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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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mirror classes are no real mirror classes, due to the animations taking longer for some skills.


Well, that's just a design decision, I suppose. They don't have to make them mirrored and they have never said they will. The classes are comparable, but not mirrors of each other. There is no such thing as a 80% mirror, either it is or it isn't, as it stands now, the classes are not mirrors of each other. Not sure if they intend to chage that.


Anyway, the issue above is arguably a design decision. The texture problem, however, is either a bug or a downgrade in the graphics. Would be good to hear an official word of which it is and if it's permanent.

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I'm at work right now, but actually you are right, they don't always look high res:


http://truga.hlod.net/swtor/Screenshot_2011-12-24_04_32_45_026338.jpg seems fine at first glance, but upon close inspection, you can see the crappy textures on the dead trooper...


I guess I just never really looked at things outside dialogue/character creation/selection because I was busy playing the game :<


Looking at that image scaled to my screen resolution, I really wish they would make the interface scalable, I can read and be happy with the size of that UI relative to the rest of the screen no problem at all but instead its HUGE @1920x1080.

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I'm at work right now, but actually you are right, they don't always look high res:


http://truga.hlod.net/swtor/Screenshot_2011-12-24_04_32_45_026338.jpg seems fine at first glance, but upon close inspection, you can see the crappy textures on the dead trooper...


I guess I just never really looked at things outside dialogue/character creation/selection because I was busy playing the game :<


Regarding this, i actually think that some of the high res textures are shown in game, just randomly, it's very inconsistent.


For example some textures in pictures that people provided aren't nowhere near as bad at my end, and some are.


The high res textures are therefore in game, just not displaying properly, or whats more likely from my point of view is that only SOME of the high textures are in game and the rest is removed for whatever reason.

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What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot:


It amazes me that they think they can slip a change like that in, with no mention in the patch notes, and expect that no one notices. No reply here, no comment... Bioware really needs to step up in communication. This kind of thing just alienates your customers.

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It amazes me that they think they can slip a change like that in, with no mention in the patch notes, and expect that no one notices. No reply here, no comment... Bioware really needs to step up in communication. This kind of thing just alienates your customers.


We won't let it go by without asking for clarification.

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Not gonna weed through thousands of replies , but is there still no dev response?


Are you joking? They don't even have ONE person checking these forums and replying when needed?


Funny, every time I talk about how annoying the community is, I get modded, so someone is watching.


This is embarrassing Bioware, and honestly if we can't get a response for something as trivial as this, what can we expect in the future?

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Not gonna weed through thousands of replies , but is there still no dev response?


Are you joking? They don't even have ONE person checking these forums and replying when needed?


Funny, every time I talk about how annoying the community is, I get modded, so someone is watching.


This is embarrassing Bioware, and honestly if we can't get a response for something as trivial as this, what can we expect in the future?


No official word as of yet.

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Last night I did the 'holo-comm test' again just to see what had changed between beta and the last patch. I was quite shocked to see that the difference in texture resolutions was so profound!


It was like, 'oh! so that's what my belt is supposed to look like!'.


It's not a deal-breaker, but as a highly visual person (I'm a graphic artist), it bothers the heck out of me!


What really worries me, though, - beside the lack of communication from Bioware on this matter - is that the issue has been hidden under the virtual carpet by simply removing one of the graphics options in the Preferences menu. That's like a CIA spokesman saying, "What problem?", while you can clearly see the staff burning the evidence out back. :)

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The funny thing is, this game in beta had much richer graphical options, there was AA, there were textures, there was a view/draw distance slider (the thing that has disappeared which i find rather annoying).


And now options just keep vanishing into thin air.


The fact that they are planning to remove MEDIUM texture quality option and present current medium option as HIGH texture option is just obnoxious frankly.


Hell, even the shadows option should have a medium setting because the way it is now it's either full shadows or almost no shadows at all on low, couldn't there be a middle ground maybe?

Edited by Vlacke
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Also over the weekend I was looking through a GameInformer magazine where they did a review of SWTOR.

And every single screen shot / print they published was using hi rez textures. Funny how the media gets a client with them enabled and the consumer does not.

My game does not look like those pictures that are being used to sell this game. Why are you advertising this game with settings you dont have enabled?


I suppose for some people its OK to crank up the settings to drive the hype and sales. The bad part is when you get home thats NOT the case at all.


edit: While they do not have the same screenshots on their website as they do in the magazine, every screenshot on the website also has HI Rez textures.


NICE Bioware & EA- Stay Classy

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Also over the weekend I was looking through a GameInformer magazine where they did a review of SWTOR.

And every single screen shot / print they published was using hi rez textures. Funny how the media gets a client with them enabled and the consumer does not.

My game does not look like those pictures that are being used to sell this game. Why are you advertising this game with settings you dont have enabled?


Quoted for truth. I want my money back. I dont want to support marketing liers in this company and of those game mags.


I like the devs, the artists, the ppl who are true workers, even the support stuff, but being lied to like that is stupid and i want my money back now.

Edited by Ommm
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Well, it's Monday. Bioware folks should be back in the office. Hopefully we'll hear something today. Be sure to tweet Stephen Reid about it, if you haven't already.


I'm one of the four people that have no Twitter account, so i'll focus my attention on the good old forum.

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Quoted for truth. I want my money back. I dont want to support marketing liers in this company and of those game mags.


I like the devs, the artists, the ppl who are true workers, even the support stuff, but being lied to like that is stupid and i want my money back now.



They actually haven't lied to anyone, it appears there is a problem that they are aware of and they will fix it eventually, we would like a clarification on when this will happen because for some of us this is a big problem.

That is why an official statement would be much appreciated.


They didn't remove/disable these texture to mock us you know, but to fix some serious issues most likely, believe it or not they want their game to be in a perfect condition even more than we do.


People here would just want these texture issues resolved sooner rather than later.

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I'm one of the four people that have no Twitter account, so i'll focus my attention on the good old forum.


I'm one of the other 3 :). I can't stand Twitter.


Anyway, whatever way the news is delivered , I hope they are at least working on enabling hi-res textures for those of us who want them back in the game.

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