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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why won't 1.1 have dungeon finder?


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Thats your option, options are good.


So wait, I give you the solution for every single problem you have, and now you still want your so-called "fix"?


Okay, I'm out of here. Bye.

Edited by Truga
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you left out the other benefit of being in a guild which helps the argument of and LFG tool not being necessary, use your guild to find groups, it is a known fact that people pay way more attention to guild chat vs. any general chat channel.


Being in a guild that spans different games, you are correct. But a lot of casual gamers don't want to join a guild just to be able to make a group especially as the kind of guild that they'd be able to make groups in and remain casual wont be the kind of guild that you'd want to be grouped with, follow?


Also I like to roll alts on other servers to meet new people and get away from guildies for a bit. LFG tool would be useful too then.


But I maintain it needs to be server only, the moment you go cross server its doomed.

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So wait, I give you the solution for every single problem you have, and now you still want your so-called "fix"?


Okay, I'm out of here. Bye.


Guess that means I win ^_^


Options are good, you have the way you like to LFG and I have a way I like to LFG, why are you afraid of choice?

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Wrong genre of game for you, if you think that "virtual" socialization is less important / meaningful than "real" one and justify your anti-social stance based on this narrow perspective. Guess what, there are real existing people on both ends in both situations / places.

The inclusion of an LFG tool allows both sides to play how they want to.

The exclusion of an LFG tool keeps the anti-LFG minority happy exclusively.

A part of me wants this to be implemented, just so that it breaks their illusion of getting groups faster because they have a tool for it. As long as there's a lack of tanks and heals, DPS will be waiting 30min+ for a group, there's no way around it.

This is more a problem of the MMO community than any real issue with/without an LFG tool. As long as games keep promoting the holy trinity, DPS will always outnumber heals and heals will always outnumber tanks based on overall difficulty and responsibility. This is a core gameplay/community problem Bioware has to tackle that shouldn't be exclusive to an LFG tool.


We need a LFG global chat channel for each server. So we can find people other than those camped at IF for grouping for Flashpoint/Operations this will fix everything, and make EVERYONE happy please implement ASAP BIOWARE PLEASE!


This is a good idea for a quick fix before adding real LFG tools.

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It's an extreme case in your experience. With my wonky work schedule playing video games in the early morning hours (EST) is common fare. Though it is true that players around at all hours of the day will be greatly benefited by such a systems inclusion.


Your metaphor is nothing like mine because yours is nonsensical.


So because his majesty has weird playtimes, his majesty should have the right to reclaim a global LFD tool despite a lot of disagreeing opinions ... ?


Why don't you make like all the other night shifters and register on a GMT +1 server, to start with ?


And sorry ... but the metaphor of a fat guy not liking to be fat but refusing to do sport, it's exactly what people wanting to find a group in no time but not wanting to talk to others are.

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You mean waiting 30+ mins while I have the option to do something else?


hmm well if your'e in an even half decent guild you should be grouping with them anyways and it should be easy to find a group through chat no matter what you are doing or where you are. all i can say at this point because you people refuse to listen and i'm getting tired and have work in the morning, i have played mmo's for over 12 years i have seen the difference in community from wow and rift compared to others it is a huge difference no matter what you think or what you want to force others to believe so the game can be easier for you LFG TOOLS RUIN THE COMMUNITY i have a lvl 17 and a 28 and i have many guildies and friends with 50's i have not heard one of them ever complain that finding groups in this game is hard or takes too long, so i said it before and i will say it again quit being so anti social and lazy and just find a group in chat.

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I don't want to play a solo game though. I like grouping with real players for group content. With the advancements MMOS have come up with I no longer have to waste time nurturing online relationships.


So you want to play with people, but not talk to them ?

Yeah ... ok.

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You never added a friend after a smooth completion of a FP? I always do, and on the next ones I ask those first, before "spamming a channel". Makes filling my groups shorter and shorter by the day!


Yes I did, but how I formed that group in the first place never had any influence on that.

There is a lie being spread in these LFD discussions that you need to waste a lot of time finding a group to be able to make e-friends.

People can make friends during the instance, it doesn't matter how you formed the group.

Also, you can find out in the middle of the instance that one of your group mates is a douche bag, and that can happen with LFD or without it.

You can have a smooth completion with LFD tool or without it, and meet great people either way.

This argument that LFD tool prevents socialization is a joke and absurd, dishonest and dumb.

It's the same as saying that dating sites prevent people from meeting other people. It's unreal.


Also, unless you make a long interview with the player that wishes to fill your group's slot, the chances that you group up with an idiot with or without a LFD tool are the same.


