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Senthinel vs DPS Shadow which one is better DPS ?


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As titles says. Now in my observation I can see that Senth has Med armor and better burst, less CC. In other side Shadow has more CC, more better for grouping but has light armor .

How is the Shadow at PvP ? Warzones ? Open PvP ?


Really want to hear only constructive opinions pls



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an equally geared and skilled shadow vs. sentinel in PvP, the shadow will win hands down.


Lets face it, they have everything we wish we had. Stuns, invis, knockback, ranged damage abilities, etc. A shadow in tank spec can easily outdamage a sentinel in pvp and they have buffs incoming to their healing making them even more op. As for armor well being a class that can spec for tanking they can have more armor than a Guardian if they just use their tank stance.

Edited by Saetun
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an equally geared and skilled shadow vs. sentinel in PvP, the shadow will win hands down.


Lets face it, they have everything we wish we had. Stuns, invis, knockback, ranged damage abilities, etc. A shadow in tank spec can easily outdamage a sentinel in pvp and they have buffs incoming to their healing making them even more op.


Wow no way imo. Sentinel definately beat a shadow in 1v1 fight. If a shadow tank is out damaging you im afraid you may be doing it wrong.

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I've seen shadow's break 400k dmg in a wz, never seen a sentinel come even close. Just sayin what I have seen...


personally in a good wz myself I can do around 200k, but thats when we are running around owning everyone.

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I've seen shadow's break 400k dmg in a wz, never seen a sentinel come even close. Just sayin what I have seen...


personally in a good wz myself I can do around 200k, but thats when we are running around owning everyone.


I break 400k all the time if Im damage whoring :p.


Also, Sentinels bring alot to team play. Group damage/healing buff to help sway first fight, pretty constant group movespeed and defense buffs. Healing Debuff...


Can't tank though.

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an equally geared and skilled shadow vs. sentinel in PvP, the shadow will win hands down.




Absolutely false. Have never lost to any shadow 1v1, ever. In fact, killed a couple several levels above me while levelling up that also got the jump on me. Granted, you can't speak for the skill of the opposing player, but there's no skills or abilities that class has thrown at me that would ever make me think I had no chance against it given what we have.

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Sent dps might be 5% better then shadow. "MIGHT" we don't even really know.

But shadow stealth is a million times better then sentinel stealth.

If Stealth was the only criteria you are basing it on, then absolutely, Shadow will win hand over fist. Having said that, there are still plenty of other reasons to consider a Sent over a Shadow, not the least of which is mobility and survivability.


In terms of distance traveled with speed buffs, Sentinel travels a fair bit further, faster, than a Shadow with their Force Speed. We can also burn a cooldown to chain ours together twice for an even longer run time. Then you factor in the likes of Force Leap and Zealous Leap... the only way the enemy is going to get away from us is to send us back in a body bag. A feat made all the more difficult by the sheer number of defensive abilities we possess. It's no exaggeration to suggest that a Sentinel can be the first one in and the last one out in any given fight in a Warzone.


Lastly, we simply have more options as far as DPS builds are concerned. Whether you want to focus on AOE, interrupts, control or whathaveyou.... unless you want ranged DPS or lots of stealth action, we've got you covered.

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Wow no way imo. Sentinel definately beat a shadow in 1v1 fight. If a shadow tank is out damaging you im afraid you may be doing it wrong.


Correction. Bioware did it wrong. Precision slash is the only way I can really kill anything quickly which is what sents were suppose to do. Force Leap. Leg slash, Zealous slash. Blade Rush, then Blade Storm. IS the best combo to kill anything. BUT. You have With stealth. knock back sttuns and roots. Not to mention if they stealth up. Then goodbuy to any chance of landing that mess. All classes outclass JK and SW when it comes to killing someone easily.

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How do you kill with your class mate ?


currently im pve speced, so killing people isnt that easy. im also experiencing heavy lags in pvp right now (+some bugs aka force stasis stun / merciless slash root not applying 50% of the time if the target wasnt cced before) that said as a sentinel it feels to hard to play till they fix it.


before specing pve i pvped from time to time, trying out all 3specs but i liked playing combat most cause of the ranged root and masterstrike root + root/snare remove via force camu. with this spec I could pin my target down and kill it. right now i think it’s the most effective spec till they fix the server delay, but that’s just my opinion.


in case u didnt catch my main issue: I WANT A FIX; PLAYING WITH LAG JUST SUCKS!!!

