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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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No. Star Wars IP not enough to keep me paying 15/month for a garbage running game. I've played many MMOs and yes they all had quirky bugs but that's where it ended. This game runs like an old Ford Model T.


Everyone who keeps saying 'they can optimize' let me tell you no they can't. This will cost a vast amount of time and money. Also it'll be a large download in the gigabyte range. Throw that out the window they're not going to do it. Also to optimize they have to know what and how to optimize. We still don't have high res textures . . . ya never going to happen.


They thought with enough story we'd overlook horrid programming and gameplay. Unfortunately they're sadly mistaken.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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IDK. I waited along time for this game. I love starwars. Korriban is awesome. The storylines are awesome...but.......I dont want to level another toon.


I am over time sink that is travel, the MOBs feel all the same. The linear pathways. expertise stats and pvp implementation in general. The repeatition of quests and dailies. the lack of an mmo environment.


Its still fun, I think. is it 15 buck a month fun? What is that like 200 a year ? No too bad, but is it worth it?


We shall see at the end of my 3 months.

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I will. I like this game and it is still fun for me. My server is full / heavy ( can get a wz pop in 3:50 in the morning with np ). They are working on fixes fast, and have presented some cool new ideas for the future. I'm currently leveling my 1st alt to 50. I already have 1 lvl 50 character.


I'm staying.

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More than likely, honestly the only real issue I have with this game is that it's Star Wars...


I love SW I really do... but when it comes to my MMOing I tend to lean towards the fantasy side of Sci-Fi Fantasy.


So to get my dorky elves and goblins fix I've been playing LOTRO as well since it's free :D

Edited by Radubadu
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meh every MMo takes time to develop and i think they are onto a good thing here ... sure some things need some work but well thats life . For those who have no patience ... best take your ball and play elsewhere. Edited by dupela
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I am as big of a star wars fanboy as it gets, so I'm eating this up. I could keep myself occupied leveling alts/profs/completing quests/pvp'ing and making money for months, and I would happily pay to do so.


But. I am one of the many experiencing the error code 9000 disconnect issues, which are incredibly frustrating. Last night doing my BH's end of act 1 quest I was 9000'd five different times.


Cant continue like this. I have just under two months of pre-paid time left, if the issue is still here when that is up I will be gone.

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Would people stop freaking making these threads?????? We have one, we only need one, lock please. Done and tired of "Do you think SWTOR will fail? YES/NO" "How do you like SWTOR in it's current state?" "Will you continue to subscribe?"... <- lol wow really? Seems that people create threads like these JUST to see all the QQs whine and trash the game. Stop. Please. Not even reading the comments here. Goodbye thread.
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Would people stop freaking making these threads?????? We have one, we only need one, lock please. Done and tired of "Do you think SWTOR will fail? YES/NO" "How do you like SWTOR in it's current state?" "Will you continue to subscribe?"... <- lol wow really? Seems that people create threads like these JUST to see all the QQs whine and trash the game. Stop. Please. Not even reading the comments here. Goodbye thread.


So why bother commenting/viewing them? You mad sis? lol

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So far it's fun, as long as it stays fun I'll stay subscribed. Got one character at 42 and planning on running three of them to fifty, so it'll be a while yet. I hope that they prioritize class quest content because that's what differentiates this game and what I love most about it.
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Yes, I'll keep playing. I think everyones expectations are that it should be finished and polished on launch, seen a lot of comments about how long it took to develop and how it should offer features from other MMO's straight away. But the reality is this, an MMO can't be ever called finished, look at WoW, EQ2 and all the others, they've been doing years worth of updates, WoW is still releasing patches balancing classes and tweaking bits and pieces.


At the moment I'm having fun, enjoying the class stories, earning a few credits and looking forward to the next year or so when we should have some amazing patches as BW add new things and polish up the game a bit. Don't stress guys, after all the time and cost involved in making the game I doubt they're just going to let it fall apart.

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Look at the beginning of this post. Youll see there are tons of "oooo I will keep playing this game, blah blah blah" comments.


Now look closer to the Mid and end of the thread. People are saying they are taking off.


As for me, I uninstalled this crap from my computer and I am moving on! Surge/Crit Nerf made me quit.

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Cry more whiners.


The only reason alot of people seem to cry about unsubing on the forums is cause they're not playing it in game. This game is awesome. If you hate it, why are you still here posting. Bye!


