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Yes. I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers.


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Don't worry. EA is a money-making company, they'll force Bioware do what Blizzard did with WoW, despite what some (very little actually) people say against it.


So you'll soon see an LFG tool, macros, addons, and so on...


EA have nothing to do with produciton of the game

they are only a partner and a destributer

the ones runner the server (paying for maintenance and all) is boiware

lucas arts only did the music and voice acting

everything else is boiware

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why do people keep mentioning wow? it didn't define the 3d mmo genre. everquest did. wow has never been a good game.


WoW is the number 1 Mmo period. While not a fan boy or even a WoW player it is unmatched by any other game.

For years to come every game that comes out will be compaired to WOW.

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WoW is the number 1 Mmo period. While not a fan boy or even a WoW player it is unmatched by any other game.

For years to come every game that comes out will be compaired to WOW.


Kind of like for years after Die Hard came out, every action movie seemed to be compared to it. "It's like Die Hard, but on a boat/plane/sub/etc.!"

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i played wow for 6 years and got bored. awesome game but very boring after that time. why would i pay bioware for an old game i dont wanna play anymore?


SWOTR needs to implement WoW features but have different gameplay or it'll drift into mediocrity and die in 3-5 years max or worse, become the next SWG after the stupid "revamp" that made it ...you guessed it...more like WoW

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This post is awesome.. Gratz to the OP. You nailed it 100%


Especially the anti-wow people out there that played X MMO lol, I played LOTRO!!! I Played EVE!!! and whatever other failed MMO you came from. It's funny because they say it like it should hold some kind of weight. Like "Oh wait a second, give this guy some respect - he played EVE.." <-- great you played a sub par MMO with a niche player base.. gratz


One of my good friends hates WoW.. I mean hates it. He's played other MMO's and maintains they are ALL better than WoW and we argue it all the time lol.


If all these other failure games out there are better than WoW how in the WORLD did WoW put them all to shame?

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you can draw an audience with a brand name. it was most people's first MMO and they ate that **** up. it's a polished, dumbed down version of the EQ model and its community is horrible to boot. millions of people listen to korn so your argument isn't very good.
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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.



WoW wasn't the first competitor to EQ...I'd learn a bit more before mouthing off.

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anyone that things this game didnt try to emulate wow is a total fanboy.... one only has to play the game for an hour to realise it has hugely similar mechnanics to WoW besides Voice Acting and Space battles.


So the people who are saying "we don't want WoW.... well you already have it. To be perfectly honest.... i would not have minded WoW with a Swtor skin and voice acting... in fact... it would have been a great game.


The problem stems from the fact they they cloned WoW but didnt take the best bits ... (GTM, they game Ranged Classes too many CC abilibities, hardly any Warzones, and alot of bugs)

If they were going to copy a game.... they have to do it better, because there would be no point in switching over.



Guild Wars 2, from the looks of it, are doing something completely different, so if there game in buggy, lacks pvp, pve content and levelling is still a grind (thought from the looks of it... all of that looks great) then i wouldnt mind so much, because at least what they are doing is new.

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For those claiming that a "majority" of people are pro- or anti-addon...you are just making stuff up to support your own view.


All I know is my view. The things the original poster described (addons, LFD, macros) led the developers to make further design and content changes down the road that killed the fun of WoW. Blizzard has seen a collapse of theirs subscription numbers. They lost 2 million customers in the first in 9 months of Cataclysm, which the expansion that finally catered to the hardcore, whining, obsessively min-maxing, addon/macro/LFD crowd.

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People are getting mad at this guy for making a suggestion on how to improve the game (granted he did it in the wrong way by mentioning WoW but despite WoW not having any depth it has some good features)


I myself would like:


-The ability to resell commendation items back from commendations (since ive made a mistake purchase twice and it cost me 28 total commendations)

-Customizable/scalable UI

-Mission Rewards Shown while on the mission (I like to know what i am working for)

-I agree on macros as well because hell we have too many buttons as it is. Most people in wow dont use half their buttons and they macro anyway


Though OP went about it the wrong way i feel he its trying to give the DEVs an idea of how to improve a game he likes. Just so happens those things are also part of WoW. But No this isn't WoW, but hell a good idea is a good idea.


Oh and pvp brackets, this games pvp is some of the best i have played.... When there arent level 50s pwning you all the time. Id say even 1-25 25-49 50 would be good enough brackets with the stat boosting as well. First few days of the game when everyone was level 10-16 was super fun in PVP.


Like the OP said in a subsiquent post he wants the bells and whistles. I love SWTOR because of the unique combat, graphics and story! If SWTOR can be better by Adopting a few Streamlining and quality of life changes why not? Am i the only one who would like to see this game be the #1 MMO out there?? Blizzard had it for long enough and drove it into the ground. Let Bioware take over with smart direction.


