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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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At this point, any honest answer from a developer would be great. I find the renaming of the graphics settings a little bit shady unless it is accompanied by an explanation.


My pessimistic guess: the hi-res graphics are now being withheld for an expansion so they can state "updated graphics!" on the box and sell more copies. That would be EA's decision and perhaps why Bioware is contractually forced to be silent on this matter now.

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Well, then their plan to simply remove the high option altogether and replace it with the medium textures will likely go unnoticed by the majority of users, which I imagine is exactly what they are hoping for and is why they left it out of the patch notes so as not to draw any attention to it.


You imagine too much.

This is an issue that will be fixed definitely, it is not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN it will happen.

They aren't trying to scam you, me, or anyone else, because it is impossible and your idea of a thing like this going unnoticed by a majority of players is just wrong.

It is actually quite the opposite since the majority of players are very much aware of this, not to mention the fact that there is a load of screenshots and videos on the internet where a difference in quality compared to the state of textures right now is clearly visible.

Edited by Vlacke
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This, is all they ever have to say about anything. That and removing posts, or handing out infractions. Super duper on the ball forum mods!....with no Dev / GAME representation what so ever.

Horrible customer service.

Edited by Your_dominus
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I 100% agree. it's completely true. With a game like this from a company like this, I'd expect atleast an answer. especially if the textures were better in beta.

I expect SKYRIM quality, maybe not in graphics, but that kind of a quality game.


Skyrim is ugly. You come to a thread abou lowres textures and say Skyrim is better? Now back on topic *** Bioware!

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This, is all they ever have to say about anything. That and removing posts, or handing out infractions. Super duper on the ball forum mods!....with no Dev / GAME representation what so ever.

Horrible customer service.


Sadly I have to agree.

Worst CS I have every seen, especialy in a AAA title.

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You imagine too much.

This is an issue that will be fixed definitely, it is not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN it will happen.

They aren't trying to scam you, me, or anyone else, because it is impossible and your idea of a thing like this going unnoticed by a majority of players is just wrong.

It is actually quite the opposite since the majority of players are very much aware of this, not to mention the fact that there is a load of screenshots and videos on the internet where a difference in quality compared to the state of textures right now is clearly visible.


The same way shadow options, aa, match to chest piece all magically dissipated from the beta client without a proper explanation first. They will EVENTUALLY get around them, maybe. Big maybe. Until they actually do apply them and they work as intended then we can say it actually got done and they weren't just bluffing.


People jumped on the AA thing because its one of those sure fire things people look for. Imagine if they shipped the game and instead of having Low, Medium, High for texture options it only had Low and Medium? How would the vast majority of consumers react to this?

Edited by Caonimah
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Not anytime soon is my reflexive thought.With all the ZOMG NERD Ragers crying UN-SUB! on account of FPS issues doubt we will see High Res Texturing on this awful awful MMO(Visually speaking ofc)...Just awful.Sorry to any Bioware readers but it's terrible...BETA was idd nicer.Awful...Just give people the option.If they can run it fine if not that's why you have LOW,MEDIUM settings.That other MMO Juggernaught has better graphics and that's gotta sting.Excuse the rant.Awful :)
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Skyrim is ugly. You come to a thread abou lowres textures and say Skyrim is better? Now back on topic *** Bioware!


Well - skyrim allows for mods, and there are amazing high res texture packs that a lot of the skyrim players use.


Using high res mods on Skyrim blows away any game I can think of.

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This, is all they ever have to say about anything. That and removing posts, or handing out infractions. Super duper on the ball forum mods!....with no Dev / GAME representation what so ever.

Horrible customer service.


You do realize that it is not a forum moderator's job to know anything about in game bug fixes and keeping the community informed about such issues?


I personally would be more worried if the game developers were spending a lot of time here on the forum discussing with us, instead of fixing and resolving urgent issues.

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First of all yes, im one of the pissed off people about this nonsense. This is complete embarrasement for a AAA company that spent what? $200 million or w.e. Anyways...


Dont they have people SPECIFICALLY with one job, and ONE job only....to look at forums and communicate? They have people for this SPECIFIC position right?


I really dont get, MMO after MMO, why cant they communicate ALOT more.


Guys, lets be honest, most of us here, devour these forums, we read alot, we probably reply alot, and its not even our jobs!


I can probably EASILY see myself responding to at least 50 threads a day if it was my JOB. I dont know, i just dont get why these companies just cant post more damnit.

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First of all yes, im one of the pissed off people about this nonsense. This is complete embarrasement for a AAA company that spent what? $200 million or w.e. Anyways...


Dont they have people SPECIFICALLY with one job, and ONE job only....to look at forums and communicate? They have people for this SPECIFIC position right?


I really dont get, MMO after MMO, why cant they communicate ALOT more.


Guys, lets be honest, most of us here, devour these forums, we read alot, we probably reply alot, and its not even our jobs!


I can probably EASILY see myself responding to at least 50 threads a day if it was my JOB. I dont know, i just dont get why these companies just cant post more damnit.


Aggree. I, too, am wondering why developers don't learn from other MMO's and their communities. Rapid and honest communication is the best way to respond to any issue.

Edited by Gradivus
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Skyrim is ugly. You come to a thread abou lowres textures and say Skyrim is better? Now back on topic *** Bioware!


LOLZ. I knew i should of clarified. The system that skyrim was built on, is amazing. Visit skyrimnexus. Download HD textures. There. Sorry I HADDDDD to clarify for you.

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Well - skyrim allows for mods, and there are amazing high res texture packs that a lot of the skyrim players use.


Using high res mods on Skyrim blows away any game I can think of.


Well at least someone is bright. :D

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LOLZ. I knew i should of clarified. The system that skyrim was built on, is amazing. Visit skyrimnexus. Download HD textures. There. Sorry I HADDDDD to clarify for you.


Indeed. All TES games are just a canvass for the community to expand on them.

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Aggree. I, too, am wondering why developers don't dake an example from other MMO's and their communities. Rapid and hones communication is the best way to respond to any issue.


And the funny thing is, its always the BIG companys that have THE worst communication.

The smallers ones (TRION, CCP, I'm looking at you here) have fantastic customer relations.

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Aggree. I, too, am wondering why developers don't learn from other MMO's and their communities. Rapid and honest communication is the best way to respond to any issue.


yeah. thats why i left funcom. Why even have a forum anymore? Just stop having forums. and then you no longer will have ANY type of comments or have to make any responses to your player base. that is by the way, paying you to play.

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Don't know why I hadn't seen this thread earlier, but as with the many many other posters here, I'd also like to know when/if we can expect to see high res textures in game.


I didn't spend the last 4 years building an uber rig so that it could handle all that SWTOR had to offer on release just to find out i wasted my time and money on a machine that only needs to handle "diet Swtor". :(

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yeah. thats why i left funcom. Why even have a forum anymore? Just stop having forums. and then you no longer will have ANY type of comments or have to make any responses to your player base. that is by the way, paying you to play.


Actually, I think the commuication from Funcom ir great now. The game director writes monthly update letters there and discusses with players on the forum.

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The sad thing is that as fun as the game has been these last few weeks, the graphic issues have been a major annoyance. Lack of AA, ugly shadows, low res character textures, cutscenes/dialogue glitches, and the green light artifact are just a few of the things that almost everyone I know playing the game has complaints about.
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Actually, I think the commuication from Funcom ir great now. The game director writes monthly update letters there and discusses with players on the forum.


You're right. MUCH better than back in the day. I was referring to the beginning. They are really doing a fantastic job at communicating with the new director in charge.


Now to get bioware...

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