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A shadow in tank spec can easily outdamage a sentinel in pvp and they have buffs incoming to their healing making them even more op. As for armor well being a class that can spec for tanking they can have more armor than a Guardian if they just use their tank stance.


The only time I've ever lost to a Shadow 1v1 in a clean 1v1 is when he hit a medpac and stunned me as I was hitting my Undying Rage and medpac. And he's probably one of the better skilled players in the game overall.



I've seen shadow's break 400k dmg in a wz, never seen a sentinel come even close. Just sayin what I have seen...


personally in a good wz myself I can do around 200k, but thats when we are running around owning everyone.


I've broken 500k.

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It's threads like this that make me wonder if we are even playing the same game, because my experience so far has been completely different from a lot of what I read here.


And as for 1v1 vs. shadow, well sure if I catch one out of stealth I can beat them np. However it usually goes like this :


backstab out of stealth > stun > backstab > vanish > backstab > dead sentinel. If resolute is up for the stun I might stand a chance, but if not well... gg...

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backstab out of stealth > stun > backstab > vanish > backstab > dead sentinel. If resolute is up for the stun I might stand a chance, but if not well... gg...


My experiences tell me the same thing.

a bit worst also.

because sometimes i'm joined by another friend and we can finally outdamage him, but he heals himself by half his life and disappear or just dash for the safety.


I REALLY hate to say that. but that dash is unbeliavable. Even more with long invisibility.

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This thread is really fractured, in pure DPS terms Sent > Shadow by far. In PVE and PVP. BUT Shadow has all these darn tricks, stealth, dash, stuns, heals, etc. But that isn't technically DPS. Obviously all factors in to the overall package. In PVP a good either can beat the other if they know how to maximize their skills/specs that's true for any class. I think Sent needs a bit more to go right and strategy than a Shadow due to their CC/stealth they can fall back on.
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an equally geared and skilled shadow vs. sentinel in PvP, the shadow will win hands down.


Lets face it, they have everything we wish we had. Stuns, invis, knockback, ranged damage abilities, etc. A shadow in tank spec can easily outdamage a sentinel in pvp and they have buffs incoming to their healing making them even more op. As for armor well being a class that can spec for tanking they can have more armor than a Guardian if they just use their tank stance.


This is wrong on all counts. Kinetic shadow damage in pvp is flat out terrible, and shadow dps on the whole doesn't compare to sentinel dps.

Edited by Vember
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To answer OPs question, who has any idea really without damage meters in pve but id say shadow has better burst and sentinals have better sustained single target damage.




I cant believe how many bad sentinals are out there. Go practice your spec bc a lot of you must be doing it wrong. As a watchmen, a full length hutball i easily get 300k+, void star easy 300k+, and civil war depends on what im doing.

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Ignoring the OP's question...



I could really care less what PVP damage is. That is such a flakey stat for pvp. I'd rather compare my Kills and killing blows to everyone elses. I'd also look at any 1 v 1 fights I had.


If you are going for PVP, sentinels are a beast. I don't get 400k or 300k like some of these guys are saying, but my kill count is always easily in the top 3. I don't get scared of anyone in a 1 v 1 fight, I think we have a great advantage there.


In PVE however, we are gimped badly. I've got some great weapons and I still only do about 1250 dps. I took my guy out to corelia(spelling i am sure) and fought some elites 1 v 1 timing it till they died. If you do that with some other classes, lets say for instance the HEALER i brought along so I wouldn't have to worry about my health while fighting, he did the same DPS.


I'm no slouch but if you really feel the need label me bad. But go try it yourself and see where you stack up. I really wish this game had a combat log since that would go a long way to seeing what our actual damage is instead of this craptastic way I am doing it.



Combat spec'd. I tested watchman as well and my dps dropped about 200.

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I'm watchman specced at lvl 46 and do perfectly fine in pvp and pve. People underestimate the DoT potential of the watchman tree plus its ability to heal you and your teammates, which can be clinch in a lot of fights. That ability with zen plus the use of Guarded by the Force has saved my butt numerous times in PVP and PVE. Plus the sentinel has a neat ability called Inspiration which boost damage and healing by 15% for your entire group for 15 seconds.


However, I have heard that a Focus specced Sentinel is an absolute beast, especially with some of their AOE attacks, going to give it a go once I hit lvl 50.

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