TLDR: SWTOR is awesome, but with a few changes could be awesomer!

Edited by lacunarikain
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For those claiming that a "majority" of people are pro- or anti-addon...you are just making stuff up to support your own view.


All I know is my view. The things the original poster described (addons, LFD, macros) led the developers to make further design and content changes down the road that killed the fun of WoW. Blizzard has seen a collapse of theirs subscription numbers. They lost 2 million customers in the first in 9 months of Cataclysm, which the expansion that finally catered to the hardcore, whining, obsessively min-maxing, addon/macro/LFD crowd.


Another defensive baddie who is afraid of this game having any kind of competitive environment.

Your post doesn't even make sense.


Read the OP's post. You will realize that this isn't about min/maxing. Actually it's far from it.

It's actually about making things more convenient, easier.


Wanting to customize the look of the game isn't min-maxing.

LFD contributes nothing to min-maxing.

Macros? People want them so they don't have to make and memorize gazillion keybinds. This isn't min-maxing.

Call them lazy and bad if you want but this thread isn't about min-maxing.

In fact, you probably don't even understand what min-maxing is if you think that is the only reason people want addons/macro/LFD.


Funny how defensive some of these people are. Nobody even mentions min-maxing but as soon as he sees addons,macros,etc, "MIN MAXING RUINS THE GAME HERPDERP!"


Your bitterness towards people who want to put some effort into the game is incredible.

I can't help but picture you as that one super terrible guy in ICC pug run who got made fun of and kicked for constantly failing to run out spores or kite goos. And now he's on this game, happily thinking that he not longer has to deal with the "******es" who ruined his experience in WoW. But of course, he will never realized that he was ruining the experience of 24 others.

Edited by Hairless
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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.


Good for you!


I don't however, so I guess our opinions cancel each other out.

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Your bitterness towards people who want to put some effort into the game is incredible.

I can't help but picture you as that one super terrible guy in ICC pug run who got made fun of and kicked for constantly failing to run out spores or kite goos. And now he's on this game, happily thinking that he not longer has to deal with the "******es" who ruined his experience in WoW. But of course, he will never realized that he was ruining the experience of 24 others.


Well, LFD killed the community more than it did endgame. Thankfully I got out of WoW before LFR hit. You are example #1 of exactly the type of person that LFD empowered: petty, bitter, and unpleasant. Essentially a failure of evolution.


In WoW, raid encounters became much less fun over time because designers were trying to write under the assumption that raiders were all using addons like DBM, Healbot, etc that simplified play to the point where they had to throw everything plus the kitchen sink into raids, which made them tedious and dull rather than fun.


Please take a survey of both casuals and hardcores and see what percentage of them found the Cata raids fun. Judging from various WoW websites I'd guess that contingent is almost nil. So why start down that road in the first place when you have a game with a fresh beginning?

Edited by ToliverGrey
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I'd say two thumbs up.


As a DPS it irks me to no end that I have zero clue if I'm doing well or not. Am I face rolling? Am I pulling my weight? What could I do to improve myself?


The lack of a LFD (or at the very very very basic least of it a LFG channel) makes flashpoints hard to get into. I've barely done any FPs simply because I'm questing. If I want to run a FP I need to stop questing and go sit at the Fleet and either spam or watch for the spam that I want. It was the same problem WoW had when they removed the world wide LFG channel. We either sat in town or we were out questing. Though welcome I could go without the teleport-to-FP feature.


I don't even really want addons, but the UI needs at the very least to be as customizable as Rift out of the box, and for a game that has put so many procs in so many of their classes we don't have a way to see them if not squinting at the tiny buff bar and make sense of which is what. Lets not get into DoTs/debuffs from the same classes looking the same so we do not know when ours fall off. Or why (blood hell why?) DoTs and buffs and skills on our bars do not have a timer on them instead of a graphic slowly dwindling.


These are things addons change. Because Designers can't do everything, nor can they think of everything a player will want, or have the manpower to. Heck, they can't even fix all the bug listed less alone divert hours to give tooltips that actually reflect the real damage we do, or timers on the buffs. But a player will see a need and fill it with an addon and the designers can ignore these small nagging details to focus on the bigger things.

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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase.

Not by much. The large majority of WoW players are from China, and this game isn't in China. You don't make a huge different beyond what this game already has. Trust me.

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I agree 1000% with the OP.


I don't understand why every game has so many people hating on the things from WoW that have advanced the genre.


It's not the EQ days anymore folks. Going back to them solves nothing. If the majority of players wanted that type of game play they would, you guessed it, STILL BE PLAYING EQ!

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