The bad players are there, the lazy players are there, either way.

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So because his majesty has weird playtimes, his majesty should have the right to reclaim a global LFD tool despite a lot of disagreeing opinions ... ?


Why don't you make like all the other night shifters and register on a GMT +1 server, to start with ?


And sorry ... but the metaphor of a fat guy not liking to be fat but refusing to do sport, it's exactly what people wanting to find a group in no time but not wanting to talk to others are.


Sounds like he wants a choice, why are you afraid of choice?

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The inclusion of an LFG tool allows both sides to play how they want to.

The exclusion of an LFG tool keeps the anti-LFG minority happy exclusively.


No, we won't have to restart the whole explanation of why, but inclusion of an LFG tool kills a part of the community. It is proven by experience and comparison, and if Bioware has not included a LFG tool for this exact reason, you can at least admit there's a part of truth.

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this is perfect and will not ruin the community in any way.


What community? I'd love to return to the communities of old, but reality is that guilds remain very insular. Most of my guildies have all chat except guild turned off, and even then most chat is on vent.


The problem for games these days is they make PVE/PVP servers when really ways should be thought of where certain types of players are grouped. For instance I play on tomb of freedo naad and a lot of PVP guilds from various games decided this would be the server we rolled on. A casual is going to suffer a lot on that server without being accepted into a good guild and LFG tool probably wouldn't help as much as a light PVE server where people have joined for low server Q's with no tie to RL friends or guilds where LFG toolis more useful and communities will always struggle to flourish.

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hmm well if your'e in an even half decent guild you should be grouping with them anyways and it should be easy to find a group through chat no matter what you are doing or where you are. all i can say at this point because you people refuse to listen and i'm getting tired and have work in the morning, i have played mmo's for over 12 years i have seen the difference in community from wow and rift compared to others it is a huge difference no matter what you think or what you want to force others to believe so the game can be easier for you LFG TOOLS RUIN THE COMMUNITY i have a lvl 17 and a 28 and i have many guildies and friends with 50's i have not heard one of them ever complain that finding groups in this game is hard or takes too long, so i said it before and i will say it again quit being so anti social and lazy and just find a group in chat.


wall of text


and how would a LFD prevent you from grouping up with your "half decent guild"


Whats wrong with options?

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So because his majesty has weird playtimes, his majesty should have the right to reclaim a global LFD tool despite a lot of disagreeing opinions ... ?


Why don't you make like all the other night shifters and register on a GMT +1 server, to start with ?

While I appreciate your attempts at worship, I definitely do not deserve the title you attempt to bestow upon me. I merely am offering the viewpoint of a not-so-rare casual gamer who happens to have weird hours. Even on days when I can get on at EST primetime (6-10) I still prefer using the LFG tool because of it's numerous benefits and almost zero drawbacks.

And sorry ... but the metaphor of a fat guy not liking to be fat but refusing to do sport, it's exactly what people wanting to find a group in no time but not wanting to talk to others are.


Its not at all like that because we are relating video game experiences (video games being a method to spend our free time, and meant for entertainment) to the real life responsibilities of maintaining ones health. A more reasonable scenario would be comparing

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Yes I did, but how I formed that group in the first place never had any influence on that.

There is a lie being spread in these LFD discussions that you need to waste a lot of time finding a group to be able to make e-friends.

People can make friends during the instance, it doesn't matter how you formed the group.

Also, you can find out in the middle of the instance that one of your group mates is a douche bag, and that can happen with LFD or without it.

You can have a smooth completion with LFD tool or without it, and meet great people either way.

This argument that LFD tool prevents socialization is a joke and absurd, dishonest and dumb.

It's the same as saying that dating sites prevent people from meeting other people. It's unreal.


Also, unless you make a long interview with the player that wishes to fill your group's slot, the chances that you group up with an idiot with or without a LFD tool are the same.


The bad players are there, the lazy players are there, either way.


Simple and rhetorical question: how do you actually relate to people (and ultimately befriend them), if nobody ever talks to anyone? Socialization / communication is key and killed by a fully automated LFD-tool.



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Sounds like he wants a choice, why are you afraid of choice?


So let's say there's four people on my server. Two like to use LFD, two like to spam LFG in chat.


See what I did there? It's called community segregation, and it's bad. Yes, LFD tool is easier to operate than actually clicking the who/LFG tab in community window, but it splits the community even further than it's already split. That's my problem with it, not the "community" part. And since we currently only have one option, everyone uses that. Yes, you could say I'm afraid of choice.

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