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Yes. I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers.


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Bioware, if you're going to clone WoW (which no matter what you may claim, that's exactly what they did) you sure as hell better include some of the better features WoW had.


I am dumbfounded that you don't have addon support. I am dumbfounded that you don't have macros. Or server forums. Or that you put your instances outside of the quest zones for the level ranges of people who would actually want to do them with no global LFG of any kind.


These design decisions don't make your game unique - just inferior.

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Because SWTOR has a completely different questing system, classes, setting, lore, sound effects and graphics?


Mechanics of Accessibility =\= Content


Why is this such a difficult a concept to grasp?


I honestly dunno why they cannot grasp what i'm saying. I already said I don't want it to a outright clone of WOW 50 times. What I want is WOW's fantastic streamlining. Maybe then i'll remove my personal belongings from my suitcase and move in.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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There is no already existing lfg tool. You can claim there is but its about as useless as I could ever imagine.


I can sit in fleet hoping other people will come to sit in fleet, or I can go quest on a planet, and hope someone is for some crazy reason lfg for a flashpoint on the planet and not sitting in fleet.


Either way, im either skipping the flashpoint, or wasting a whole day of my gaming time LFG for something im probably not going to run anyway for lack of other people willing to sit in fleet for a whole freaking day to lfg.


How this game released without something so rudimentary as a server wide channel focused by level range for LFG I simply cannot fathom.


That's all we need people. We dont need an auto tool or anything. We need chat channels that reach everyone on the server no matter where they are in a given level range based on the ranges for planets and flashpoints.


Problem solved.

Edited by Slipfeed
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so why aren't the wow players who want this things in swtor playing wow?


Because meta-gaming (aka trolling "fan bois") the SWTOR forum is more fun for people who suffer with illusory superiority issues than actually playing the game that they claim is greatest thing since the internal combustion engine. A pretty twisted mindset, eh?


Ah well, most of them eventually grow out of it but some do take it into adulthood. The problem is, for every disingenuous forum meta-gamer who grows up and realizes that the universe doesn't revolve around their own navel, there's 3 or 4 more misanthropes just starting their career at pretending to hate everything for lulz and forum cred.

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what about all the post BW have made that they are going to be putting in most of what you asked?


Maybe do some research before you have your WOW fanboy cry session.


I came from WOW 6 years of playing, if u want WOW go play WOW.

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Forgot to give this thread the 5 stars it deserves so here it goes.


People hating this thread haven't brought any valid reasons / counter arguments to the table yet, which says alot about who should bw be listening to.


Basically everyone i know (and myself too) isn't going to sub, not even for the first month, not because the game itself is bad (it's quite decent in fact), but because the lack of features/functionality makes it rather tedious and depressing to play.


When accounts expire on the 19th we'll be waiting a couple weeks for diablo 3, and not come back here until bw realizes their mistakes and turn this 1999 game into a 2012 one. If that doesn't happen, chances are we WILL go back to wow.

Edited by AzKnc
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I'm not shocked at the OP, I'm shocked at the people taking his bait.


I don't know who's smarter TBH.


I used to agree that the LFD tool destroyed wow. Then I realized I was skipping all the flashpoints and heroic quests because it was too much of a pain and a waste of time to sit around lfg.


Now I kind of think it was just the CROSS SERVER aspect of the LFD tool that broke wow.

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I used to agree that the LFD tool destroyed wow. Then I realized I was skipping all the flashpoints and heroic quests because it was too much of a pain and a waste of time to sit around lfg.


Now I kind of think it was just the CROSS SERVER aspect of the LFD tool that broke wow.


Except you'd still be wrong, because NOTHING broke wow. People just get bored and leave/come back at will just because the game is old.


Communities there aren't any different from what they were at launch.


Without cross server features and all the other stuff some people claim "were the end of wow" that game would have had a much more severe drop in subs, instead, it still remains the boss after all these years, despite of whatever the haters have to say on the matter.

Edited by AzKnc
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Forgot to give this thread the 5 stars it deserves so here it goes.


People hating this thread haven't brought any valid reasons / counter arguments to the table yet, which says alot about who should bw be listening to.


Basically everyone i know (and myself too) isn't going to sub, not even for the first month, not because the game itself is bad (it's quite decent in fact), but because the lack of features/functionality makes it rather tedious and depressing to play.


When accounts expire on the 19th we'll be waiting a couple weeks for diablo 3, and not come back here until bw realizes their mistakes and turn this 1999 game into a 2012 one. If that doesn't happen, chances are we WILL go back to wow.



You are correct. What they don't know is i'm sitting here laughing at their ignorance while sipping Coffee. True Story.


The people against what I said have not made me blink once. You know why? Because i'm right. Half of them didn't even read my post. If you see "Clone" in a post that person did not read. That's far from what i'm asking for.

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100% agree!


