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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I don't seem to have any issues with any flickering during cutscenes....but such is the nature of PCs. That's why this issue along with some others is so complicated. 2 million different people with 2 million different configurations.


Is very location dependent , ive never seen the flickering on the empire side , but tython had flickering on any dialogue that had leaves.

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Sadly I have to agree.

Worst CS I have every seen, especially in a AAA title.


Then you never spent any real time in the EQ2 official forums.


Seriously though, they'll fix it. I don't know what most people want them to say, other than the obligatory "we're looking at it" post that I think we just got today. They are not going to just eliminate the high option. The delays in any comments are probably more because Mods don't have information about it and are asked not to talk about it until they are given some. I don't know why anyone would be shocked by it.


It's good that everyone is reporting it, but being unreasonable or childish won't speed up a fix. I'm confident that they are working on it and a fix will come when it's ready. They haven't given me any reason to think the world is ending at this point.

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So,what about an update on the low FPS issues too?


That has nothing to do with this thread sorry.


Its not a oh look a dev posted time to hammer him with random issues thread.


This thread concerns high res textures and only that.


Start a new thread for your issue.

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The bolded part of the quote is very interesting to me as cutscenes are the only times that I see "tree flicker". I can't rightly explain it, but the tree leaves appear to have shading issues or something causing them to flicker constantly during cutscenes. This helps make sense of the problem, if an entirely different quality of texture is being loaded for the cs.


I've seen this with shadows as well during cutscenes.

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The bolded part of the quote is very interesting to me as cutscenes are the only times that I see "tree flicker". I can't rightly explain it, but the tree leaves appear to have shading issues or something causing them to flicker constantly during cutscenes. This helps make sense of the problem, if an entirely different quality of texture is being loaded for the cs.


Repro'd here as well.

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If this was an " unknown " issue then the stealth/ninja fix on the PTR would not have ever happened.

The problem would have been addressed long before now. The fact that it has not been addressed and the stealth nerf is on PTR tells me they are having issues with stability and Hi Rez textures.

Just my thoughts

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Finally, thanks for such a simple answer, it's all that's needed really in situations like this. *Pats on the back everyone who contributed to this thread*

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The bolded part of the quote is very interesting to me as cutscenes are the only times that I see "tree flicker". I can't rightly explain it, but the tree leaves appear to have shading issues or something causing them to flicker constantly during cutscenes. This helps make sense of the problem, if an entirely different quality of texture is being loaded for the cs.


do you have AA forced on? i had the same issue and had AA forced on through ATI CCC, when i disabled AA it went away and haven't had the issue since.

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To further explore this issue: It's not just the textures. Reflections are missing too. (Shader)


Both are made in game no cutscenes. Since it's bugged in those too, and yes the current texture quality is awful...


Inside Hangar : Outside



Helmet visor, Shoulders Breastplate.



Especially the legplates


Those green boots, seriously...what a mess.



Oh and shadows! Would be nice to get an offical response if they are aware it's not just AA and the Textures who are not working properly.


I've seen this issue with shiny/reflective textures as well. My Commandos assault cannon is reflective in some areas, like on my ship, but a matte/flat finish in other areas (outside).

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The bolded part of the quote is very interesting to me as cutscenes are the only times that I see "tree flicker". I can't rightly explain it, but the tree leaves appear to have shading issues or something causing them to flicker constantly during cutscenes. This helps make sense of the problem, if an entirely different quality of texture is being loaded for the cs.


There's probably a correlation here of settings.


Last night me and my SO were in a cutscene on Alderaan and his trees flickered, while mine did not. It doesn't appear to be a graphics card or driver correlated thing as we both use exactly the same graphics card and drivers.


We do use some different graphics settings. Both of us run max settings, except I have Conversation Depth of Field off and no AA. My SO has both those settings turned on.


My bet would be on the AA.

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I have the trees flicker sometimes as well. I dont mind, looks like there's a little storm going on heh


I thought that was a disco effect?


Actually I thought it might be do to the fact that i'm forcing AA.

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Sweet, a response.. Now all we need is that die hard graphics engineer at BioWare to run into the AM meeting with a foot tall stack of papers and a coffee stain on his shirt exclaiming "I have an answer!"


That image made me giggle. I am definitely encouraged that Stephen said they are hoping to be able to post something TODAY. While I'm happy to see any dev response as all, if he had come in here and said they know about the issue and would tell us something "soon", I would be a lot more unhappy.

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That image made me giggle. I am definitely encouraged that Stephen said they are hoping to be able to post something TODAY. While I'm happy to see any dev response as all, if he had come in here and said they know about the issue and would tell us something "soon", I would be a lot more unhappy.


Yeah Stephen is the MAN! He will come through for us!

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Huzzah! Now let's just hope that it's the answer we want to hear. I'm not concerned about the timeframes, but if the PTS changes are permanent that would be a bummer.


Honestly, all I want to hear is that they still intend to make hi-res textures playable in the near future. Even if they say the PTR changes are a temporary "solution" to prevent player confusion or some such. I just hope they aren't giving up on hi-res textures altogether.

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