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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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It's funny to imagine the conversations going on at Bioware. I mean, they've known about this issue for a long time. Are they hoping we'll get tired and go away? Are they frantically writing and rewriting their response? Are they waiting for their best PR spin guy to wake up and give it a final edit?


The only thing they aren't doing: Letting the dev in charge of this issue just plainly tell us what the problem is.

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This will be nice once they have a fix for it, but I have to say that it's not that big a deal. At least, not as big a deal as everyone is making it out to be. "relax guy" I'd rather see them fix some of the issues with the abilities lagging and maybe some improvements into the memory leaks in the shadows. As it is now, I don't even bother turning the shadows on. Edited by Mildoze
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This will be nice once they have a fix for it, but I have to say that it's not that big a deal. At least, not as big a deal as everyone is making it out to be. "relax guy" I'd rather see them fix some of the issues with the abilities lagging





Edited by XFrOzEnX
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It's funny to imagine the conversations going on at Bioware. I mean, they've known about this issue for a long time. Are they hoping we'll get tired and go away? Are they frantically writing and rewriting their response? Are they waiting for their best PR spin guy to wake up and give it a final edit?


The only thing they aren't doing: Letting the dev in charge of this issue just plainly tell us what the problem is.





Lets hope they learn from it.

Edited by Ommm
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My question to all the posters here is how many of you have AA forced on? This game looks more then good with AA on. And I don't even have AA maxed. Ya I'd like some higher res textures as well but the only time you notice em is on your character when you zoom in. And the only time you should be fully zoomed in is when you are talking to someone and well higher res textures work there.



Here is a pic of my Jedi chilling in Alderaan, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/screenshot2012011007251.jpg/



How is that not playable? To all the people who are going to cancel there subscription after looking at that screenie go ahead cause the game is never going to look as good as you hoped. This is the hero engine, where miracles go to die. Let me just state again I'm all for better textures, but you just have to be realistic peeps. Looking forward to an announcement on the issue Stephen!


Game looks good, but character textures do not.


I can see how you don't have a problem with this as all you're wearing are just muddy grey robes ;) other armors should show some EDGE.


Maybe the devs testing this all rolled jedi heh

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Believe me man I've seen all the tricks. And to above poster woul you like me to take some pics on my 50 BH. ;)


Do it yourself: One shot in conversation mode, one shot out of conversation mode. Highest settings. Unless your computer does not support it.

Edited by Ommm
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It's funny to imagine the conversations going on at Bioware. I mean, they've known about this issue for a long time. Are they hoping we'll get tired and go away? Are they frantically writing and rewriting their response? Are they waiting for their best PR spin guy to wake up and give it a final edit?


The only thing they aren't doing: Letting the dev in charge of this issue just plainly tell us what the problem is.


Oh the conspiracy theories, BIOWARE is hoping we won't notice the problem or that we will notice and not say anything about it, get tired and drop the subject completely...riiight.


Has it crossed your mind that this particular problem is maybe difficult to solve and that it takes time?

Or maybe you are a game programmer and have a magical solution to offer to the developer team that will fix the issue in a matter of hours?

Edited by Vlacke
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Oh the conspiracy theories, BIOWARE is hoping we won't notice the problem or that we will notice and not say anything about it, get tired and drop the subject completely...riiight.


Has it crossed your mind that this particular problem is maybe difficult to solve and that it takes time?

Or maybe you are a game programmer and have a magical solution to offer to the developer team that will fix the issue in a matter of hours?


Well id be fine with that if they would just be honest and tell us what the issue is.

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Oh the conspiracy theories, BIOWARE is hoping we won't notice the problem or that we will notice and not say anything about it, get tired and drop the subject completely...riiight.


Has it crossed your mind that this particular problem is maybe difficult to solve and that it takes time?

Or maybe you are a game programmer and have a magical solution to offer to the developer team that will fix the issue in a matter of hours?


No problem - I can write their response if this is the case: "Hello everyone - we wanted to give you an update: Yes, we are aware that the high res textures are not loading. We are trying as hard as we can to fix this problem, but we are unable to pin down the exact lines of offending code. We assure you that we will keep working on it, and our changing of 'medium' to 'high' on the test server is not our intended permanent fix."


