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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

November preorders get IN here!!


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I don't think that those of us who joined in November will get in today. The latest date I saw that got in yesterday was Sept. 29th. I anticipate October getting in today and we Novembers and early Dec's getting in tomorrow.


See you all in game tomorrow lol.


second wave today got to november 9th.

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i have a vent if any fellow Novemberites would like yo join while we wait etc....this is not a guidl recruitment ply as i am not in one.







no password needed...the names Billy on vent!


This is tempting, is there free pie at this social gathering of the Novemberite kind?

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I tried to get into the beta for sooo long.. When I was finally accepted it was the November beta that everyone got into.. But guess what I had to drive to Houston.. I missed the entire beta NUUU!!! Then I forgot to redeem my pre-order NUUUUU!!! Aside from that its time....


I don't even know what I'm going to play... Or if I'm going to be republic or empire... I love that feeling.

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So you're saying that you're basically complaining to make yourself feel better. The difference from the people defending Bioware and the people complaining is that the people complaining don't have the law on their side. Nothing was hidden. There were just poor consumers. This happens almost every MMO launch. Servers go down and people cry foul because they paid for a product and aren't getting it right now. Have you actually read the EULA?



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