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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Ya you make me sick, gamers like you are why they get away with crap in the first place...go away...really.


It's always be patient, they're aware, they're fixing it, game just came out, so on and so on, if they don't fix the textures I won't subscribe past the 3 months I have already, I refuse to look at muddled textures for hours on end especially on MAIN characters. Judging by the size of this thread I'm not the only one. I never played the beta and pretty much just picked this up on impulse, the FIRST thing I noticed were textures and alaising, and was dumbfounded that there were no settings for alaising. If your happy playing on your Dell with low textures that's fine, I'm not, and I'll let my money do the talking.


HALLELUJAH! Great you finished this rubbish statement you replied to. Saves me the words. :)


Well done.

Edited by mArchangel
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1. Wrong!

2. YOUR opinion

3. Majority of players don't do OPS (yet)

4. Peeps like you make sure we won't get fixes.

5. Amen!

Hey nerd rager..


1. Not wrong, different priority

2. Exactly, and your opinion is fine too. You don't see me being rude.

3. They PvP, lag is there too.

4. I'm a software engineer, priorities are our bread and butter. Something is always borked in software, deal with it.

5. I'm atheist and level headed.

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I'd prefer they fix the performance issues, especially in operations.. The server side lag there is horrible.. Having 60 FPS with a 2 second ability delay is no fun. They can fix the eye candy after.. textures should be low priority.



The fun of game production nobody ever agrees on what is a priority.


For me 2 weeks ago priority was fixing that annoying sith corruption bug that would toggle it at every transition cutscene etc.


That got fixed, I have found no performance hits anywhere not fleet or pvp so I am fine in that respect, I have no game breaking class bug, I don't think any profession is particulary overpowered so for me at this very moment in time my game not looking like it did when I last played the beta in beta 2 is what I deem highest priority.


Second highest is fixing the BH 40 PVP set helmet so I don;t look like Dark Helmet with this oversized thing on my type 2 female body :)


This post is pretty much the only one I post on or watch because its what I deem to be the priority fix I want to see.


I'm not going anywhere, I'm not unsubbing, I enjoy the game still I just want it to look as it did in Beta 2 which was considerably better than present.

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There is no reason for the High textures to not be implemented, they are allready in the game, they are just not present outside of cutscenes which is very odd. I always wonder how come games like Skyrim and such are released with sub par textures, then some modder manages to release much higher textures for the game and I notice no more than a 1-3 fps hit from the much, much better textures. Are developers just awfull at making textures or what is the deal?


think is, ilum world pvp is already laggy like hell and frames drop under 25frames even on a good pc (gtx570, 2500k, 8gig).

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So basically we're now finding out that EAware has decided to be the first and only company in history to use DRM in an mmo? Frakkin' figures.


And if this DRM/remote rendering/whatever means that my bandwidth usage gets exponentially increased because the game has to constantly stream crap to my computer, I WILL be unsubscribing simply because I'm not going to feed EAware $15 a month and give them the right to use up my bandwidth for their stupid system on top of it.


In fact, I really want to know if there is noticeably higher bandwidth usage compared to other mmos because many people do have bandwidth caps to contend with.

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Hopefully will at least get an answer soon.


I personally have a hard time believing this is an " unknown" issue. If so why the stealth nerf on PTS?

Does not make sense to stealth nerf the settings, not include that in patch notes when it is an obvious and big change, and then claim ignorance of the issue.

Someone ( probably many someones) knows whats going on, IMO they are trying to figure out how to put the most positive spin on the subject. Doubt you will see any changes anytime soon.

But they will hope the forthcoming statement will at least pacify people for a few months.

My opinion only of course.:D

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Hopefully will at least get an answer soon.


I personally have a hard time believing this is an " unknown" issue. If so why the stealth nerf on PTS?

Does not make sense to stealth nerf the settings, not include that in patch notes when it is an obvious and big change, and then claim ignorance of the issue.

Someone ( probably many someones) knows whats going on, IMO they are trying to figure out how to put the most positive spin on the subject. Doubt you will see any changes anytime soon.

But they will hope the forthcoming statement will at least pacify people for a few months.

My opinion only of course.:D


They have known of this and other issues for more then 6months.

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The fact that the response couldn't be a simple "This is something we're working on and it will be fixed soon." does not bode well. I could be wrong, but generally if they have to put a lot of thought into their response, it means that the answer is complicated and a solution may not be imminent.
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This is simply not true.