Bioware - I work pretty cheap. If you are interested in obtaining my services as a PR manager, I'll mail along my resume.

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No problem - I can write their response if this is the case: "Hello everyone - we wanted to give you an update: Yes, we are aware that the high res textures are not loading. We are trying as hard as we can to fix this problem, but we are unable to pin down the exact lines of offending code. We assure you that we will keep working on it, and our changing of 'medium' to 'high' on the test server is not our intended permanent fix."


Bioware - I work pretty cheap. If you are interested in obtaining my services as a PR manager, I'll mail along my resume.


You're hired!

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No problem - I can write their response if this is the case: "Hello everyone - we wanted to give you an update: Yes, we are aware that the high res textures are not loading. We are trying as hard as we can to fix this problem, but we are unable to pin down the exact lines of offending code. We assure you that we will keep working on it, and our changing of 'medium' to 'high' on the test server is not our intended permanent fix."


Bioware - I work pretty cheap. If you are interested in obtaining my services as a PR manager, I'll mail along my resume.


awesome response and it would go a long way. on a side note you migh wanna add .though we are working hard on it. there is a very good chance they will never be in as we completely stripped the hero engine .Hero no longer support the updates for DX 10 ,11 or hig res textures for our version. you see we tried to save a buck and spent 100 million.

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Well see that the thing. It's not just high textures that are the problem, it's the entire "high" setting. That means not only the higher res textures, but also any other improvements such as lighting, shadow, etc.


I'd like them to fix the borked graphics they have now. All that green from, what I believe, broken emitters? There are parts in the game where that broken tower makes it a nightmare of green-strobiscopic artifacts.



If any other game company would have released a game so badly textured and graphically inept, they'd be lucky to get 5/10 reviews. Fallen Earth had better graphics on an indi-budget and got slammed by the gaming magazines with a Meta Critic of 71 due to the lack of end game and not-so-good graphics on release.


Bioware, OTOH, has gotten a fairly hefty 86 on the Meta Critic. And this game is about as buggy as Fallen Earth on the release. With many of the same bugs: Broken textures, poor textures, broken quests, bad walkmeshs, game-play imbalances, buggy mail and bank systems...


It really goes to show critics just don't hold BioWare to the same standards because of the big-budget voice-acting gimick.

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Do it yourself: One shot in conversation mode, one shot out of conversation mode. Highest settings. Unless your computer does not support it.






That's me out of convo I've spent the last 15 mins trying to time it with the convo trick and I cant seem to get it with Print Screen. Anyways thats it without the muddy robes :p

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No problem - I can write their response if this is the case: "Hello everyone - we wanted to give you an update: Yes, we are aware that the high res textures are not loading. We are trying as hard as we can to fix this problem, but we are unable to pin down the exact lines of offending code. We assure you that we will keep working on it, and our changing of 'medium' to 'high' on the test server is not our intended permanent fix."


Bioware - I work pretty cheap. If you are interested in obtaining my services as a PR manager, I'll mail along my resume.


When I played Baldur's Gate they had a Disk 4 error. When you went to Cloakwood on the main quest, you'd change CDs from Disk 3 to Disk 4 if you got one of the disks from the production run that had a bad Disk 4 whatever. The game wouldn't recognize Disk 4 and you stopped dead in the water.


The BioWare team, in those days, kept us updated on a daily basis. People from QA. People from the dev team. People from marketing. Big wigs, small wigs, you name it, they showed they cared. Not only by telling us what they were doing, but where in the proces the patch was, when we might expect it, everthing....


They were showing wonderful customer support.


They did the same with BGII.


By the time NWN hit the market, they went totally corporate. They would never address broken mechanics, broken spells (some they never fixed), the DM client that never worked as they intended for it work and it became, really, just a second-rate tool set...


And so it has been ever since. And to expect honesty and openess from BioWare is, alas, a fools' expectation. EA didn't change BioWare into their clone. They had already become EA -- flash over substance, stonewalling over honesty. Which is why I am not one of their fanboys. Not any longer. They burned that out years ago.

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/sign x2 just because the really horrible consular robes look even worse in low-res :<


I have a feeling they will look even worse once the high textures start to work properly, and you are able too see them in all the "beauty" of what they really look like :D

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