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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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When it came out i was going to get digital deluxe, i was depressed till i found out i can upgrade, then i got into a bad guild that leaves a sour taste to the game.


And im just not sure, maybe if they fix all the problems.

See you when your game is 3 years old.

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I like the game and think it has potential but I struggle to find the motivation to log in, i think there are a lot of little issues which annoy me rather than any single game breaking issue.


Rather than burn out and leave angry I will likely let my sub run out over the next three weeks and give it a bit of a break and check back a bit later when they have ironed out most of the issues and hopefully added some more non-repetitively/grindy content. The level aspect is a lot of fun, being at max level not so much for me.


When I picked a PvE server, it was not out of fear of being ganked, it was because I wanted a PvE experience, there is too much emphasis on PvP on PvE servers, other than duelling there should be no pvp on pve servers, those that want to PvP should grow a pair of balls and go on a PvP server. :p


I kinda feel the same way. I joined a pve server because it seemed like a pve game. I wanted to group with others to complete difficult world content or group for raids. However, perhaps I picked a bad server because people don't seem to want to do that.


That along with other issues like the textures will keep me away. Once the have server merges or the ability to transfer servers I might think about coming back.

Edited by Fomby
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Yes I will continue to subscribe. Happy to see that the vast majority will too. Just them trolls are quitting. Typical.


So because I want to actually play on a thriving server full of people without having to reroll and lose 2 lvl 50's one of which is battlemaster in mostly rakata from the pve side of things, that makes me a troll ? Bioware sort out the population problems they keep my sub and possibly others too idk.

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probably not.

I have 20 days left at the moment, and i have no want to login.


The game isn't original enough for me.

I have a juggernaught at level 50.

There is no point in me getting another toon to level 50 as i already know what to expect.

What i mean is, i've played wow for 4 years and its like levelling up another WoW character again.

Everything is too similar, and i hated WoW's endgame after a while and its exactly the same with TOR.

They wont change anything to make this game more unique, so whats the point..

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