Then why weren't these things fixed when they were reported back in beta? Don't give me ******** like ''difficult issue, takes time'' they knew exactly what was wrong and just ignored it because hey, star wars + bioware = $, it will sell anyway despite huge problems with the game/engine.

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This is why we can't have mods. Everything is server side and designed to be that way. Jebus!!


On Massively they blame the players, then this comes out and it's obviously the source of the issue. Man, they've taken an SOE type approach to their handling of the respective issues huh.


This is f-ing fantastic. There's nothing to see here, just an issue that is everyone else's problem not ours....


Have fun Bioware come January 20th. Sure 1.5 million people have the game, but you HAVE TO KEEP THOSE PLAYERS in order to pay for the game.


Sounds like they're jumping on the F2P street to failure.

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Then why weren't these things fixed when they were reported back in beta? Don't give me ******** like ''difficult issue, takes time'' they knew exactly what was wrong and just ignored it because hey, star wars + bioware = $, it will sell anyway despite huge problems with the game/engine.


Well honestly difficult issues do take time to be fixed, that is the way everything works.

If it were as simple as rewriting few lines of the code then this thread and the discussion in it wouldn't even exist.

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Well honestly difficult issues do take time to be fixed, that is the way everything works.

If it were as simple as rewriting few lines of the code then this thread and the discussion in it wouldn't even exist.


I sometimes wonder if Bioware has secret accounts on this forum with which they make posts defending themselves, this post just makes me believe it more.

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Well honestly difficult issues do take time to be fixed, that is the way everything works.

If it were as simple as rewriting few lines of the code then this thread and the discussion in it wouldn't even exist.

Unless its a political / DRM decision. Lord knows how screwed up my software projects get when lawyers and VPs get involved.



I sometimes wonder if Bioware has secret accounts on this forum with which they make posts defending themselves, this post just makes me believe it more.

Go read some dilbert strips. Things aren't as black and white as you make them appear.

Edited by Pyretechnic
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Game wasnt ready for launch, simple as that really.

EA forced the game out the door because they where scared of the big bad Blizzard when it really needed another 6 months in the oven.


I'm hoping that the issue is resolvable, if not imediatly then in a month or so. I suspect most of us would be pretty happy with that.

BUT I suspect there is a far greater technical reason underlying all this and we are not going to like Steves reply later on today.

I hope to god I'm wrong, I really do but life has unfortunatly taught me otherwise :(


And for the love of god can we actualy stay on topic insted of all this "its not high priority BS".

This is the topic of this thread/discusion, if you have nothing constructive to add beyond "QQ, not high priority, fix other stuff" then please dont post.

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And for the love of god can we actualy stay on topic insted of all this "its not high priority BS".

This is the topic of this thread/discusion, if you have nothing constructive to add beyond "QQ, not high priority, fix other stuff" then please dont post.

Have you ever wondered if the reason they removed high resolution textures was to alleviate another problem they are currently working on?

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Go read some dilbert strips. Things aren't as black and white as you make them appear.


I'm not the one going around licking company's boots, most of the Bioware fanbase does, it honestly makes me curious as to how much **** someone can get thrown in his face before they say STOP!!! i'm not taking it anymore.

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Hey nerd rager..


1. Not wrong, different priority

2. Exactly, and your opinion is fine too. You don't see me being rude.

3. They PvP, lag is there too.

4. I'm a software engineer, priorities are our bread and butter. Something is always borked in software, deal with it.

5. I'm atheist and level headed.


I am not rude only direct. YOUR priorities matter only IF they actually help getting this resolved regardless where YOU see the priorities. Atheist and level headed is a contradiction btw.




P.S. I am certified IT Engineer to add to the pissing contest and EVERYTHING can be fixed. Any other statement is just laughable LOL


P.P.S. I did not call you names btw. Who is the rager here. LMAO


P.P.P.S I will not reply any further to any antagonism in any shape. Back to the subject please. BioWare let us know what is going on. Believe your community has more faith than you may think. :) Don't be afraid of money losses, I won't go anywhere nor will millions playing this game.

Edited by mArchangel
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Have you ever wondered if the reason they removed high resolution textures was to alleviate another problem they are currently working on?


I assume you meen the ability delay problem or the horrid performance alot of people are getting.

Quite possibly :eek:

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