LOL, we don't hate it. We just want Bioware to make a playable game in all aspects. And stop ruining classes. Obviously, your a new MMO'er. I feel for you. We all have to start there at some point in our lives.

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Cry more whiners.


The only reason alot of people seem to cry about unsubing on the forums is cause they're not playing it in game. This game is awesome. If you hate it, why are you still here posting. Bye!


When you cancel, you still have days left till next billing cycle also giving you forum time. People are cancelling but leaving there views and reasons behind. So if you think alot of people are whining but still playing, now you know theyre really not. . .or until sub is up.

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LOL, we don't hate it. We just want Bioware to make a playable game in all aspects. And stop ruining classes. Obviously, your a new MMO'er. I feel for you. We all have to start there at some point in our lives.


I played WoW for 5 years on and off since vanilla with rank 12 in the orginial pvp system. Theres sooo many different aspects of this game i love compared to WoW. For example the crafting system.

Edited by Averran
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YES! The bugs this game has are minor. I've been in a game that was so buggy it was unplayable. That game was Vanguard. Thankfully, Vanguard has been cleaned up considerably and I still play it. I stuck with Vanguard and I will definitely stick with TOR.


Most of the whining I've seen is unnecessary theatrics from people who expected a perfect game due to unrealistic expectations and/or not enough foresight to upgrade the components in their cpu or buy a new one. Years of pre-release information gave all of us a good idea what this game was going to be like. Stop ripping Bioware.

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Cry more whiners.


The only reason alot of people seem to cry about unsubing on the forums is cause they're not playing it in game. This game is awesome. If you hate it, why are you still here posting. Bye!


And if you love this game so much why aren't you playing it? Why are you still here posting? Bye!

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Cancelled subscriptions here for the following reasons:


-My SO has had consistent graphics issues with this game since launch with no end in sight.


-Gameplay is not challenging at all. I had 5k CR at level 5 and it grew exponentially from there. I finished my first act at level 30 which shouldn't have been possible given the supposed difficulty of the quest. Engage me and make me work for something so I feel a sense of accomplishment.


-Auction house limits are WAY too strict. If I want to list 200, 1000, 2000 auctions a day, I should be able to do so without any interference from Bioware as long as I stay within the ToS. Playing the AH is my favorite in-game pastime so this was a HUGE downer for me.


-No macros/addon/combat log support. Seriously? You expect me, as a raid or guild leader, to bring 8 or 16 people into an Op without any way to judge who deserves to be there and who does not? I realize these things are now 'on the way' but it took you over a month to let us know that. This game should have NEVER launched without a combat log. Period.


-FFS don't babysit me. I pay my $15/month like everyone else and if *I* decide that I want to be 'elitist' by limiting my groups to capable people, or play the AH, I should be able to do so (again, as long as I stay within the ToS). The beauty of MMOs is that they are living, breathing entities with living, breathing groups, economies and personalities. Stop interfering.


-Your patches break more than they fix. And don't even get me started on the Action Bar fiasco.


-Your Customer Service is ATROCIOUS. I can't emphasize this enough and this issue alone is enough to make me cancel as I refuse to support a game that doesn't support it's customers.


-The disconnect and lack of communication between the SWTOR Community Team and the player base is even worse than the Customer Service. Your player base has been screaming for answers for over a month now and it seems that the Community Team will continue to stick their heads in the sand and hope we all go away. Well, apparently WE ARE.


-In your eagerness to avoid comparisons to WoW, you've forgotten that Blizzard has standardized some MMO expectations that you should NOT have avoided. It seems that your developers have done things simply for the sake of being different from WoW. Instead of an LFD feature that ports us to flashpoints automatically, you give us...what? SIX !@#$%^& loading screens to get through in order to get to a FP? Are you serious?


This game held so much promise. I suspect that if the Community Team had come out of their ivory tower from the very beginning and engaged the community, you wouldn't have the mass exodus that you are now facing. The majority of us knew we were headed into a barebones MMO that was just getting started...what we didn't count on was the complete lack of concern and communication from people who are EMPLOYED for the sole purpose of engaging the community and soliciting feedback.


You say you're listening, Bioware, but you severely underestimate the power of communication and owning up to the deficiencies in your launch of the biggest game title in 10 years.

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