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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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ya this is a major problem and should of been fixed in beta, why it has not been done to release is weird beyond belief.


Weird thing is, as I understand it, it actually WAS in the beta. It has been downscaled since. Not 100% sure, though.

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Bump and repost of what I said in previous thread...




Why bother getting into personal disagreements with the few people here who are clearly enjoying winding you up. I don't want to read about your ego's. Also we all know that vision

is relative so we all see things differently. It doesn't matter about those who don't understand what we are complaining about. There are easily enough people stating their concerns about this issue to make it not only a valid point but one that should be at or near the top of a list for an official response.


I want to read constructive discussion.


Keep it on topic and focus on what the majority of us know is a serious issue.


Just a thought but can you imagine the storm it would create if this had happened to be a triple A title FPS and the company responsible had handled it the way this has been so far?


This has the potential to go one way or the other. Either it will turn out being a prime example of how not to treat your community and a huge embarrassment for all involved which considering the material and the sheer effort and money that have gone into the development would be a crime in my book.


Or as the new week is starting we will finally get an official response, explanation and who knows, maybe even an apology.


Let's maintain an equilibrium here and give them a chance to officially respond in the next day or two. If nothing happens in that time then I'm all for us escalating it and bringing

it to the attention of other media sources. Although to be fair I'm sure a lot of them are already watching the situation very closely indeed.


In the meantime, in memory of the orange pixel have fun all.

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Have to fervently agree with the issues raised here. I love TOR, but its painfully apparent how low res certain textures are, takes me back to vanilla Oblivion with the pea-soup landscape textures. Well unfortunately modders cant change that for you Bioware, so can we hear some news of when you'll be looking into it? Or even just confirmation that you recognise the issue?
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Logged into game today and now i see the difference between the real high settings and the high-medium ones..i definetly want to see those high-res textures not only in cutscenes but ingame, because that would make it look so much better.


bumping for improvements! )

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Besides getting their attention on twitter about this, i wonder if it might bit be wise, if we alert the press to this fact aswell, alongside with the info, that mirror classes are no real mirror classes, due to the animations taking longer for some skills. Edited by Ommm
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its not what i would prefer.


and i didnt read the other 100 page thread entirely.


however i think we need to consider that it is functioning as intended.


meaning, they dont want high-res texture in free play mode due to performance issues.

and the the high rez in cut sceens are just for the cut sceens.


i am guessing it was designed like that.

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Console port option, lame computers, thats all no excuse. That's what you have different options low medium high for. If your computer can't run it on high, then don't, but let those that have the rigs for it enjoy them. Half the fun building rigs like that is the anticipation how much better your graphics will be. With this game, no difference, and people will soon be playing other games which will actually tax their systems
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Besides getting their attention on twitter about this, i wonder if it might bit be wise, if we alert the press to this fact aswell, alongside with the info, that mirror classes are no real mirror classes, due to the animations taking longer for some skills.


Dude everyone knows about these issues. No one you contact is going to be interested in a story that people knew about back in Beta.

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Dude everyone knows about these issues. No one you contact is going to be interested in a story that people knew about back in Beta.


I would have been very interested to read this in a review.

Edited by Ommm
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If this setting is very slower, they should call it "Ultra" and place a notice "caution etc".


Game have memory leaks (cause game is slower after many hours of game), and imo, with this settings, crash should occurs more often.

That's why they dont enable it; in my opinion.

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After reading this thread earlier this morning I was poking around in the file directory. I came across a file called Client_defaults.ini .


C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient\Client_defaults.ini


inside the config file it says




// Making any changes to this document will result in the corruption of //

// your install and will require the use of the repair utility. //













Am I being forced to view the game at 1152x864? With everything set to high on the client?>? :eek:

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Am I being forced to view the game at 1152x864? With everything set to high on the client?>? :eek:


No thats just what the game defaults to when you first install it and start it up.

I WISH it was that easy to fix.

Edited by Venares
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Can you provide pics of your character in game so we can compare them?


I'm at work right now, but actually you are right, they don't always look high res:


http://truga.hlod.net/swtor/Screenshot_2011-12-24_04_32_45_026338.jpg seems fine at first glance, but upon close inspection, you can see the crappy textures on the dead trooper...


I guess I just never really looked at things outside dialogue/character creation/selection because I was busy playing the game :<

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Ok thank you for the clarification.


I was looking for the config file for the game to see what it's settings were manually when I came across that. After reading this thread I do have to say that I was expecting the graphics to be better. I have a fairly new machine with enough power to run everything on High and everything seems jagged to me. I tried messing with all the settings to make that go away recently and was unable to.

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If this setting is very slower, they should call it "Ultra" and place a notice "caution etc".


Game have memory leaks (cause game is slower after many hours of game), and imo, with this settings, crash should occurs more often.

That's why they dont enable it; in my opinion.




I wanna run the settings with the radioactive and biohazard signs next to it. If my computer can't do it, i'll just upgrade it until it can.


Give us the Ultra Radioactive Biohazard Max Settings Bioware!

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I'm at work right now, but actually you are right, they don't always look high res:


http://truga.hlod.net/swtor/Screenshot_2011-12-24_04_32_45_026338.jpg seems fine at first glance, but upon close inspection, you can see the crappy textures on the dead trooper...


I guess I just never really looked at things outside dialogue/character creation/selection because I was busy playing the game :<




And now that you have seen, it can not be unseen.

Edited by Caonimah
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