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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

November preorders get IN here!!


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Oh balls. 30/11 for me. "Last week of November" will be the first 2 days of the last week or something. 23rd/24th will get in. That's my prediction.


I can safely say I won't be getting in. Friday is better than nothing I suppose. At least, it's a 1 in a million chance 30th's will get in what with that being the last day in November...

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26th here. I bought a preorder back in September but I didn't realize how the redemption worked until late November. Kicking myself now - the friend I wanted to roll with got her invite today and it only looks like I stand a small chance for tomorrow. I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time, it hurts a little bit more every time I check my e-mail to no avail. =(
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November 27th here. Being that the latest news says that the waves tomorrow will go "up until the last week of November," I'm a little worried that we won't all get in until Friday.


Oh well, not the end of the world, in any case.

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All of us Novemberites are going to be rolling in our beds tonight like tomorrow is Christmas morning as we did as kids..


Nope, I'm gonna be drugging myself to sleep tonight that way when i get up to play tomorrow I will be able to nerd rage this beotch for hours on end.


12 - 5 Hour Energies (X)

12 - Rockstar's 16oz (X)

Box of PowerBars (X)

Box of Ambien for good sleep tonight (X)

Time off Work til next Tues (X)

School Finals done (X)

Babysitter lined up (X)

Early Game Access ()

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StephenReid General Discussion -> PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?

This is not the full update, yet - I'd like Gabe Amatangelo to weigh in. There is one important thing to note, however.


No-one is 'exploiting' this aspect of the game. We have looked at the metrics across every server, and no-one is earning an unusual amount of experience from PvP Warzones. In fact, when looking at the top-level players in the entire game, they are gaining XP fastest from completing quests. Also as of this morning, our top player on all servers was not in the 30-40 level range. They probably are now, but then they've been playing a lot - and gaining the bulk of their XP from normal quests.


In other words, whoever started this rumor was either confused or deliberately trying to start confusion.


Like I said, I'm tracking down Gabe to talk more about how Warzone XP is allocated and the design decisions behind it. Right now, however, we do not see this as an exploit. In simple terms, a player can gain more XP in the same period of time from normal play than from doing this.


More when I track down Gabe and nail him to a keyboard.



that's good

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