasion will do absolutely nothing to stop you from getting killed by an operative/scoundrel. Their primary attacks are tech attacks.

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