Screw the Hero Engine - Blizzard should create a MMOEngine and every game should use it and just skin/theme it differently!


If this is what you think I want then we are NOT in agreement. If this was an attempt to troll me, I salute you. Well Played.

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Now I kind of think it was just the CROSS SERVER aspect of the LFD tool that broke wow.
wow was not significantly different before to after the launch of cross server lfd.


The blame is by far that it's an internet game, and people are 100% anonymous. This is true single server and cross server; the latter is no more anonymous than the former.

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There is no already existing lfg tool. You can claim there is but its about as useless as I could ever imagine.


I can sit in fleet hoping other people will come to sit in fleet, or I can go quest on a planet, and hope someone is for some crazy reason lfg for a flashpoint on the planet and not sitting in fleet.


Either way, im either skipping the flashpoint, or wasting a whole day of my gaming time LFG for something im probably not going to run anyway for lack of other people willing to sit in fleet for a whole freaking day to lfg.


How this game released without something so rudimentary as a server wide channel focused by level range for LFG I simply cannot fathom.


That's all we need people. We dont need an auto tool or anything. We need chat channels that reach everyone on the server no matter where they are in a given level range based on the ranges for planets and flashpoints.


Problem solved.


I hear what you are saying trust me. I Alluded to the skipping of Area Flashpoints in my post.


If there is one thing I love about this game is that there is NOT LFG chat. I have yet to see a "By my gold" message. Also GL having your message seen past the attention whores that are sure to flood such a channel.

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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.


ALl I can say is WOW is that way --> please return to easy mode land and leave the rest of us alone.

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I share the same opinion. I wanted a WoW copy set in the SW universe. EA killed Warhammer. They will do the same to this game. SWTOR will hover at around 500K subs and it will make them money but will be considered a total failure by the community. I'll wait for that Warhammer 40K MMO.


Considered a failure by the community? or you...


wait..you are part of the community...so...you must be right!! RIGHT? pfff

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WoW is an awesome game. The Community sucks but thats only because of the tools that Jerks can use now. I am talking about linkable Achievements and Gearscore, iLevel etc.


So what you get in WoW is people who are like "No, you cant join our guild/raid etc. because you dont have 6 billion iLevel and cant link all the endgame achievements". So the community has gotten pretty bad because this information allows people to be elitists and jerks.


In short, the WoW community has become a pe**s measuring competition.

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It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us


I really hope Bioware and EA are super foolish then. FWIW, Eve is 1000x better than WoW could ever hope to be. Only reason I don't play it these days is my favorite types of roaming PVP corps running around killing the crap out of everyone just don't fit in with my gaming hours these days. Le sigh.

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Read from page 1 - 18... had to stop and say this:


The "Masses" on the forums do not represent the true "masses" in game.


My opinion: Dont want add-ons or macros. If theyre put in, i wont use them. If you need macros to play, you must really suck.

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A man once had an idea to create a vaccine to save the lives of the people he loved. This man had studied the work of great scientist before him to create this vaccine. As time progressed people used the research of these men to create new vaccines for new diseases, they did not start from scratch. In the world, success is based of improving and continuing the progress of others.


I'm not gonna say how long i have played MMOs. Every MMO takes what was successful from the prior to build upon and create something that EVOLVES, and all of you talking about the good old days need to realize that the MMO that exist today is an evolution of the game you played in the past. Certain variations exist to set it apart from its competition, but to ignore the success of great games that have come before it will only make your users feel that there has been no evolution at all, that they are playing through the same featureless game they played years ago. All mmos are a social delight that covers a massive sink of time and honestly it gets old waiting for X feature to get added to X chosen time sink. Creates a sense of perpetual waiting.


Its not the macros or the UI mods that drive people away from games its that this games time sink is just like any other. Its sad that when i hit max level in any MMO now I already know that i will repeat the same BG/WZ/dailys over and over till i get enough badges to be beter then everyone else at that same BG/WZ/Raid. I know that when i hit 50 i will have to fill out what resembles a resume if i want to raid and get gear, just so we can move onto the next newest raid. You wanna talk about a different game then show me one that does not involve badges and 20 hour a week raid schedules. Because this vaccine has all the same side effects as the ones invented 16 years ago.

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I actually agree with most of what you said.


However, other MMOs were not failures because they didn't have 11m subs, I played WAR for 2 years solid and had some of the best pvp in my life in that game. Nothing the 'safe' pvp gameplay of wow gave me.



So WAR with its chicken mechanic is not safe but wow where u can gank a lvl 1 with your level 80 is safe? ****

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Maybe the OP and his WoW-loving friends are right, maybe not... we'll find out on the 20th.


Im NOT a Die-hard star wars fan and have never played a BW game before this one, but im enjoying SWtOR. Im sure THE MAJORITY of players (not forum posters) are too.

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